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With the world's actual energy sources; gas, petrol, oil, coal, etc. suffering over production, high costs, and international friction, it is high time the world seriously looked to alternative energies, more especially the renewable or replaceable ones. We also need to think of the importance of them not contaminating, keeping the air, water and land clean

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May 2007
Woods or monocultives, biodiversity or dehydratatión, fuels or food

The replacement of woods in countries of south America for monocultivations of fase growing trees Duch as eucaliptos or pines, or for the “fuel-plants-” such as soy bean, maize, cane sugar and so many others, known as “ green cancer” in South Africa is converting our most fertil lands and biodiversity into deserts, and several million country folk and aborigenes into unwanted nomads, with serious problems of wellbeing, food, and uprooting among other things. Forestal monocultivation is hiding an envioronmental prejudice bigger than the paper paste production plants they were planted for

In 1987 a forestal law was passed in Uruguay whose object was the promotion of large scale plantationes of these trees. In 2005, the country had 800.000 hectáres planted, for the most part, eucaliptos. In the case of Argentina, the eucaliptos plantations have been concentrated in the provinces de Corrientes y Entre Ríos, reaching in the year 2005, the none too despisable figure of 220.000 ha between them.

The province of Misiones is described as the “main forestal province of the country”. Originally, the province had 2.7 millon hectares of tropical jungle, but at present it is estimated at 1.2 millones. More than 350 000 ha. Have been replazed by pines and another so many by fuel-plants. From the agrotoxines and the contamination, in Misiones, 5 out of every 1000 children are born with deformationes.

Monocultures, besides contaminating are also dehydrating the land. The hieght of the eucalipto trunk is igual to the length of its roots, It grows very fase as it has long roots cazable of extracting large quantities of water from the ground and the underground water levels. The rural producers are already noting serious problems for getting the water they need for their crops.

In the case of fuel-plants, the subject is even more serious, especially from the point of view of promotion that has been put out in its favour. As in a false environmental make-up, the use of agrofuels as an ecological alternative to hydrocarburates.

All the studies show that the development of agrofuels does not even have a favourable energetic relationship, as for example, to produce one kilocalory of Maite fuel, you need 1,3 kilocalories of petrol. If we add to this the emisions produced by deforestation, the contamination produced by the agrotóxines and the erosion of the ground, the balance is even clearer.

Not even up to here can it really be discussed. The truth is that they are doping to convert food into fuel, and in a world with more than 1.500 nillion hungry people, this is pointing at being the biggest immoral proposal in the history of humanity.

So we either feed the people or we feed our cars

How so-called eco-friendly Fuels can wipe out, - among others- the Orang-utan.

In the heart of Borneo, the home of the orang-utan, it seems that nature is untamed and indestructable. It is all too easy to forget that it is oin fact as fragile as a butterfly’s wing, since now it is claimed that by the beginning of the 2020, the great rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra will have vanished, taking with it the home of the orang-utan, whose numbers have already halved in the last couple of decades.

The massive growth of palm oil plantations seem to be the cause of this devastation. This now lies at the heart of one of the biggest environmental controversies. For what makes this a double tragedy, is that one of the principal reasons that palm oil has become such a sought after commodity is its growing use as an alternative environmentally friendly fuel source and help reduce global warming.

Palm oil is obtained from the fruit of the African Oil Palm and has been used in west African cooking for centuries, and later as an industrial lubricant as well as being used in soaps.

In the past 15 years, global production of palm oil has trebled. For many this is a good thing as it provides a valuable income for what are poor parts of the world. And it is healthy too, rich in antioxidants. Aside from its culinary and industrial uses, palm oil also forms the raw material necessary to produced a plant derived fuel, - biodeisel.

In Borneo, the rain forest is being cleared to make place for palms to produce the oil and 80% of Indonesian Jungle clearance is carried out illegally. The forest is like a double seam of gold; first the valuable hard wood fior which there is a massive market. Secondly the land is cleared for palm oil growth which means there is no hope for the forest species.

The ironic part is that bio fuels may actually produce as much or more carbon dioxide as the fossil fuels do!

Sent in as anewspaper cutting from our coorespondent Sylvia, in UK

Tidal Power Project

Electrical entrepreneurs may soon harness the power of the ocean. Canada’s first free- stream tidal-power project will launch in 2006, generating environmentally friendly electricity at Race Rocks reserve off southern Vancouver Island.

A turbine with 3.5 metre blades will be anchored underwater to capture the power of tidal currents running past the rocks twicwe a day. The seven-knot current should generate 80,000 to 100,000 kilowatt hours per year – thats enough to power 8 typical B.C. homes.

Collaborating on the demonstration project, are Clean Current, which is designing and patenting the generating system, and En Cana, an independent gas company investing in the new technology.

The clean, renewable tidal energy will replace two deisel generators on Race Rock that currently powers the reserve’s quarters and a marine education centre with its science laboratory, underwater tanks, computers and underwater cameras. This will be the first sustained field testing of the technology in a harsh marine environment, and could foster more tidal power projects around the world.

Race Rocks Ecological Reserve for more information.
Source: Britsh Columbia Magazine –spring 2006, Canada

Feb 2006
A New Form Of Energy From The Sea

Waves will Move Everything

Clean and cheap, that will be the energy generated by waves. The idea isn't new, but the commercial exploitation on a large scale is. Just when the world is going through its worst energy crisis, the Australians have managed to get maximum benefit from the vertical force of the waves in the Pacific. To do this they have built a new commercial plant of sea energy.

Anchored in Port Kembla, to the south of Sydney, on the coast of New South Wales, the platform converts the energy carried by waves into elecrical energy. When a wave passes under it, it enters a tube and compresses the air contained in an interior camara, which in turn moves a turbine. The novelty of this turbine is that it is adapted to generate electrical energy with the reverse movement also, so that the decsending wave movement, o n returning to the sea, creates a vacuum which allows the return of air

The system also has an apparatus that regulates the frequency and height of each wave and thus, the velocity of the turbine. Once put into action, this project will solve the energy needs for 500 famillies, and will also provide energy to a desalter, which will provide 2000 liters of drinkable water a day.

Taken from "Muy Interesante" February 2006 edition

Here is a site that is looking for creative ideas on a variety of possible alternatives for energy production

This one shows how the earth's inner heat could be used, as well as explaining the use of wind energy

Click on image to see bigger version

Wind Power in Spain
On my visit to Spain, I was impressed by the number of wind turbines we saw frequently across the hills and ridges of the Spanish landscape
PIC here Spain's Wind Power Industry on a Roll
The Spanish wind power industry is on a roll. From just over 200 MW in 1997, the Spanish market has been steadily growing at annual rates of more than 30 percent. Last year Spain reached a record level of 2,065 MW installed, a 33 percent increase on 2003, taking the total to 8,263 MW.
Wind energy in Spain has now entered a dynamic phase where the serious challenges that arise when wind energy becomes one of the main energy supply technologies need to be met. Current policy direction signals how an intermittent power source can be integrated into the electricity market in significant quantities. Predictability is the key to address intermittency at large penetration levels.
To move towards 15 percent of the country's power from wind energy will require a strategic grid framework. According to EWEA, this is currently being developed in partnership with the transmission operators, utilities, wind players and regional governments.
Spain, the world's number one wind market", said Millais. "The political drivers in Spain have largely been about economic development especially in the regions, creating jobs, competing in world markets, all against a background of surging energy demand, an increasing proportion of expensive energy imports, and recently a challenging Kyoto target. On all these points, wind is a winning choice".
More than 500 companies are now involved in the Spanish wind energy sector, with about 150 factories manufacturing turbines and their components across the Spanish regions. Including those indirectly employed in supplying components and services, the total number of jobs supported by Spain's wind industry has reached more than 30,000. This is estimated to double to 60,000 by 2010 on reaching the new target.
The generation of wind energy has reduced the import of fossil fuels, bringing asaving of more than 728 millon Euros in recent times and has supplied a saving to the Spanish economy of 14.7 tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in 2005 alone, which results in a saving of 294 m Euros at arate of 20 euros per ton of CO2
More Information

Aug 2005
Up to 40 vegetable compete as a substitute for petrols
Yakarta. Indonesia

The energy crisis en Indonesia has heated up the idea of cars movilized by palm oil, fat and up to 40 vegetables that scientists are investigating as substitutes fuels for petrol. Power cuts are surprising in a member country of Petrol Exporting Organization, where a liter of petrol costs 25 cents of a dollar, thanks to state subventions.

Nevertheless, petrol reserves of the country could end in 10 years at the actual rate of development if more reserves are not found, and in later years Indonesia has become more an importer of this fossil fuel than an exporter.

The unstoppable price rise of “black gold” has renewed the interest in biofuels which are already used in 5% of vehicles in Germany.. produced from vegetable oils, biodiesel is presented as a double advantage of being renewable and being ecological. Vehicles that use biodiesel let out much lower quantities of carbon dioxide and would improve air quality. Also biodiesel does not requiere modifications in actual vehicle motors and can be distributed in the same way as fossil fuels.

Source: "La Capital" Newspaper, Sunday 21st August

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