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Nokkrar setningar sem meðlimir Guns n´ Roses hafa sagt í gegnum tíðina, þetta er einnig á ensku.



"When we started we wanted to be the coolest, sexiest, meanest, nastiest, loudest, funnest band. There was a group of consiousness of rape, pillage,search and destroy!" Axl

"My favourite cartoon characters are Metallica and Slash". Axl

(I pretty much follow my own internal clock, and I perform better later at night. Nothing seems to work out for me until later at night. And it's our show. I don't want to make people sit around and wait... it drives me nuts. That hour-and-a-half or two-hour time period that I'm late onstage is living hell, because I'm wishing there was any way on earth I could get out where I am and knowing I'm not going to be able to make it. I'm late to everything). "I've always wanted to have it written in my will that when I die, the coffin shows up a half-hour late and says on the side, like in gold, - 'SORRY I'M LATE' ". W.Axl Rose (1992)

"Generally, if I'm late I'm suicidal"... Axl (Júní 1992)

"I guess I like who I am now. I'd just like to have a little more internal peace. I'm sure everybody would". Axl (Apríl 1992)

"Well, as you can see, being a fucking psycho basket-case as me has it's advantages". Axl (Október 1991)

"They (the fans) don't like when I let them know they don't own me. Sometimes I don't even own myself". Axl (Apríl 1992)

"This tour, I just hope I don't die". Axl (Júní 1992)

"Wake up... time to die!" W.Axl Rose

"At times I enjoy writing and at others times I just hate it because it's definately having to go back and experience some pain and express what you really feel." W.Axl Rose

"We know we're always going to be at odds with people on something. A lot of people are afraid to be that way and we're not." W.Axl Rose

"In a world he did not create, he will go through it as if it were his own. Making: half man, half beast, I don't know what it is but it's weird and it's pissed off and calls itself Slash." W.Axl Rose

"All of suden I'm diagnosed a maniac -depressive...'Let's put Axl on medication'. Well, the medication doesn't help me deal with the stress, the only thing it does is keep people off my back." W.Axl Rose

"Aerosmith are a tradition that I grew up with. They were the only band that the people who lived in my city in Indiana would accept wearing make-up and dressed cool." W.Axl Rose

"I always believed that the truth about what is going on in Guns N' Roses lives in just as exciting and just as dangerous, heavy and real as people thought the hype scene to be." W.Axl Rose

"People talk about how wrong it was doing drugs. Maybe they were the only tools could find then..." W.Axl Rose

"I personally love our songs. The bottome line is, if this were all to finish tomorrow, then at least I've got 'em on tape. I'm not writing this for you, I'm not for anybody who listens to it. I'm doing it for me." W.Axl Rose

"We like to express our frustrations with life through our music. Instead of getting into a fight we put it into our music. That's why I like to play as much as possible, because it keeps us much calmer and we can deal with people better that way." W.Axl Rose

"We're not the easist people to work with and we've basicly got this 'screw you' atittude that gives a lot of people cause to worry. But we do know our limits. We stop if we think that we're doing is going to screw up our music." W.Axl Rose


"We ain't dead yet" Slash (1996)

"In all honesty, I think Guns N' Roses will be one of those bands that will be around forever!" -Slash

"We're the kind of band we liked when we were kids, definitely a people's band" -Slash

"A bottle (of Jack Daniel's) a day for five years, that's what I was doing... you have really bad breath in the morning - you know, you can't have sex in the morning till you've brushed your teeth, which is a real ******* drag". Slash

"It was success that screwed us up". Slash

"Axl is just an other version of Ayatollah". Slash

"...It's not so much how good a player you are, it's how cool you are". Slash (1989)

"I don't think it (his guitar) is a phallic symbol. I don't think it is a symbol for anything. Basically, as far as what I use it for it's just something to hide behind, because I'm quite shy". Slash (1988)

"I've got my fucking bag full of clothes and that's everything, right? And I've got my cooler. I've got my booze in there and that's all I fucking need". Slash (Ágúst 1991)

"The biggest fights are between me and Axl. But that's also what makes it happen". Slash (Júlí 1991)

"Me n' Axl are so unalike that we attract each other". Slash (1991)

"I don't do cocaine anymore. Well, only occasionally". Slash (1992)

"I wrote some cool shit when I was high". Slash (1991)

"Rock 'n' Roll is, like,get laid and fucking go out and... well, y'know"... Slash (Ágúst 1991)

"Axl, lyrically, is brilliant in my eyes. Some shit that goes through his head is like, WHOA!" Duff

"In LA it's real hard to find a wife" Duff (1992)

"A lot of money would be like instant suicide. I'm scared of the responsibility of having a lot of money". Duff (1988)

"I must say that Axl has fucking balls" Duff (1990)

"In a lot of ways Axl's the most normal guy in the band". Duff

"We're not like God or anything"... Duff (1990)

"We are not the Berlin Wall coming down. We are not Communism falling. We are not fucking civil war in Yugoslavia. We are not the Gulf war. We are just a fucking rock 'n' roll band". Duff (Júlí 1991)

"I'd just like to say that I have a personal disgust for small dogs, like poodles. I have some serious physical problems with them. Everything about them means I must kill them. I must!" Duff (1989)

"If Axl was the nicest, quiestest guy in the world he'd never sell any records".

Gilby Clarke (1992)

Every night is a ******* party, man. Chicks, beer, you name it. Take any chick you want, man. It's like being in a candy store. Matt Sorum


Izzy Stradlin'

"Axl isn't really 24, he's a million years old... he's seen everything". Izzy (1986)

"We love to take care of women - we love to treat them great... but right now we don't have any money so we treat them like shit". Izzy Stradlin' (1986)

"We didn't have any money, but we had a lot of hangers on and girls we could bassically live off. Things were just too easy". Izzy (1987)

"We don't care if people think we have a bad attitude". Izzy (1989)

"We had to eat shit to get were we are". Izzy (1986)

"We didn't go out and look for a record contract. It came to us. We signed with Geffen because they were the coolest company". Izzy (1987)


Steve Adler  

"Loud is a way of life". S. Adler (1987)

"The image is a nonimage". Adler (1987)

"I was born a poor black child". S. Adler (1989)

"I just want to keep playing forever. I love playing, ya can't beat it. Out of all the crappy jobs I've had in my life, I appreciate it very much". S.Adler (1988)



Nokkrar setningar sem aðrir hafa látið falla um Guns n´ Roses

Uh, nice record..."
Clint Eastwood, 1990 um Appetite For Destruction

"In A lot of ways they remind me of the way we were when we were just starting out. They have the choice of how they want to do things though, and there's enough people around for them not to fuck up."
Steven Tyler, Aerosmith, September 1991

"What do I think of Guns N' Roses chances of surviving? Hey, it's not my gig to weigh up other people's chances of living or dying, baby... that's what people do to me. I used to be Number One on the list of the next guy to turn into a zero, so I wouldn't dream of doing it to them. I ain't gonna judge 'em... I wish 'em all the luck in the world. They're good guys. What can I tell you? I really feel for those guys right now 'cos it ain't the Baby Doll Lounge they're playing anymore. Where they're dealing from, it's like Jaws out there every night."
Keith Richards, Rolling Stones, Október 1991

"A part of me is really pulling for those guys to come through because, Goddammit, right now rock n' roll desperately needs at least one resonably young, genuinely charismatic band with real talent, a real sense of what's going on around them and how to express it right, real guts... and who look good. A band who can move the reality of rock n' roll away from this MTV-era obsessed with ritualised, coified bullshit and bring it back home and make it genuinely exciting again."
Iggy Pop, Október 1991

"To be honest I can understand exactly what Guns N' Roses are doing. They just do what they want to do and they don't give a shit about what the rest of the world thinks. That's the kind of rock n' roll band I understand."
Angry Anderson, Rose Tattoo, 1989

"Touring with Guns N' Roses is like touring with Michael Jackson... although I think I've seen Michael Jackson more times on this tour than I have Axl."
Bill Gould, Faith No More, Júní 1992

"I'm getting more and more confused about who's in Guns N' Roses and it's blowing my mind. There's Dizzy and Iggy and Lizzy and Tizzy and Gilby and Giddy... shit man, onstage now there's a horn section, two chick back-up singers, two keyboard players, an airplane pilot, a basketball coach, a coupla car mechanics..."
Roddy Bottum, Faith No More, Júní 1992

ER þér sama hvort það verði önnur GUNS N´ ROSES PLATA ?
Árið 1995 spurði Rokktímaritið, Metal Hammer, hinar ýmsu rokkstjörnur hvort önnur plata frá Gunnerunum mundi rokka heiminn á ný. Svörin eru á ensku.

"My curiosity if strong enough that I would be interested to see what kind of record they would turn out. It's probably been four years or so since they wrote the songs for the last record and I think it would be interesting to see how the current trends in music and writing has affected them. It's not that big a deal to me but I would be interested." Keith Caputo, Life Of Agony

"What a silly question! Of course I want to hear another Guns N' Roses album! Especially with all the crap floating over the airwaves these days! Axl is one of the best singers around, and Slash and Duff rip as well! I hope they hurry up!"
Sebastian Bach, Skid Row

"I have never been a Guns N' Roses fan, so I personally don't care if there is not another Guns N' Roses record. However, I do have some close friends that are Guns fans, who I am sure looking forward to one, so I hope there is, in fact, another Guns N' Roses record solely on their behalf."
Pete Steele, Type O Negative

"I just hope that the do, because they're an incredible band and I know they'll make another awesome record"
Simon Wright, UFO

"I would be deeply shellshocked at the thought of there not being another Guns N' Roses album. I would imagine that immediate psychiatric treatment would be required at even the thought of not hearing another LP from Slash and company. However, really I couldn't give a monkey's ass. Could anyone?"
Nick Holmes, Paradise Lost

"I hope they don't release another album, but more importantly I hope Axl Rose doesn't die and get made a hero. They'll probably turn out like Bon Jovi - always there to annoy people."
Max Calavera, Sepultura

"Not really, because I won't be buying it! I don't really like their music very much but I guess they're alright. As long as they're not hip hop, that's okay."
Daniel Johns, Silverchair

"Only in the sence that it'd hopefully be a big rock fuck-off to all tedious and tiresome 'alternative' nonsense that's taking over. At least you can laugh at the band members kicking big fucking lumps out of each other. Whether they can still capture people's attention though - after Slash's exterior endeavours went down like a cup of cold sick - is anybody's guess! I can't say I'd lose any sleep over being deprived of their music, or Axl's wailing, for that matter."
Barney, Napalm Death

"Not if it's like the last two albums - 12-minute songs get quite boring after one listen. And after watching their three-hour special in Tokyo, I became convinced that they were the worst!"
Robb Flynn, Machine Head

"I love Guns N' Roses. There should be a hundred more albums! Are they looking for a new singer?"
Kory Clarke, Warrior Soul


"Well, Slash is reliable enough and I'm sure he'll manage to get them all together to do it, even if it's just for the money. I just wonder what it will be like. All the stuff they've all been doing separately will probably have had its effect, and I suspect there'll be more ballads too."
Joey Belladona

"I couldn't give a fuck! I loved 'Appetite for Destruction', it was amazing, but they should have let it lie after that."
Andy Cairns, Therapy?

"Not really. It wouldn't affect my life one way or the other."
Vince Neil