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Hello! And welcome to the home of The Memory Book.

What is The Memory Book, you may ask? Well, if you're here in the first place, you probably know what it is, LOL.

The Memory Book began as a regular, green, spiral-bound notebook, and was eventually transferred into a marble composition book. This year, the book is a blue composition book and is soon to be yet another marble one. They are only written in in black ink. Oh, but there is so much more to The Memory Book than paper and ink.

The Memory Book contains good times, "famous" quotations (you're welcome, Mrs. Newman), funny moments, touching displays and undying friendship. Every memory has been written in with love and sealed with laughter and is kept in my heart. Every person, every good time.

I hope a book of lined paper and a black pen can be as good to you as they have been to me.



Last updated: 7/20/03, 5:19 p.m. CST.

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