mech assault 2
battle armor
first is the BattleArmor and its jacking capabilities, but it can do much more. It can climb buildings with its powerful claw, and it comes equipped with a mortar cannon that requires some skill to use effectively. However, it packs a serious, area-affect punch. |
The VTOL drives like nothing else in the game. It'll take some practice, but it can transport up to two BattleArmors into the thick of a fight or into the enemy's base. It also can collect and drop salvage to needy teammates in multiplayer. The tanks can operate in tighter quarters than mechs, and MechAssault 2 provides plenty of interesting opportunities for players to show off their cooperative techniques and hit-and-run tactics. |
new 'mechs
We have released information on the Raptor, with it's all new flamethrower. This weapon is devastating up close. Trust me. Keep this speedster at a distance, if you can. Other mechs and vehicles will be discussed in the near future also old favorites have come back badder than ever such as this madcat |