Custom Transformers Movie Primus

Primus is another fan request. After I made my movie Unicron I had a ton of emails asking, "Ok, where's Primus?" I really didn't want to make him out of the same old Neo Shifters kit so I waited a bit... until a new Neo Shifters kit came out, lol! It's a more streamlined version that I thought would work better for Primus and I added all sorts of towers, spines, and little domes to the surface. Some microman parts became his leg and arm armor, all chromed and shiny. He recieved some articulated Iron Man hands and a detailed paint job later, he was done! But hmmm... Primus was missing something. He had a large hole in his chest like Unicron. So I whipped up a chest cannon that can be used in either mode so large that it would put the Death Star in envy. A flap covers the hole when the cannon isn't deployed and I painted it like a cockpit view of space as if Primus had some mini galaxy-core system in him.
