Custom Marvel Legends Magneto, Jim Lee style

Most of the time I use a DCSH Superman body for my Magnetos but recently people wanted to see me do one that was super-articulated with a ML body and ball-style hips. Well here you go! He's made from a Face Off Punisher body, DCSH Superman forearms and hands since they work so well, an altered Moon Knight cape, and a SOTA Guile head under a ML3 Magneto helmet. I wanted to do a Magneto with that gritted teeth and white 'powered' eyes like on the cover of Jim Lee's X-men #1. I used the screaming-mouth Guile head and chopped the sides of the mouth out so the teeth came together, then shaved him bald so the head fit inside the helmet. The little horns on top are of course made from Fixit Sculpt. A little airbrushing and out comes a more realistically proportions Magneto. Hope you like him!
