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The Sea of Souls. (An introduction for new Illuminati)

        The Warp is not just a dimension through which spacecraft can travel. The Warp is a realm of psychic energy that reflects our own universe. The psychic nature of the Warp explains how Navigators can use their powers to navigate it. It also explains such phenomenon as some psyker’s ability to know that a ship is due to arrive before it has emerged from Warp space. Time flows differently in the Warp, and sometime appears to flow backwards or at right angles to time in Realspace. This is believed to explain certain psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, retrocognition and prophecy.

         Every plant or animal in the universe has an influence on the Warp, but most potent are the minds of intelligent beings. Their thoughts and emotions have shaped the Warp and the Warp itself can be regarded as the collective mind of the universe. The strongest of thoughts or emotions create disturbances within the Warp. The Warp moves in endlessly unpredictable and convoluted patterns, its energies subject to endless and constant turmoil movement, currents, and undertows. Little surprise, perhaps, that the Warp is often spoken of as the “Realm of Chaos”, or simply “Chaos”.

         All living things have a presence in the Warp, although the majority are never aware of this. Just as their bodies occupy the material universe so their souls exist somewhere in Warpspace. For this reason the Warp is often called the Sea of Souls. This sea contains the shadow-selves of both the living and the dead. The soul itself is not aware: it is simply a coherent lump of Warp energy maintained whole by its anchor to the material body. Psykers use the connection between soul and body to draw energy from the Warp, allowing them to do things others cannot.

         When the material body dies the soul drifts free, and its fate will vary. Some souls remain unchanged once disconnected from their material body. Other souls connect to a new body and are reincarnated. Some souls fall prey to creatures that live in the Warp. Many free souls lose most their energy but retain their strongest and most distinctive traits. Such diminished souls are often referred to as Shades, since they are pale shadows of their former existence. Shades tend to congregate with those of similar nature.

         The strongest thoughts and emotions of the living create disturbances in the Warp and these attract Shades with similar traits or character. These form whirlpools of energy in the Warp, sharing common residual beliefs or emotions. Similar thoughts and emotions of the still living coalesce on such disturbances. Often such collections exist for only a limited time in the Warp. Most disperse, lose energy or are consumed. Four such congregations, built around some of the most common and strongest of mental energies continued to grow, collecting uncountable numbers of shades to their mass.

         Eventually the four largest of these congregations achieved coherent consciousness and will, formed from the collected emotions and beliefs of the souls that had formed them. The self-aware entities that were created are known to Man as the Chaos Gods. Khorne was formed from anger and aggression. Slaanesh from lust, greed, selfishness, self-gratification and indulgence. Nurgle was formed from decay and Tzeentch from intrigue and treachery.

         Such became the power of the Chaos gods that they can also attract suitable souls from the living. Some individuals will deliberately pledge their souls to a power. The power of a Chaos god is directly related to the number of souls which make up its presence in the Warp so the gods are eager to increase their influence over the living in our universe. They are sustained by the emotions and souls of the material universe and are completely dependent on the emotions of mortal creatures for their power and continued existence.

         It is widely believed in the Imperium that the God-Emperor exists both as a man on the Golden Throne and as a God in Warpspace. A common belief is that the souls of those who have served him faithfully will fuse with his Warp presence to become as one with him.

         These five gods are not the only collections of souls in the Warp, but they are the only ones that seem to have achieved permanent consciousness. Some lesser powers seem to be slumbering, decaying or not yet fully formed.

         One of the most significant of these is the largest collection of Orkoid souls. While this entity is only partially aware it has sufficient strength to protect Orks from most of the influence of the Chaos Powers or the predations of other Warp creatures. This lesser power is commonly called Gork/Mork, after the two most commonly known Ork gods of legend.

         Other powers seem to only awake under certain stimuli. It has been theorised that the Avatars of Eldar Craftworlds are powered by a lesser power known as Khaine that only becomes active when needed.

         We know that the Chaos gods are real. The mystery that presents itself is that if they exist in Warpspace, why has no ship ever encountered them? Their followers claim that each has his own realm in Warpspace, the interior of which is shaped to suit the god’s tastes. Khorne sits in a plain of skulls, Tzeentch in the middle of a maze, and so on. Some of us have been shown images that confirm this by our daemons. But we know that these images are exactly that, images. Daemons will show us anything they wish to awe and manipulate us.

         A chaos god in the Warp will not have arms and muscles and feet like a living creature of our universe. Daemons in the Warp are quite different in form than how they appear when manifesting in our universe. We know the form that they take in our universe is influenced by the daemon’s and its summoner’s desires and expectations and from whatever flesh they have stolen to take their form. The daemon in the Warp is a cloud of psychic energy, and any resemblance it bears to its Realspace form is just a projection. It seems likely that the gods that created such daemons are of a similar form.

         Some space craft have reported vast Warpstorms that do not behave as others encountered. Some of these reports claim the storms were of unusual appearance:- red and glowing like the interior of a volcano, a sickly green or yellow or an iridescent cascade of rainbow hues. Some reports claim such storms induced uncomfortable emotions in the crew. Three reports claim ship wide system failures prevented them investigating and one report claims the Warpstorm retreated at great speed. Are these just the fanciful tales of spacers, or were, as some suggest, these storms the physical presence of chaos gods in Warpspace? Other Illuminati scholars suggest that a chaos god is too larger, too diffuse or too small for a starship crew to perceive.



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