Dumb People Shouldn't Drive

I was almost hit while legally stopped at an intersection by two dumb people at the same time.

There's a good 2/3's of those with a drivers' license that shouldn't drive. These people are so stupid that the act of driving legally apparently is above their heads. They need to be shot; better yet, they need to be made to drive solely around the same dumbshits as they are. The DMV is full of idiots who hand out licenses to monkeys then make more money when the shitty drivers get their licenses revoked and have to get a new one, wasting resources on something that should be prevented. If you can't drive, tough shit. Walk.

There are different kinds of dumbshit drivers out there, but I'll only name the major types and some of my experiences with them.

I am badass

This group of drivers have no concept of the fact no matter what shitty piece of crap they drive, they are still a loser. They tend to have ugly additions to their car, be it simply their name in horrible font in the windshield of their car, unnatural fins, decals, or whatever else lame piece of crap they can stick in or outside their car. True story: I was driving in town when I saw a white Toyota truck with the licence plate "SINWAGN". No less than a foot above it was a Jesus fish. Man, you're real hardcore, sporting your STDs and Jesus fish. I am so envious. This also includes "street racers" and other such retards who think they're 'extreme' for ruining their cars' engines prematurely.

Minivans and SUVs from Hell

Minivans and SUVs are so freaking stupid, especially the latter. EVERYONE has gotten stuck behind one or the other, the owner on their cell phone as one or more children run around screaming little miniature banshees in the back. These people usually have at least one stupid bumper sticker, whether it's "My child is an honor roll student", or some trying-to-be-funny-but-isn't lamer shit (and not the cool kind of lamer shit either), OR, worst of all, bumper stickers that try to give advice. I don't need your pissant '91 model minivan telling me to carpe diem. I'll seize the day on my own time. Half the time it's a middle-aged mother who can't take her thumb out of her ass and figure out you CAN turn right on a red light.

Weaving in traffic is fun!

There's always that one dipshit who just can't wait to get to his final destination. He has to weave in and out of traffic in order to get there even faster, despite the fact he's already speeding and changed lanes at an intersection. I have a friend whose sister is like this. She also believes you are below the speed limit if you enter the off ramp at less than 100 miles per hour and actually SLOW DOWN for the stop sign/light at the end of the ramp. Ontop of that, I've also seen her get pulled over by a cop. Let's see how fast you get to point B with a ticket slapped on your ass.

Ninety-five and still truckin'

Old farts shouldn't drive period. I'm tired of looking over and seeing them drive either A) like a bat out of hell, or B) like a caterpillar out of hell inching menacingly in front of you. If you're over sixty-five, turn in your license - no one wants you on the road anyway. I don't care if you have no other transportation; mooch off your friends/relatives like everyone else without a car does.

I'm in two board meetings and talking to my girlfriend over my cell phone

Contrary to the title of this group, it's about equal chances as to it being either sex on their cell. These morons also tend to be the cause of the most heartache, as they rarely, if ever, check their mirrors before barreling on into a lane. How dare you get in the way of their reckless driving because they're too busy talking to their lawyer about the settlement alimony from their third divorce! My father, who was stopped at a stop light, was hit, from behind, by a moron on a cell phone going about thirty miles per hour. Hey, here's an idea: can you hear me now when I shove your phone up your ass?

And there you have it, the five main groups of idiots who don't deserve to drive. Doubtlessly there is a whole faction of extreme morons who shouldn't be driving, but these are by far the most common. Those who fit into the above categories are a part of why the gene pool needs chlorine.