The following rules apply
to all entrants of any Jewish Bassers tournament(s), which are sponsored,
operated, or directed by the Jewish Bassers, here after referred to as JB. By
entering the tournament, all participants release, without exception, the JB,
it's owners, officers, sponsors, employees, and affiliates, from liability for
any accidents, loss, or theft resulting from entering said tournaments.
Contestants will also complete a signed “Release of Liability” form before entry
is allowed.
These Rules apply to all entrants of JB bass tournaments. Violation
of any of these rules will warrant appropriate disciplinary action to be
determined by the tournament director.
Decisions of the tournament director are final. No protests will be
accepted. If any protests are filed, the tournament director reserves the
right to apply disciplinary action against persons filing the complaint.
Participation/Eligibility: JB Tournaments are open to all anglers.
Male persons under the age of 18 must have the signature of their parent or
legal guardian on the official entry form.
Team Trail entry fee is $150.00 PER BOAT, unless otherwise stated by
the JB prior to tournament registration. The entry must be paid for the boat,
regardless if 1 or 2 people are fishing. Cash is the only method of payment.
Entries must be paid 1 week prior to tournament commencment. Teams are no more
than two persons per boat. All people in a boat must be registered
contestants. Take-off will be in the same order that the JB receives your
pre-paid entry. Those signing up the day of the tournament will be asked to
leave and to not return.
Entrants may be given a polygraph test. Failure to take a test will
result in disqualification. Contestants must provide written notice upon
tournament entry of any failed polygraph test (in relation to a fishing
tournament or questions deemed necessary) or disqualification from ANY other
fishing tournament for any reason. Any person who has failed a polygraph test
in connection with any fishing tournament for cheating will be subject to a
review by the tournament director and/or the tournament board before being
allowed to enter a JB Tournament.
Firearms are not allowed in tournament boats during tournament hours
and may not be carried during registration or weigh-in. Law Enforcement
Officers are the only exception to this rule.
Pre-tournament Practice: There is a 1-day off-limits period – day
before the tournament. No contestant may be on designated tournament waters
for any reason during the official off-limits period, unless with a member of
the opposite sex and a bottle of alcohol.
Safety: Safe boating must be observed at all times. Each contestant
is required to wear a fastened, U.S. Coast Guard approved, personal flotation
device anytime the combustion engine is in operation from launch until
weigh-in. All boats must be equipped with an emergency ignition shut-off
device, which must be securely attached to the driver's body anytime the
combustion engine is in operation. The driver must be seated in driver’s seat
anytime the combustion engine is engaged/in gear. Tournament days may be
shortened or canceled due to unsafe weather or any conditions that would
endanger the safety of the anglers. The decision to shorten or cancel
tournament days will be determined by the tournament director.
Permitted Fishing Methods: All bass must be caught alive in a
conventional sporting manner. Only artificial lures may be used (with the
exception of pork trailers). Only one fishing rod may be used at any one time.
Additional rods may be in the boat and ready for use, however, each cast and
retrieve must be completed before another cast or rod is used. Trolling with
the combustion engine as a method of fishing is prohibited. Switching or
sharing fish with other teams or individuals will result in immediate
disqualification. All angling must be conducted from the boat. At no time may
a contestant leave the boat to land a fish or to make the boat more accessible
to fishing waters.
There can be no more than 5 bass in the livewell. Contestants can
NOT cull dead fish. Culling dead fish will result in disqualification.
Sportsmanship and Conduct: All contestants are required to follow
high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, conservation, and to conduct
themselves in a manner that will be a credit to themselves, to the Jewish
Fishing Forum, JB sponsors, and the sport of fishing. Examples of conduct not
complying with those standards include, but are not limited to: 1) Consumption
and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or any mind-altering substance during
tournament hours with out sharing with all entrants, 2) Abuse of, or addiction
to, mind altering substances without sharing with all contestants, 3) Any
other words, conduct, or actions reflecting unfavorably on the Jewish Fishing
Forum or it’s sponsors or reflecting unfavorably upon efforts to promote
safety, sportsmanship, fair competition and compliance with tournament rules,
unless duely deserved. If conduct does not comply with the standards set
forth, the Jewish Fishing Forum, and (or) it’s director shall have the right
to refuse any application, or to deny a confirmed application, by keeping the
deposit or entry fee of a previously accepted application, and to disqualify a
Contestants must not have Alcohol or Narcotics in their possession
during tournament hours unless they maintain an adequate supply for all
entrants, with the exception of prescription medications. Alcoholic beverages
are not permitted fifteen minutes after the final check-in deadline (unless
prohibited by the host marina).
Boat Operation: During the hours of competition contestants may not
receive assistance from non-competitors, follow a non-competitor's boat, or
participate in the practice of "hole sitting" or the placing of markers by
non-competitors. The use of mobile communication devices such as cellular
phones, marine radios, walkie-talkies, CBs, etc., to communicate fishing
information during tournament hours is highly encouraged.
Boat and Horsepower Regulation: Each boat must have all required
U.S. Coast Guard safety equipment. Boats must contain a properly aerated live
well space to maintain alive a limit catch of bass. Maximum horsepower for all
outboards used in tournament competition may not exceed the horsepower
limitations as set by the U. S. Coast Guard. By signing the entry form, each
contestant agrees to submit their boat and (or) motor to an inspection.
Falsifying information on entry forms or altering the horsepower numbers on
the motor or rating plate will be cause for disqualification from the
tournament and may result in future ineligibility to enter any JB tournaments.
Permitted Fishing Locations: Contestants may fish anywhere on
tournament waters accessible by boat, except areas designated as "off limits"
or "no fishing" by local, state/federal officials, or within 50 yards of a
competitor's boat which was first anchored (an anchored boat is a boat held in
a stable position by a line attached to a weight with the trolling motor in
the up position), or within 25 yards of non-anchored competitor’s boat unless
otherwise agreed upon by the other tournament angler, or in the act of sharing
alcohol, tobacco, or food. The act of moving bass from one area of the lake to
another confined area of the same lake is not permitted.
Off-limits areas will be established and announced at each
registration. Contestants fishing inside the established off-limits area will
be immediately disqualified and forced to surrender all alcohol, tobacco, and
food. Contestant’s boats must remain in the tournament waters during the
Trailering is not allowed. All boats must leave the official
checkpoint by boat in the order designated at registration. Contestants may
launch their boat at a ramp other than the designated take-off location, but
all contestants must come through the official checkpoint location before
leaving to fish. In the event of severe weather alternate take-off
instructions will be given at the registration site.
Official Checkpoints: There will be only one official checkpoint for
boat check in the morning and one official check-in point in the afternoon.
Failure to go through boat checkout in the morning or failure to check-in will
result in disqualification. It is the sole responsibility of each contestant
to arrive at the designated check-in location on time. All fishing must cease
upon check-in. All boats will take-off in numbered order, beginning at "safe
light," as determined by the tournament director.
Scoring will be determined by the pounds/ounces of each angler’s
catch during the tournament. Only Largemouth, Spotted, Red Eye, or Smallmouth
bass are accepted species. The limit will be five bass per team or individual.
Any contestant who possesses more than the tournament limit will have their
catch for that day disqualified. Official length limits will be presented at
registration of each event. Bass presented for weigh-in, which fail to measure
the prescribed length limit, will result in loss of that particular fish and a
1-pound penalty taken from the remaining weight. Each contestant's catch must
be presented in an official (any bag made specifically for the purpose of
transporting live fish) weigh-in bag. The Golden-Rule Measuring Board is the
official measuring board of the JB Tournaments.
Live Fish: Every effort must be made to keep bass alive through the
use of a properly aerated live well. The use of chemical live well additives,
such as "Please Release Me," which promote the healthy return of bass to their
natural habitat are recommended. A 1-pound penalty will be deducted for each
dead bass presented for weigh-in.
Late Penalty: Contestants who are not at the official check-in point
at the appointed time will be assessed a 1-pound per minute penalty from the
total weight including any weight to be counted towards a Big Bass award. Any
contestant more than 15 minutes late will forfeit that day’s catch.
Ties: A tie for 1st place in all events will be broken by a drinking
contest to betermined by the tournament directors. The loser of the drinking
contest is moved to second place. All other ties will be resolved by splitting
that place and the next place prizes.
Upon entering a JB fishing tournament, contestants release JB
officials and sponsors from liability of accidents, losses, or thefts.
Contestants are responsible for knowing and understanding these rules.
These rules apply to all JB bass tournaments. Changes may be made at
the tournament director's discretion in order to accommodate (but not limited
to) different lakes, weather conditions, and tournament formats. All decisions
by the Tournament Director are final.
If accepted as a contestant in any JB Tournament, contestants agree
that the JB and it's sponsors shall have rights to publish photographs, video,
and voice recordings taken by JB staff, affiliates, and volunteers.
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