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A friend Of Mine Sent These Poems To Me When I Lost Hammy

He Said To Feel Free To Share Them

So This Is Exactly What I Am Doing

Hopefully They Will Help You As Much As They Helped Me

Thank You Wizard For Sending Me Your Poems


I had to make a very hard choice today,

I had to help my baby on his way.

To the Bridge of Rainbows land of peace,

To a place where pain and suffering cease.

It was very hard for me to let you go,

But there was only love for you in my heart you know.

If there had been a way to turn back time,

I would have replayed forever memories of a happier time.

I would have kept you here for another day,

But not in pain, there was no way.

Even though I loved you to the depths of my soul,

I had to find that special love to let you go.

Copyright ©2002 by wizardwolf


Softly the creep through time and space

To give us a glimpse of our Creator's grace.

With eyes gleaming and tails held high,

They know unconditional love is nigh.

Into the hardest heart they creep.

Sowing seeds of Love that grow so deep.

And anyone can tell you it's well known,

They can even soften hearts of stone.

Then they must leave us and go away,

Perhaps to brighten someone else's day.

And when it comes our time to quit the race,

They are the first to welcome us to that special place.

Copyright ©2002 by wizardwolf

E - WizardWolf