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Welcome to Nathan's Page

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This is my youngest brother in the Jacobson Family. Nathan likes to various activities and enjoys having family and friends over to his new condo. He drives a 2003 Eddie Bauer Series Ford Expidition. He is the sound man for his church that he attends and actively participates in the youth group called the Blend. Nathan lives and works in Denver. I enjoy spending time with my brother Nathan becuase he is a really fun person to hang around with and when he comes to Colorado Springs he and I go out and do lots of fun stuff together.

Nathan's Hobbies

My brother Nathan is a very active and fun person, he enjoys doing a lot of activies and is always on the move. One of his favorite pastimes is DJ'ing, which is accomplished by using 2 turntables and a mixer that can blend the two songs together, this gives him the ability to keep the music going without any pauses or breaks in the music. Nathan also enjoys going out dancing and hanging out with friends. One of his favorite clubs to go to is The Church.