The Daily Times

Ex-Archbishop Rummel High School teacher leaves teaching to become Drag-Queen

This jolly old fellow is anything but a jolly old fellow. Mr. Thomas J. Lapre is the man who has been known for the torture of young gentlemen who attended the fine and luxurious school Archbishop Rummel High School. This teacher was known for his crudeness and his "not-a-care-in-the-world-about-you" attitude. All he cared about was himself and failing young students. Well, after his contract was revoked for a 10th year, he left Archbishop Rummel and said he was going to Jesuit High School (home of the gays), but our undercover reported. Sgt. John Cletus Andry III and his personal assistant Pvt. Bryan M. Dupuy. 

Mr. Thomas J. Lapre was found at the gay owned and operated restaurant in the historic New Orleans French Quarter, Lucky Changs where he poses as a 60 year old woman, in drag. We do not think that Mr. Thomas Lapre has had the surgery, that is the surgery upon which he goes from a Man (which we don't believe he was to begin with) to a Woman. Now, Mr. Lapre does have two daughters, who we believe are also drag queens. Their names: Gwendolyn and Madeline, but their real names are Bobby and Timmy. 

The reason for this report is that he has been doing prostitution, which is not part of what Lucky Chang does, they are just a restaurant, he has taken the drag scene way to far, to a new level, a level of fucking men because, he is as you know, already gay. The feds are offering a bounty on his head at 50,000 dollars, about how much he made teaching over a 10 year period.

His home at 3333 Castle Drive in Kenner Louisiana was seized. And what was found disgusted all of the feds. Leather whips, leather thongs, child pornography, blow up cows, several cucumbers (believe to be used as dildos and not for pickling) and the worst of them all, a life size model of Madonna and her entire line of music and dildo collection.

Today, we sadly informd his ex-wife Sherri of the bad news that her ex-husband was gay and is now a woman. "I always knew it, i mean i would always come home early and there he would be...jumping and hoping around in my mink stole and 9 inch high-heels."

The worst part of this story, his two "daughters" were found today posing as boys (as we had suspected!) working on Airline Highway holding signs saying "save the rainbow in our city!" This truly is a sick person.

Rummel Faculty member Ms. Mary F. Smith commented on by saying "He always asked me where i bought my clothes, and of course my gin soaked ass always told him Gucci, SAKS, and Victoria's Secret. And everytime i mentioned that i was going to get a new Victoria's Secret thong, he yelled in happiness and began to read Romeo and Juliet, or as he called it Romeo and Thomas".

Our undercover reporter Mr. John C. Andry has snapped a photo of him in his regular body, and in the body of his drag.




The Real Mr. Thomas Lapre          and         The Drag Ms. Thomas Lapre