OOCers Piss Me Off

And they're all self-centered choads, too.

What is OOC? OOC is an acronym us hip internet role players use for "Out Of Character". This refers to when you are no longer role playing but actually chatting once more.

Nothing irks me more than see some asshole with a name like OOC_(name) waltz into a chatroom and start bitching and/or complaining to someone they know in the room. Usually that same IC person will fall out of in character mode (IC) and begin a conversation with this disrespectful assmonger immediately after being signaled. Why are these people even in here?

Granted, it's a chatroom. But it's a chatroom designated for role play, not your little whining ass to ruin with complaints and/or idiocy. I can understand when people go OOC after a chatroom dies down or everyone decides to stop playing, but really, why do people go into role play rooms for the sole purpose of chatting? It's called a PM, jackass. No one wants to see your ass in the room. Worse yet though, they give excuses like "This is an OOC name", or "STFU you know nothing". Yes, I know nothing. Like how to use grammar, punctuation and spelling to my advantage to create an interractive story. Nice one, genius.

These stupid creatures come in all sizes, from the well informed to the typoing dumbass who can't figure out after fifty people tell him/her so that this room is role play only, and not a teen chat. The well informed are the ones to watch out for, because often they will stay behind the lines and belittle you and/or your character if you ask them nicely to leave. Even if you do ask them nicely to leave, they plant their asses in there like the roots of a mighty oak and refuse to budge in the least. These are generally the same people who have their heads so far up their ass they can probably see their liver. They'll spit out cute lines like "RP isn't what it used to be", or some other phrase alluding to the fact that you're not good enough to role play with them. These are the same people who tend to be Power Gamers as well. They also tend to bigots and/or biased about all topics.

Why do these people exist? They perform no function that helps in chat. They just sit there, on their asses, and ruin other people's fun. Over half the time they claim to be hackers... and of that half, about ten percent actually know how to hack. The rest have little bot programs, which basically are programmed to send about fifty million messages to any given name in attempt to boot, or force, someone off chat. In reality, bots don't hurt anyone. You can manually put them on ignore, or you can simply just close the program before Choad-zilla sends you more. I guess I can probably respect someone who actually knows how to hack into a computer. That's almost an art form. I can't respect Dumbass McDumbass with his little bots who acts like his shit don't stink. Most hackers won't claim to be hackers, and these are the people you need to be concerned about.

But I digress. What drives these morons to do what they do? Why do OOCers exist? My only answer is that they derive some sort of sick pleasure matching that of a necrophiliac pedophile when they piss off an entire role play room with their inane, incessant babble which rarely, if ever, has any bearing on anything anyone cares about. Way to go, moron. You pissed off a room. Now take your thumb out of your ass; you'll get your keyboard dirty.