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An Elizabeth Jarosz sighting

One of my favorite candidates on The Apprentice was Ms. Elizabeth Jarosz. Oh, she didn't acquit herself on the show very well, and she didn't get much respect from her teammates. She is a highly accomplished individual with an extremely impressive business record though, and she comported herself quite well afterwards. I loved listening to her on her Fishbowl interviews on the 'net, and I really appreciated her insights into the shows.

She's also quite pretty. I think that Kendra Todd was the most appealing of all the female apprentice wannabes, due to her intelligence and basic good looks. Elizabeth was undoubtly one of the most attractive women on the show though, and as far as I'm concerned, she blows Erin "I'm a former beauty queen" Elmore away.

She's also athletic and keeps herself in good shape. She looked positively glamorous in this TV ad that she did for Bally Total Fitness, a one-time sponsor of The Apprentice.

Elizabeth counts some theatrical work among her many credits. I was pleasantly surprised to find that she starred in this indie film, Mind Games. The flick itself didn't make a big splash, and it received very poor reviews on the 'net. It wasn't really a great vehicle for her. (As an aside, she didn't look like the glamorous self that she projected in other media appearances... not that it really matters as far as the movie goes.)

In any event, it was just nice to see her, one of my favorite stars on The Apprentice.

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