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We all come here in grief,

Mourning lives that were too brief,

Many of us thought we were brave and strong,

Only to discover we were wrong.

I am a man they say, and not supposed to cry,

But I can't help it, no matter how hard I try.

I have lost a friend, a companion, and mate of my soul,

And for the life of me, I just don't feel whole.

So to mine ownself I must be true,

And do what my spirit leads me to do.

If it means that rivers of tears run down my face,

Then let them heal me and my sorrow erase.

Copyright ©2002 by wizardwolf


When suddenly your sunny skies turn grey,

And you wish someone would send a smile your way.

Think of me.

When despair and discouragement surround you above and below,

And you're looking around for that fabled rainbow,

Think of me.

When the joy of life bubbles through you like liquid sunshine,

Take a precious moment of that time to

Think of me.

At day's end when you're saying your prayers,

Giving your thanks to the Man upstairs,

Think of me.

Copyright ©2002 by wizardwolf

E- WizardWolf