To contact the owner of Emilio the 1984 Honda Accord LX 4-Door with over 300,000 miles on its original engine, please either:
Telephone: (619)670-6365 (you'll get "Popeye" on the answering machine -- leave a message and your callback number)E-mail: (remove the XXX's before sending your message)
Write: Steve Terry, 2737 Via Orange Way #100, Spring Valley CA 91978-1750
Steve would like to hear from you if you are interested in:
(1) Buying Emilio for a large sum of money. (Please NO, I love my car!)or(2) Paying to have Emilio repaired and hiring him and Steve to do advertising. (Okay, we'll DO IT!)Serious offers only, please! Well... okay, on second thought, non-serious offers are welcome, too. Call, write or e-mail! Serious offers are preferred, however.
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