i  n  t  e  r  e  s  t  s      p  a  s  t  .  .  .
          s  p  e  a  k  e  r      b  u  i  l  d  i  n  g     

Believe it or not, I wasn't alone! There's a small but passionate hobbyist contingent out there building their own stereo loudspeakers... There even used to be a magazine catering to us, Speaker Builder Magazinewhich of course I subscribed to.

Building speakers was definitely my biggest interest at one point... In fact, I seriously considered beginning my own business designing, developing and manufacturing stereo loudspeakers.

It really appealed to me how one endeavor encompassed a variety of rewarding disciplines... To wit:

This unfortunately is the only picture of my flagship project. That big speaker is half of the stereo pair I built with twin 15" woofers, 6" midranges, & horn tweeters.
(The small square is actually a Funky Winkerbean comic strip panel with the bandleader saying "Great music should always be played loud!")

bullet Electrical (circuits, filters, crossovers, resistors & capacitors, etc.)
bullet Acoustical (theory/behavior of sound waves, standing waves, sound cancellation, audible frequencies, etc.)
bullet Enclosure Technology (closed/vented box, transmission line, folded horn, etc.)
bullet Driver Technology (resonance, sensitivity, "Q", frequency response, voice-coil technologies, etc.)
bullet Industrial Design & Functional Design integrated together
bullet Woodworking & Finishing (although perhaps my least-favorite; notice that my biggest speakers ever [photo above] went unfinished)
bullet Stereo 'Magic' (soundstage, imaging)

   Coming next: some pictures of speakers
   I've built as well as some radical designs
   in the works...

a great book which
  I "graduated" to after
  beginning with David Weem's
book as a primer.


     Misc. Links

   Speaker Builder Back Issues

   A "Recovering" Speaker Builder




 Building speakersand especially the evaluation thereof
      led also
to the "audiophile years."  More to come about that,
      soon, on an additional page...

The Absolute Sound



( m o r e    t o    c o m e )




