Custom MotUC Emperor Scorpious, original character action figure!

"Rising up from the shifting sands of the Eternian desert comes a force unlike any other. Asleep for centuries and awakened by a shift in magical forces, Emperor Scorpious announces his claim to the entire realm. With the very earth and winds at his command and an army of desert golems, all of Eternia could feel the sting of this tyrant. Only with the combined forces of He-Man and Skeletor uniting the Power Swords once more, are the inhabitants of Eternia able to battle such a foe!"

Ready for more custom Masters of the Universe Classics characters? Here's an original character creation, the deadly Emperor Scorpious! This tyrannical desert dweller was created from a DC Multiverse Superman Doomed body, King Hissss thighs, WWE Mutants Sting lower arms and legs, Gargan Venom stinger tails x2, some card game figure knight helmet, Skeletor armor, and extra body spike detail. He was airbrushed with yellow highlights then red over those for a faded desert orange look.

Want to own one of my customs like this one? Head on over to my *Ebay Auctions* this week to see what's available.
