All I need is a box of condoms, some beer, toothpaste, and gum.

What do you MEAN I can't have a romantic night out otherwise?

Recently I was in a supermarket with my friend who was stocking up on game supplies... aka, Dr. Pepper and junk food that can be prepared in under three minutes. While waiting in line, I noticed two boys infront of us. Both were dressed in the typical black "I'm a rock star" "punk" outfit, with the chains, the black hoodie, ripped jeans, etc. It was then I noticed what they were buying: a pack of condoms, three double-cans of Budweiser light, a box of Crest toothpaste, and some Extra gum.

My brain suddenly overloaded at this. If I were in a Looney Tunes episode, my head would have exploded. What the HELL kind of night are you going to have? Get your girlfriend (or boyfriend. They did look rather a bit like lovers to me) drunk, have sex, then brush your teeth afterward and chew gum so your breath smells better? This led me to only one conclusion:

Humans only care about sex and their appearance, but only so they can get more sex

Humans can have all the language and culture in the world, but in the end, it's all rubbish. In our most basic level, we all want one thing: sex. Why do you think pornography sells so well? It's an industry that can get away with selling video tapes for thirty dollars or more! Only anime costs that much any more, and that's because anime producers are paying for the licensing, dubbing/subtitling, as well as any other manhours going into production and printing (as well as some being greedy bastards). It's insane. We're shelling out major dollars to watch OTHER people have sex.

But more disgustingly, it's even more expensive to keep another human being interested. Pornography is chump change compared to the thousands of dollars we spend on clothing, brand name products, hygiene, contraceptives, transportation, food purchased on 'dates', and countless little presents and other costs that dip our bank account dryer than Yellowstone after five years without decent rain.

Why do we do it then, if it's so expensive. Because, fundamentally, all creatures love having sex. I'm sure we all knew that one girl or boy in high school that slept around with everything on two legs. We can only guess they've had more STDs than there are stars in the sky, but they keep sleeping around nonetheless. Humans are animals. Animals with capabilities to build great things, destroy them, and have sex, not always in that order.

There's a reason when I see some girl dressed in so much make-up you can't determine what her actual skin tone is, or why I see a guy grabbing his crotch trying to act like a 'player', I groan in disgust. You aren't cool... You aren't sexy... You're just a piece of meat that knows how to hump.