Do I have my own webcomic yet?

It would be about magical elf wizards and tall half-demons with large swords.

Right, so I was reading through one of the webcomics I regularly read today and it said she was about to possibly publish her work. Not the first one to publish their work, but I support that. Moving to a paper medium with an online source is not an easy thing, but that's making the dream.

I think, secretly, every webcomic dreams of being published. I know if/when I made a webcomic, I'd want to move to paper medium if it were possible. Then again, with my sense of humor, I'd probably be quickly ignored in the spiral of endless shitty comics out there on the internet. But I abstain from my usual cynicism to dream... Unfortunately I have the skills of small, slow child when it comes to keeping on task. A small, slow child with ADD. I'm not sure I could update on a regular basis like most, but who knows? Someday people might read my crap on a visual medium. And my... "humor".

And thus, in the interest of helping those folks along at all my regular viewing, I present the List'o'Webcomics I Read.

8-bit Theater

9th Elsewhere

Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire

Elf Only Inn (Inactive)

Errant Story




Secret of Mana Theater


A Modest Destiny/Starship Destiny

Now, you don't have to actually visit any of these websites. I read them casually because I have no life and, as you can see, my humor curbs to a more sarcastic/cynical nature with gamer nerdom intertwined. You can predict that, if I made a comic, it would be DAMN nerdy with all the nerdiness you can put into a webcomic. The nerdiness of my humor would choke you, forcing you to find a new air supply for your current one would be contaminated by the sheer amount of nerd in the air. Such is my superpower.

I want to make it clear I'm not really advertising for these sites. They're not paying me, nor have they asked me to link to them. A generalized request to 'spread the gospel' I do not consider a personalized request for me to advertise. I just enjoy webcomics as a medium and believe they should be supported as thus. Besides, it makes Wednesday (aka, the day most comics update on) a much more interesting day than just merely "Hump Day".