Burning Incense Doesn't Mean You're Wiccan

Although it might insinuate you smoke pot to some people

So I was burning a little incense the other day while I was online the other day. I burn it for religious and 'spiritual' reasons (No, I'm not a Wiccan. I'm a Buddhist). Most of the time, however, I burn it simply to relax. I hate to admit it, but it does have a calming effect to watch the smoke rings. Also it helps to cover unsightly smells (and I don't mean marijuana)

So anyway, that's burning away, and I notice the cone (I burn cones, not the sticks) was getting low, so I leave a message to my buddy that I'm cleaning the tray. Because, you know, I don't like leaving hot cinders sitting there in my room. When I returned, however, they left a simple message asking why I was burning incense, trying to insinuate that I was Wiccan or "New Age". *insert teeth grinding noise here*

First of all, I hate about 95% of Wiccans and those who say they're Wiccan, mostly for the fact that they're morons. They know dogshit about their religion. I think Something*Positive shows this in the best light. Given, there is a population of about five percent that know what they're talking about, but I've met ONE of these people in my lifetime out of the hundreds of dumbshits floating around the internet telling people they're witches/wizards. If you're such a mighty witch/wizard, then why aren't you doing something with your "magic", like saving abandoned babies and fighting evil and crap like that? There's only one reason: they have no clue what they're doing, so when they do a magic "spell", they're essentially talking to themselves and wishing for things with the same ability to make them come true as a spoiled five year old.

How can people be so incredibly stupid? It's not so much their beliefs that piss me off, but just them in general. They sit there re-naming themselves something "dark" and acting like they're all wise and shit, when in reality they're about the same level as other "Gothics". (Please note: not every Wiccan/Druid is "Gothic" as we so label it, but a very large chunk of them are) You are not inherently smarter, more creative or "better" than other people for being "Gothic". You're not more enlightened either. Stop pretending! And this is coming from someone who role plays on a regular basis.

God, how can people be so ignorant and annoying? Nothing is worse than a "Gothic" Wiccan, either. They're the ones threatening to cast "spells" on you if you don't do what they say/listen to their whiny asses. Apparently they never read that in their religion, what you do to another person comes back at you three fold. Go ahead. Cast spells on me. I have Dispel Magic and Magic Missile ready to go any time now.

Now, back to what burning incense has to do with Wicca... Oh, I forgot. It doesn't have anything to do with it. Sure, Wiccans use it in 'spells' and 'ceremonies', but many other religions and just regular people burn incense and candles. I know plenty of Christians who burn incense. I burn incense, though it's more to keep the smell of the litter box in my room down than religious meaning (when I meditate, I usually don't burn incense). God I hate New Age crap. Can't you sheep realize about 50% of it is either made up on the spot and packaged or watered down from its original significance? The rule of thumb here is that if it can be purchased through a company with a name commercially, it's not really that "magical". This goes for healing stones, tarot cards, 'crystal balls', "spell books", and anything else you can find at Barnes and Noble or Borders.

Can I spell it out any louder?


Ok. Let's review:

  • Incense does not equal Wicca
  • Nothing is worse than a "Gothic" Wiccan
  • I take that back; nothing is worse than a "Gothic" anything
  • Commercially packaged religious items, also known as "New Age Religion", isn't real and doesn't work.