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Talk about books, movies, music, and politics!

What we do

Here people can talk about something that matters to them. Books, politics, music and movies are the four ground foundations. here's a breif summary of what we have planned:

Books that you want to tell others about you can post their names in the forum. Who has read it? Who hasnt?

If you like politics, then visit the forum and the chat room. We will schedule times for the chat room to be "open". Otherwise you probally wont be seeing someone there.

And if you like music, we also have a music forum! There you can talk about what you play, or what you'd like to play, or just about your knowledge of composers.

And last but not least: movies. As the same with books, if you have a favorite movie, tell everybody on the forum! See who has seen it or who wants to. We'll be scheduling; like politics; a chat session time for just movie talking.