The Mechanical Monkey

Hello and welcome to The Mechanical Monkey, a site about how great I am and how everything I like is also great because I like it. If you disagree with anything on this page, you are wrong, because I am right. Eat me.

Alright, I have finally decided to admit it to myself. I will no longer be updating The Mechanical Monkey. I have been here are long time and there is plenty of content to keep you entertained if you are new here. I have found new interests but I promise you that I do have plans to make a new site that will be much easier to maintain than this website was. This website was a great starting point and I don't regret a simgle moment of it. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have. Look for me in the future, I had a great time.


Main Links

Memos and Updates

Read my favorites or set yourself on fire

The Punisher!
Hello Kitty is still annoying
Bob, the hermit crab of terror
I may hate cats, but I still hate people

All Content

Remember the old Mario Movie? I wish I didn't.
I do not have epilepsy
Tricker treater repelant
I'm lazy
My internet, stuck in the Mesizoic
Depressing Fairy Tales
A zombie out for lunch
Turtles are awesome
I got mad at a bunch of kids so I ate them
A new Mechanical Monkey?
Old people are ruining video games
Resident Evil Background
Dark Water: First in line to be the worst movie without a plot, climax, or resolution
Outsmart search engines, search for Frunky
How to survive a hostile alien takeover
A stick figure discovers the entertainment quality of a Jack in the Box
The Little Engine that Almost Did -- But Didn't, and Died
Reasons my website is updated less often than Regis Philbins atrocious hair cut
The Attack Banana
I am now an inventor... good for me
Whoever invented skiing was nuts
Your car may be more expensive than mine, but I'm still smarter
Canada does not exist
Don't buy Girl scout cookies
Something to think about
New wonder drug
Neat Photoshop of a Wraith
My new years resolutions are more reasonable than yours
Belated Christmas Card
The Mysterious White Box
No one ever loved jingle bells
Invader Zim drawn on paint
The Christmas list my parents refused
Unhappy Thanksgiving
How to amuse yourself at school
How to use the MSN search engine
Sit tight for another four years
Video games, the better companion
Florida doesn't count this time
I'm trembling, some people don't love me
What my diary would be like if I were snowed in a cabin alone for a long period of time
Expanding on Murphy's Law
Update: I haven't updated in a while


Articles 1-50


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