The Top Five Shittiest Toys I Sold This Year

My god you wouldn't believe the shit children buy

1. Bratz

The name alone ought to alert you to the fact this franchise is dogshit. Bratz dolls are just like Barbie dolls, but uglier, and more a rip-off of anime. Their heads are huge, man! And have you seen those pissant Bratz stuffed cats? Holy crap those things are ugly! How can shit this ugly and retarded make its way to the shelves? And you know what? Bratz is actually more popular than Barbie! That's right! At least where I live. It's dogshit, ladies and gentlemen. Don't buy this crap for your children or relatives. God, how can people be this stupid?

2. V-Smile

V-smiles are gaming systems meant for small children. It's supposed to be creative ways for them to learn. The only thing they're learning, of course, is how to throw away their money on a shitty game system. Hand-eye coordination is about the only thing you'll ever gain off a video game, unless its plot involves deeply a certain science. My friend learned all about the Freudian IDD from playing Xenogears. I sort of doubt any of the horrible knock-off games for this title delve so deeply. And the system is fricken expensive for something they're going to get bored with in likely less than six months. $59.99 seems to be about the average USA price at the moment. Don't waste your time buying this. In fact, don't buy game systems for small children. They just break them anyway. Kids break game systems like you wouldn't believe. I wouldn't trust a six year old with a PS2. Never. Video games aren't meant to be round and cute and cuddly and sturdy. They're meant to be high-performance machinery built to process massive amounts of information from disks or cartridges. Don't buy this piece of crap. Wait till your kids are old enough to handle a real game system.

3. Video Now

Have you ever wanted a video player with shitty CDs that play crappy movies and music videos? Me neither. Video Now joins the ranks of Pixter as being the stupidest handheld invention in recent years. You can already watch videos on your GBA. Hell! You can hook up an antenna attachment to a Game Boy and pick up local channels. Well, I know they had these for Game Gears, and I'm pretty sure they had them for older Game Boy at the very least. But I KNOW you can watch videos on a GBA, SP and DS. Problem is, all the shows are shitty too. My point stands that you're not going to watch movies on a handheld at this point in history either way.

4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

I hate the entire Grand Theft Auto franchise. It's the worst idea in recent history. Yeah, it's a wonderful thing to play a game where the main point is to steal cars for the mafia/druglords/gangmembers, and shoot anything and anyone in your way. I hate this game so incredibly much. Every time I sold a copy I had visions in my head of six year old children playing this rated M game. I'm not imagining it either. My friend caught her sister, a twelve year old, playing this game, killing policemen with a purple dildo in this game. What a wonderful message we're getting across. The graphics are blocky and the plot is dogshit. God I hate GTA.

5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Now, I have nothing against the TMNT. I used to watch them back in the eighties, when they were cool. The new Ninja Turtles... Good god, only Yu-gi-oh, Power Rangers, and Pokemon pander more to small children. These are just two examples of the shitty knock-off toys they make. I'm sure if I scoured the internet a little more thoroughly however, I'd find worse. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (The new one. The old one was awesome.) is nothing more than some fat, bald impotent man's idea of how to weasel money out of small children by doing what they do best: taking advantage of them, forcing the "cool" factor down their throats and shoving a bunch of sub-par shit their way. What the hell happened to Casey, anyway? At first he was just some sort of badass stoner in a hockey mask. Come on. You know he was smoking hash. Just look at his hair. Now he's all "I R SO KOOL" it makes me grimace to think I ever liked the character.

And there you have it. The top five money wasters of the year in my state and surrounding areas. I have, based on these toys, decided Americans are insane and spend far too much money on their children. How the hell can this stuff be even remotely popular...?