The NECA Street Fighter 4 Ryu was styled to look like the game but unfortunately that look isn't for everyone. I wanted a younger Ryu styled after his SF Alpha/Marvel vs Capcom 2 design. To create this custom Ryu I used a pvc minibust Ryu head and modded it to fit on the SF4 body. The gi was modded so it could be removed, pant ties added, and the bandana/gi belt were ball jointed to help showing motion in action poses. His Fireball was created from an old Iron Man base and pegs into the hands. All the joint holes were filled and resculpted and Ryu's update was done! Want to own one of my customs like this one? Head on over to my *Ebay Auctions* this week to see what's available.
Looking to buy some custom action figures like the ones you see here? Look no further! You can find Marvel Legends, Transformers, GI Joe, DC Comics, video game characters, and other great customized toys in the links below.