A Million Possible Universes...

Coffeehouse Tales

Paris, at Home and Away -- "Well, the worst thing that can happen is that I spend some time in your town and suddenly have an urge to enter a pie in the county fair." -- Paris (Richard in Stars Hallow, Gilmore Girls, Season 2). Paris thinks about things she will never have.

Growing -- "None of you have ever had a living being growing inside you." -- Cordelia (Players, Angel, Season 4). Fred disagrees.

*new* Friendly Fire -- "Isn't there something about Dr. Del Amico that you find especially appealing?" Carter (Friendly Fire, ER, Season 4) Maggie finds Anna very appealing.

Specific fandoms and characters are noted in disclaimers.
Specific ratings are in each story.
Pairings tend towards the homosexual, except where they don't.