Things we need to open hunting season on

Lions, tigers and bears, oh my!

I was just thinking about the other day, as I normally do, how much I hate vampires and catpeople. I really hate them. They're boring, unoriginal and usually newbies. Three things I hate. I have played three vampires over the course of seven years. Two I keep for nostalgia, one of which I never have played, and the third is a WoD Ventrue vampire I'm pretty close to deleting because it's boring and taking up space. The others take up space too, but they have nostalgic value to me, and thus I keep them because I form emotional attachments far too easily to profiles.

But that's besides the point. The populations of certain species have gone haywire in Yahoo! Chat over the last few years. And, like any oversized population, and in accordance with President Bush's policies, to save Yahoo!, we must first kill a part of it.

When a deer population gets too large, an annual hunting season begins. Now with the onslaught of summer and many newbies crawling online more and more without restriction, there will surely be an influx of annoying characters. We must cull the populations until fall comes around.

1. Cat people

This should be a no-brainer. They've been floating around in large numbers ever since anime became popular in the US, making the ever famous "catboy" and "catgirl" famous. I don't like anthropomorphic (anthro) characters in general, but I have a specific hatred for the cat people. I propose a shiny new dime in exchange for each cat person killed.

2. Vampires

As I've mentioned, there are WAY too many vampires. It wouldn't be so bad if about 95% of them weren't generic Anne Rice rip-offs (this isn't a compliment, as one girl thought). I hate "gothics" enough without seeing them play equally whiny vampires counterparts online. This trend has been popular since around the early 2000s. Burn them, I say!

3. Drow that were evil, but want nothing more in the world now than to prove how nice they are

Too many Drizzt Do'urden rip-offs, basically. It's great you're playing a drow, but about 80% of them are "just about the nicest guy you could meet". The other 20% play their characters as chaotic evil (the natural drow alignment), but the fact they're at the surface is a little confusing unless they worship Elistree. Death to the pointy-earred bastards!

4. Characters that are WAY too tall or otherwise out of proportion for their race

It's a given fact that characters in Ayenee (and its subsidaries) follow various guidelines, but even in the most generous allotments for size, elves rarely reach over 5'6". Drow, especially males who are naturally smaller than females, rarely reach over 5'3" in most game systems. Having a drow be 6'8" (and yes, I saw someone with this who was yet another Drizzt-clone) would make him a freak. And what do medieval people do to freaks? KILL THEM BEFORE THEIR DEFORMING DISEASE SPREADS TO US! Remember, they're ignorant people. They don't know that disease is caused by viruses or bacteria. For all they know, touching someone with a genetic defect gives you that defect. CULL THE FREAKS.

5. Anime people

As much as I like anime, I don't want to see it in an actual chatroom. Most anime characters are far too overpowered for a medieval environment (if they even fit). Again... go play in your own room, Inu-Yasha. We're too busy roleplaying to pay attention to your obnoxious, loud self. We don't care how well you can "slay teh demun".

Those were just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. If anything else comes up, I'll post that. For now, I'ma go get a soda.

Update! 6-3-05

I thought about it, and there's a few more morons we need to destroy.

6. Ninjas

Waaaaaay too many ninjas in chat. Almost every single one of them is built off the same generic template, so it's like having a room full of Shinobi. I say it's about time we take advice from Samurai Legend Musashi and slap the shit out of those smug ninja bastards.

7. One-liners

You know the type. Most of them are uber newbies who annoy the hell out of you. Like this piece of shit (link thanks to Ayren). Now, I have no problem with newbies who want to learn and progress as a role-player, but when you get sacks of shit like this who float around Yahoo! for months to years at a time, they need to be shot.

8. Hentai High School (HHS)

They just really piss me off. Annoying wastes of sperm. I've never actually SEEN a HHS person role-play before, but that doesn't make them less obnoxious. Usually they OOC a room up with their incessant blathering. Death is the only alternative for these morons.