Jack Thompson is Batshit Psycho

Like, old senile batshit insane psycho.

Lately in gamer news I've heard a lot about this guy. If you're not familiar, Jack Thompson is a senile lawyer from Florida who has waged war on the video game industry. Now, I find nothing wrong with the fact he dislikes video games, but his tactics in "crusading" against them are infantile, batshit psycho, and just plain unnerving.

I'll be the first to say I do not agree with every game that goes on the market. I, personally, do not like first person shooters. I think they're boring. And I, despite what I say, am not a violent person by nature. I am not attracted to games such as Grand Theft Auto, Halo or Half Life. They are not my "thing".

But I also do not go around saying "OMGZORZ, THIS GAME IS TEH DEVIL!" And while I have a special place in my heart for the hatred of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, I think that for the proper audience this game is acceptable in the correct context, even if I don't like the game itself.

But the fact is this man is nuts. He claims video games are the source of all evil in this world and that even the softest rated E games are completely unacceptable for children and contain too much violence. By the way, I think the average Looney Tunes cartoon contains more violence than most rated E games, but that's just my opinion there.

But moving away from that... Let's get to some of the real grit about ol' Jack Thompson, shall we? This man is clearly batshit psycho. Because he wants his own video game, and it would be the worst, most violent game I've ever heard of. It would make GTA look like an episode of Care Bears. Don't believe me? Read this little gem:


I'm particularly happy that this site inserts all the commentary that I would normally insert. Saves me a little time. But let's review the article anyway, just for fun.

So... Jack wants to create a video game about an angry parent that goes on a killing spree because a gamer killed his son. Uh...? I think the irony here is that he wants to make... a VIDEO GAME... about a man... killing over VIDEO GAMES. Not to mention the scenarios he quoted were possibly the sickest shit I've ever heard proposed for a video game. This makes Killer 7 and GTA: San Andreas sound more like Bambi. Seriously. This sick shit wants this in a video game:

O.K. first hops a plane from LAX to New York to reach the Long Island home of the CEO of the company (Take This) that made the murder simulator on which his son's killer trained. O.K. gets "justice" by taking out this female CEO, whose name is Paula Eibel, along with her husband and kids. "An eye for an eye," says O.K., as he urinates onto the severed brain stems of the Eibel family victims, just as you do on the decapitated cops in the real video game Postal2.

This is me, on the sidelines, staring in disbelief. Damn man... Even in a satirical sense, that's pretty twisted shit. But hold on, kids. It gets better. This is his "final level" for his little video game, and is possibly the worst part of the entire article.

O.K. pushes on to Los Angeles. He must get there by May 10, 2006. That is the beginning of "E3" -- the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- the Super Bowl of the video game industry. O.K. must get to E3 to massacre all the video game industry execs with one final, monstrously delicious rampage.

"Monstrously delicious rampage"? Damn man, you gotta stop watching all those violent movies, Jack. Good lord...

UPDATE! 10-18-05

It appears that several gamers have come forth with the game Jack Thompson proposed and guess what? Jack won't pay up. He claims the entire thing was satire. But what's even better? Gabe and Tycho of Penny Arcade donated the money to charity in Jack's name anyway. I've never been a very big fan of Penny Arcade, but I think I'm starting to become one. Eat that, Jack.

Oh, by the way, he's also trying to get Gabe and Tycho arrested for their donation in his name, e-mailing Gabe and Tycho with “This story is completely false and defamatory. Take it down or else.” Wow. How's the weather up there in Psycholand, Jack?

UPDATE! 10-19-05

It seems our tale of Jack Thompson is already coming to a close. That's right. The FBA is investigating Jack Thompson. That's right kids. Jack Thompson might be disbarred. For all you who don't know what that means, basically he won't be allowed to practice law anymore. Although on a latter note, technically he wasn't really practicing law in the first place...

Well now Jack, it seems the "stupid stoner" gamers are smart enough to potentially get you disbarred. The FBA is so innundated with complaints they need to hold an emergency meeting. Ah. Life is sweet.

Wanna help? Add your voice to the wave! You can voice your outrage and keep the heat on Jack. The FBA's number is 866-352-0707. The needs of the many outweigh the few or some crap like that, now get your ass on that phone!

On a completely unrelated note, that site has the best quote ever.

At this point, the nerds swung into action.

Is it just me, or does this remind anyone else of Revenge of the Nerds or something? Badass.

UPDATE! 11-6-05

Yes, Jack not only is a retard, but he's waging war on Japan(Article cut and pasted from http://rpgamers.com). Man, he's not only a batshit senile old man, but a racist piece of shit too. It keeps getting better and better...