Lord of the Storage Shelves

Doo doo doo-di-doo. Doo-di-doo, doo-di-doo, doo-di-doo!

Alright,I don't know what the hell is up with Wal-Mart (or as some have called it, Mordor in a blue vest), but apparently there's some sort of rule that, as my friend so eloquently put it, if you find something good, Wal-Mart must take it away.

Sit around my Shirelings, and I will tell you a tale of woe and misery. Of beligerent multi-million dollar corporations and angry, pissed off midgets with hairy feet (I don't really have hairy feet).

Alright, about around February I bought some shelves for $19.88. They are good shelves. Not only do they look good, but they're functional. Right? Right. They are like my One Ring, perfect in every way, attracting all who see it to its smooth, grainy finish and soft, supple particle board backing.

Just now here in August because I'm moving, I want to find some more. Two more, to be exact, because I've bought more manga, video games, and other such crap. And I'd like a place to put them. So, it's about 8:30-ish at night, because my friend and I have our best ideas... at the spur of the moment.

But taking away from the dire need so late at night (if one can so call that late), we headed out to... Wal-Mart. They're open 24 hours. They will gladly take my money.

So I go in, find the furniture, and look at the display model. Yep. Same as mine. But lo and behold, the stocked items are not the same as the display model. Someone had substituted the Shelves of Power for... some other shelves with a slightly raised apparatus with a space behind.

Now, I'm sure the viewers don't know, but I hate spiders. I hate spiders with a passion. I don't care if they're outside - that's ok. The moment they step in my home... there's no chance in hell. But I digress...

I do not want this non-One Shelves. It has space where spiders can get under. And I am not fond of egg sacs, thank you very much. So no. The display model was completely wrong. Not the same product. That pissed me off to no end...

But I'm thinking... "Ok. Wal-Mart's assholes, so we'll try Target, which has verily been compared to the perilous woods of Lothlorien".

So we go to Target. We look. And look. And look. They had furniture/storage items scattered ALL over the store. Some were in the furniture section, some were near the electronics. Others were near the toys. Do I understand this logic? No. But that doesn't stop it from pissing me off.

So we left. And, thinking maybe there may be something else I could use at Wal-Mart, travel back to that barren landscape where the very air you breathe is a poisonous gas. Yeah. We went back and looked.

What pisses me off about this story is that basically the floor model that I wanted wasn't the product it was tagged as. The tag was clearly from the other item, even down to the picture, but was set on this clearly different product. AKA, the ONE SHELVES OF POWER.

God I hate Wal-Mart. Assholes.

You can kiss my ass too Target, ya smarmy assholes. See Spot Save, if you can fricken find the little bastard.

If you were wondering, we came home empty-handed. And no, we didn't even get to sail to Arcadia, dammit.