A Million Possible Universes...

In Alleys, with Faith

On Dying in Alleys -- Faith and Wesley spend time in an apartment, and then Faith and Angel spend time in an alley. In episode for Five By Five (Season 1, Angel: The Series.)

On Fucking in Alleys -- Faith and Willow pull over for dinner, and then spend time in an alley.

On Lying in Alleys -- Faith and Buffy get into a fight in an alley.

On Sleeping in Alleys -- Faith and Xander discuss some of the more insalubrious parts of Sunnydale. In episode for Zeppo (Season 3, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

On Waking in Alleys -- 10 months after he died, Wesley wakes up in an alley with Faith.

Specific characters are noted in summaries.
Specific ratings are noted in each story.
Pairings tend towards the homosexual, except where they don't.
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