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What up. I'm writing a story. I can't tell you what it’s about, but if you read it, you'll find out. I'll just type it directly on the page. If you wish, I'll put a link to a word version, with all the fancy images. Just email me. Also if you have any suggestions or correction, email me.

Chronicles of Isaan
Chapter 1
The Subacknoide
Isaan (point of view)

"Hurry up. Everyday you're late. Don't give me that. No. Yes. No. No. I do not care if your computer crashed. I don't care if your computer is monitoring the nano-robots. Just get to the ship." Beep. I closed the com-link and walked towards the closet. I put my twin "Martian style" blades in my belt. Shiiinnggg. I'm the last person in the Solar States that still used a sword. Well I guess I can get some McDonalds on my way to work.

"Hey John. How are you doing?", I asked. John entered and brought up his computer on the main screen. Brrrrrrrrrsssshhh. The ship powered, and lifted from the docking bay. As we left the Martian Orbit the screen flickered.

"Hello Isaan, John. We have urgent news. We can't speak now but you need to get here now." Briggs seemed more uptight than normal. Even more than when he found out I was moving to Mars.

We came into view of Earth. That beautiful orange orb. About fifty years ago in the year 2053, the government ordered all biological factories closed. Now all manufactured goods are created in Xiomagnetic factories. Unfortunately it was too late. The Earth was destroyed. Now a new system forces the pollution out towards space, but it will take another 200 years.


As we left the ship we were greeted by Briggs. The same jerk who forced him to move to Mars because of Isaan. The same jerk who thought that Isaan was the only important part of the program. Don't get me wrong, me and Isaan are great friends, but Mars! Really? "Hi Isaan," the jerk just stared at me. “How’d you sleep, good I hope. Inf. just reported some disturbing news. Apparently, a level one Subacknoide was discovered in sector 25-AT7."

Level one Subacknoide my butt. Those idiots at information don't know any thing. A level one has never been recorded. It is pure myth, theory. If there really was a portal to another world, then I can say good-bye to an early retirement. The group walked towards the briefing room, but I didn't believe.


Whoa. A level one, man the big guy up there must be getting bored. A portal to another world. Maybe it's made out of cheese! YAH! But anyway, who cares. So where’s that mess hall.


" Code Blue! Code Blue! We have a Nanoteller on deck. I repeat, we have a Nanoteller on deck." Briggs, he always seems so proud that he gets to say that everyday. Suck up. Even though I am technically the highest ranking human to have ever existed doesn't mean he has to make an ass out of himself. Well, okay, it is really funny.

" Sir, your bike is ready. We also have some more information on the anomaly. It appears to be located in sector five, near the old hippotyr factory. Also some neighboring people have claimed the they have been seeing strange creatures around the Subacknoide."

" Thank you private. Dismissed. Shall we go."

" Isaan, the bike won't work near the-." I cut John off, "I know, but I'm not walking 48 miles. Saddle up!"

* * *


I knew that something seemed strange. We came upon the Subacknoide and I saw the most horrifying thing, a Dragon! It couldn't be, there was no such thing. Though the locals said there were beasts. As always Isaan was unfazed by the enormous beast. Was I seeing things? Had I gone insane? No, I was the most technologically intelligent being in existence. I knew everything.

"This as close as I could get John, its another two mile hike, but I'm sure you can make it." I wanted to argue, but I knew my place. We had walked for a few minutes when we saw it. It was real. A level one. A smooth red glow radiating from an abyss of death."Lets go in." We walked into the darkness and I felt my body twist and bend, but I felt no pain. What was happening?

Suddenly there was light, and we were in an alley. But everything was stone. And looked ancient. We peaked our heads out and saw a busy street, full of people scurrying about. Some guards ran over to us, and everything went black

We awoke in a cell of stone. Everything looked like it was from miedevel times, but something was strange about them. It's almost as if we're not on Earth " Sir, what do we do now? Where are we? I don't know what to do. I don't even think we're in the sa- "

" Shut up you blabbering idiot. " He stood up and noticed his blades and guns where gone " Damn it! John th- "


" Come on you stupid treators. " A guard walked over and unlocked our cell. He escorted us through miles of corridors and wonderous halls. He stopped in front of a great door. It was encrested with jewels, Gold and other expensive items. " Go into there The king is waiting for you. "

" Wait who's the King? " The man seemed surprised at the question. He just stood there and answered, " Wow, you must be insane then. Hmmm, well if you don't know, its Rangavar " We walked into the great room and was shocked.

Chapter 2