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2004 - Archive 3 - Jan - Feb - Mar - Apr - May - Jun

2003 - Archive 1 | Archive 2


BitChar-g, Astro & ROBOSAPIEN! - June 16, 2004
- I got into the BitChar-g mini R\C's last post [mine was called Compact Char-g, but the common name or original name, is Bit Char-g] and after about a week of playing with it & some research, I've found a way to combine papercraft with the bitchar-g! My theory of using those SD style papercraft cars as alternate replacments for the standard bitchar-g body [my nissan skyline body for example], is not only possible, but in fact rather genius. Well I can't take the credit for thinking this up, as there are many other crazy people like myself who have already done this... but for the momment I can say "YAY for me!" :) Why is it genius? Well for starters not only can you put any car body you desire on your bitchar-g chassis but since the body is made out of paper there is like a major ammount of weight that it doesn't have to carry around anymore... hence it will go faster for longer. This is really good news as I've found out 2mins ain't long enough and maybe an extra 30sec of better performance is much wanted :) So over the next few weeks I'll be hashing up a couple car models [WRX, MclarenF1, Evo7, & Murcielago] to make my lil R\C my own.

- For some reason there is another Astro Boy model out. Its made by the same guy that made ST-6M, ST-8S & ST-13 mecha. Its kinda weird looking, and it looks kinda poseable... don't quite know. I can't find where I downloaded it... if I did... This is kinda pointless, as I can't tell you much about it, but I thought I just mention it. When I find it, I'll post it then.

- Heard of Robosapien? No? Well if your not into toys and especially robotic ones, then it wouldn't surprise me [however after watching the video of it, every channel on US tv seemed to plug it as "the most wanted toy this year"]. Anyway, its the first affordable humanoid robot. Its basically a weird looking gorilla, in black & white futuristic hockey goalie armour. It walks, it picks up stuff, it makes noises, it has sensors, it throws stuff, it dances, it does karate... karate? Yeah this is what got me interested in it. If there is a programmable robot monkey that cost about $100-200 and i can make it do karate, then point in the direction where you can buy one :) It does a stack of other things [about 60 something], but I'm trying to look for some video of it in action. All i've found so far is a stack of american media personalities introducing the thing, but not demonstrating it & its commercial, which doesn't give me any more information than a blank piece of paper... I'm sceptical about buying it if/when it comes to Australia, and might wait for Qrio to come a regular household appliance :)

Compact Char-g, Rens RB & Arcade - June 9, 2004

- For starters, there is a new Rens Head model called "Rens Head RB". Apparently its a warrior/fighter version... I don't know about you, but I'm a little tired of the Rens Head. Sure they are a little different, but well not different enough to make you want to build them all. This is just my opinion, so don't get offended. You can find it in my All Other Mecha section.

- Now for some models that are a must build for gaming fans. They are the oldskool arcade machines! There is pac-man, defender etc etc There are a few to build, but the Defender one is my favourite, and thus makes the cut when I chose the picture to represent them all in my Other Real section.

- Now lets go somewhat O/T. These things have been around for a couple of years now I think, & finally I have got my hands on one. What is it? Its a Tomy Compact Char-G: Nissan Skyline GT-R! Yep a micro size R/C... The japanese version I think is called a 'Bit Char-G' instead, but no matter what its called, these things are sooo cool. They require very little assembly [snapping in the motor/heat sink/rear axle/2 gears, putting on the rubber tyres/body & then putting batteries [2 AA's] in the control], & your up and running in about 10min. It has about 2min running time after a 45sec charge. It has 1min of full strength power in it then its starts to fade slowly over the next minute & a half as it runs out of juice. You might think that 2 minutes isn't a great deal of time, but for a 20yr old who works, its perfect... as I can play with it in short bursts and keep the novelty alive for longer :) The transmitting range isn't that great though [about 2m max!], so its home is really benchs & desktops :) Still with the transmitting, the aerial on the remote is a bit weird as its a flexible piece of wire that you pull out to extend, and wind up to retract... but thats not my problem... its the fact that it has a lil plastic knob on the end of it and it flings around all over the place and the need to wear a pair of sunglasses might be necessary and finally there is a very limited amount of car bodys to choose from. I've only seen a Honda S2000, Toyota Celica & the one I got, the Nissan Skyline. This is why I said at the beginning of this topic "somewhat O/T"... Are there paper bodys of say Ferrari's, Civics, WRX's, Lambourgini's etc that you can build & use as an alternate body? I've seen little car model, but are there any specifically customised for the Compact Char-G chassis? Some research is needed :)

Link, Gock&Magock, Crimson Skies - June 2, 2004
- I recently made a trip to town and I've gotten my hands on some good stuff. For starters, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Acme Plus & Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Master CD's... damn fine tunes. Secondly I got the 1st of the FLCL anime DVD's. Haven't watched it yet, but should do by the end of the week. I also got season 1, 2 & 3 boxsets of Futurama for half price!! ($33 not the usual $70 odd... bargin). Finally & more importantly, I got an issue of that japanese 'Lightning Gamecube' magazine from my favourite bookshop, Kinokuniya. Now this isn't any ordinary issue, it has that chibi [not quite SD] style Link model from Zelda in it! I mentioned it a wee while ago, and I didn't buy any of the magazines then because they are $16AUS each & at the time I wasn't working so yeah... but now its all good :)

So before yall start asking for a copy of the model, yes I will get around to getting a good colour copy of it. Its still in the mag, so I need to get busy with a blade and get it out of there. Can't promise it will happen any time soon, but I want to make it myself, and I want a copy of it because I don't want to cut the original [but that shiney card is so tempting to cut & fold :'(].

- What is this Gock & Magock you ask? Well while on that chokipeta site looking for any new models in those 'lightning gamecube' mags [talk about that in a minute...] I visited the free section which for some reason I've never been too. Anyway they are two oldskool robots. Pretty darn cool... you can find them in my All Other Mecha section.

- Now back to talking about finding new models at that chokipeta site... There are 2. The first are 2 Pikmin characters. I don't know much about the game so the coolness of these two flower head guys isn't hitting my drool button. The second, which in my opinion is one of the aircraft from Xbox's game Crimson Skies. I went crawling around the english site, but I couldn't find anything, so I've bookmarked the japanese site, and I intend to crawl throught that next time I'm online.

- A little email from the creator of the Samurai Pizza Cats Pizza Parlor, just noting that his site has changed and therefore new links have been supplied. A thanks goes out for letting me know this and also for enjoying my site! :) To check out the Pizza Parlor, check it out in the All Other section.

- And finally for this post is the game review of Mario vs Donkey Kong. This post was long so I'll leave it up to you whether you want to read up more on this. You can find my opinion on the game in my GBA game review section.


Z.O.E, Rens, One Piece & Lawgiver - May 26, 2004
- Once again I've neglected my website for another long period of time :( I apologise for regular viewers, but I'll get around to it eventually. Like right now...

- Zone of Enders: Fist of Mars was released ages ago on GBA but I could only find a japanese version. FINALLY i've found myself an english version and have had the chance to play this game. Its not too bad, but I've played better (Front Mission anyone?)... Go to my GBA review page to see my full review.

- A little while ago that shunpop guy who makes those veritech models, but more famous for his starwars models... created the Rens Head [or lens head, considering the japanese aren't good with L's :) "Rip your stocking?" - Lost in Translation]... ANYWAY... he's done a George Lucas and has gone backwards in his creations. He has brought out a Rens Head Prototype. A somewhat more whimpy looking version of the original Rens Head. The gold/brass bits look good though... you can find out more in my All Other Mecha section.

- As a fan of the One Piece manga ['manga' is the japanese equivalent to our western 'comics' for those not in the know], that Kamiasobi guy has brought out a few of the main characters from the series. There is Monkey D. "Luffy", Roronoa Zoro and some woman who I haven't seen yet. I've got the Shonen Jump One Piece Graphic Novels, but I this woman hasn't been introduced yet...[I've got all volumes up to volume 3, don't think there are any others out yet.] Anyhoo, you can check out the models in my All Other section. For more info on the Shonen Jump One Piece manga look out for my new DVD & Manga section which I've almost completed :)

- From that guy who makes all those models from the 'Alien' movie series has created another masterpiece... The Lawgiver. The weapon of choice for The Law that is Judge Dredd... a somewhat awful movie, but then I don't think I've truely liked any adaption of a superhero comic book... except for Michael Keatons role as Batman... anyway... you can find this model SOON in my All Other section... i've lost the link and I haven't got around to downloaded it yet so in the meantime I've just supplied the homepage link for the Aliens papercraft site and the picture of it.


Shifting Gears & Yumeria- April 30, 2004
- A short post this time, as there is not much to report on. For starters I got a job!! YAY! I'm a trainee printer: the pay ain't nothing to brag about but the work place is enjoyable and its in walking distance from my house! Yay no transport costs! So yeah my free time has now gone out the window... but I am spending a bit of time every night [that I have free] working on my Power Rangers Megazord scratch build. Its looking alright so far. No pictures yet though... I'll wait until a good portion of its complete.

- Yumeria? Yep its some japanese game on the PS2... don't know what its about apart from the fact that girls are the lead characters. And I'm guessing this paper model is one of them. Its a cute manga style model of some chic with a big hammer and hat... If your interested check her out in my Other Video Game section.

- Thanks to a fellow German visitor to my site, who gave me the link to the black & white model of Dor, which can be find in the Mecha Video Game section. Thanks mate! :)

- Shifting Gears: Road Trip is the latest GBA game I've gotten to play and damn its fun. Its basically a Mario Kart clone with a few new extras. Your not driving carts either, your driving SD style cars which resemble penny racers. Not only that, but you can customise your vechile aswell... not as in lowering your SD, adding a body kit and fluro neon lights under the skirt... but in the sense that you upgrade you engines/tyres/brakes etc to make your car go faster and be able to win races. Its an enjoyable change to the Mario Kart style of games available. You can find a bigger review in my Games section.

Stargate, Godzilla & ASTRO BOY! - April 24, 2004

- It feels like ages since my last post and it may seem like I have abandoned my site... Well fear not! As I intend to continue to update it. My excuse for being absent the last 2-3 weeks? Well I've been working my arse off... [see no arse]... washing cars at my dads place of work until they find a replacement car washer. I never knew washing cars was so much hard work... At the end of this week i've been fired for the time being as they're trialing some guy next week... so YAY! Back to doing not much :) and therefore time to update my site.

- So what new models are there to build? Well for starters, there is the Stargate from the movie and much loved TV series 'Stargate SG-1'. Its a pretty simple build but it would look awsome on a desk with a little lego man in camo gear walking through it :) You can find it in my All Other section.

- Secondly, a little bit of an old model... yet I never posted it. Its the chibi-style F22 Lightning. An awsome looking aircraft squished and packed up to make it look cute (^_^)... you can find it in my Other Real section.

- Here are some weird looking aircraft [it would help if I saw the anime] from the anime series Last Exile. Apparently you can get them bundled with certain DVD's... Don't know much about it as the page was in japanese, but I'll keep an eye out for a possible download... otherwise you can check them out in my Papercraft Books section.

- Finally something a bit OT from the style of papercraft... Origami. I don't particularly like origami compared to papercraft mainly because it is somewhat limited [not completely because I have seen some amazing origami creations] with what you can do with a square sheet of coloured paper. Anyhoo, I decide to note this site because it specialises in origami monsters! More specificly Godzilla monsters... I don't know if your aware but I love anything to do with that big green radioactive dinosaur that always picks on Tokyo. Anyway you check them out in my All Other section.

- To wrap things up I'd thought I'd mention a few things...

  • The revamped [digitally remastered?] Astro Boy was shown yesterday in Australia at 5:25pm on the ABC. I eagerly look forward to the whole series.
  • My GaoGaiGar Perfect Fusion scratch build project has completed its prototype stage! It stands at about 45cm [with a wing span of 45cm also], so its fairly big. There are a couple of pepakura unfolding problems that need to be ironed out, but otherwise he is complete. I haven't started colouring it in yet... I have however completed my 'They Might Be Giants' boxhead models. I've uploaded pictures of both my models with my new camera phone YAY!!. My Papercraft Projects.
  • I'm intending to by a mobile phone soon... the Nokia 3200 [it has a camera!]... so hopefully I can take photos of my models and things that I have bought etc and post them on this website, including progress on my scratch builds!
  • There is a heap of new GBA games that I've managed to play over the past week or 2 and there are a couple to look out for: Demon Driver - Time to Burn Rubber [classic top down driving action much like micromachines & lots of tail slides] & CT Special Forces 3 - Bioterror [more sidescrolling shooting in the style of Metal Slug]. GBA Game Reviews.

The Tick & Front Mission Blizzaia- April 2, 2004

- For some reason I've neglected my website for the past week and I didn't manage to completely upload the entire site. Well today it should be all up and running... apart from the DVD/Manga section [needs a bit of work and theres a bit of typing to do :)]. I'll consider it my mini holiday :)

- I never really got into the Tick much, the tv series were odd and the humour was well odd... kinda like Earthworm Jim and Ren & Stimpy... not my piece of cake... but for those that are fans of the blue superhero will enjoy the hako style tick model. On the topic of hako models there is also the "Beyond" Batman model that you can find on the madanger site [the guy that made all those hako transformers]. You can find the pictures and links for them in my Other Boxhead section.

- The Squaresoft [or is it Square Enix now?] Frontmission 4 website has added another robotic gem. This time its Blizzaia. I haven't even built Zenith yet so I have some work ahead of me... You can find it in my Mecha Video Game section.

- Once again that japanese gamecube magazine has released another paper model that I must get my hands on. Its a Chibi Link from the Zelda series. I don't think its as good as the Link from the Windwaker game, but its still good. I think I might spend the $15-20 on the magazine when Kinokuniya Bookshop stocks it. It depends, because I'm about to buy tickets to go see the band Jet and Rocket Science.... AKKK money shortage! Anyhow you can find pictures of it, aswell as the link in my Wanted Other section.

- And finally... I've managed to get all 3 One Piece manga books, plus both FLCL [fooly cooly] manga books. You'll find more about these in my DVD & Manga section once I've got it up and running... But yeah I recommend them both.


Revamp, Scrapper & Deathbox - March 23, 2004

- Its been about 2 weeks on & off, recreating this website. Why the revamp? Well after recently showing my site to someone on their computer... I realised that most of the images didn't load. This was a problem as this site would look pretty useless without them. With my limited knowledge of web servers and how a websites gizzards work... I put it down to a limited bandwidth. I think this free angelfire site has a limit on how much stuff it loads at a single time. So I chopped my site up into different categories, therefore instead of having all the mecha models on one page I spread them out on three. I don't know if this is correct or not, but hopefully it might speed up my site as there is less to load up on each page. So with that gibber out of the way, I've added a few new pages. They are pretty self-explanitory [eg. a mecha model from a video game (zenith from front mission) would be found in the mecha video game section]. Something completely new to my site is the DVD & Manga page. This will mostly contain anime DVD's that I want or currently own [which will be reviewed], as well as Manga books. So enough of my endless ramble... Enjoy.

- I saw this model in a papermodel group. Its the Constructicon "Scrapper". He's the bulldozer Decepticon Transformer. This model looks really well made and to top it off it looks transformable! I hope this model becomes an available download otherwise we can just drool over it in my wanted mecha section.

- That Kamikazu guy has done it again with another robot model. This one is not only somewhat poseable, but transformable! This trend of transformable papermodels is good news :) He has created Death Box... don't if its off any anime/manga, but it looks like one of those transformable gundam mecha. You can find the download links in my all other mecha section.

- There is an Egg robot and some other robot [looks a little like that slave zero mech] at These robots look really good and I wish they were free downloads... unfortunately you have to pay $7 each for them. I think that is in US Dollars too, so for us Aussies that'll probably work out to be around the $10 mark, which is still cheap, but I don't have a credit card so I'll have to miss out. For those that do you can go to the link I supplied with the images of them in my wanted mecha section.

- Still at, I also found some cute models of a guy and girl from that Ragnarok game, which you can find in my wanted other section. You could also purchase the Char and Sayla models from Gundam. I can't remember their prices, so if your interested check them out in my wanted papercraft books section.

- And finally, something for the old skool Gen 1 Transformers fans, toy company Takara has released the 12th in the collectors re-release series. This time its the Mini bot team. It comes with Warpath, Adams, Drag, Gears, Bumblebee, and Powerglide! I can't wait until the city stores stock this as I'll be sure to spend my ¥3000 worth [$37.59AUS]. You can get it now at HLJ, or you can wait for it to come to your area, either way you can find pictures of it in my all other toys section, along with the Dodge Viper Transformer "Sideswipe" also new for the "alternations" series.

MMBCC, VF-19F/S & Ninjas? - March 8, 2004

- Megaman Battle Chip Challenge (MMBCC) is the latest GBA game to come into my hands and well you'd just have to see my review in my Games section....

- Unfortunately the VF-19 isn't a paper model, but yet another plastic kit model. I found a whole heap of new japanese plastic treasures in a small store in the Town Hall station shops. Its called "Astro Hobby" I think. It has a whole heap of japanese anime merchandise from DVDs [not region 4 unfortunately], cds, posters, small trinkets, toys [kubrick, vinyl etc] and of course plastic model kits. Anyway I got the Macross 7 variable VF-19F or VF-19S [depending which head you use]. You can find a better review in my toy section, where you will also find my review of the first volume in the FLCL manga, in which I found in a very cool book shop, which my aunt and almost uncle told me about. Hello Anna & Geoff!

- Ninjas? Did someone say ninjas? I don't know what these little guys are. They look like ninjas, but they could be guys in hooded black cloaks, or maybe witches?... Its the latest installment from that Kamiasobi guy. Don't have a link yet, but here's a picture:

The pixels are back... - March 1, 2004

- I was cleaning up the mountain of files on my computer when I came across my pixel folder. This folder contains all sorts of pixel art that I have created along with other odds and ends. ANYWAY... It managed to self motivate myself [amazing huh?!] and I had a crack of making some of my own Evangelion icons. This was 3 days ago... 3 days later [after trying to find images of Unit03, 04 & 05] I have put together a little collection of Evas [If don't already know these are their names from L to R: Unit00 Prototype, Unit00, Unit01, Unit02, Unit03, Unit04, The mass produced Unit05, Unit05 with wings, Jetalone and Jetalone with its cooling thingys out, 1st Angel Adam, 2nd Angel Lilith, Lilith combined with Rei, 3rd Angel Sachiel, 4th Angel Samshel, 5th Angel Ramiel, 7th Angel Israfel and the 10th Angel Sahaquiel].

Pretty cool huh? I made them using Microangelo [kicks photoshops butt!]. They are at a 48x48 icon size, which is small I know, but they are icons. I didn't make them especially for icon use, but I suppose they'll work okay, except for Sahaquiel, which is three 48x48 icons put together. Inbetween creating the Eva's, I also had a crack at some real life robots... these being Sony's QRIO and Honda's ASIMO! Pretty neat huh! There is another robot like these aswell... but I have yet to make him... As I am in a pixel mood I'm going to try complete my Evangelion icon set.

- ANYWAY back to the paper model stuff... that shunpop guy has churned out another starwars masterpiece. This time its that giant sandcrawler thingy. You know that giant thingy with tank tracks, inhabited by those little guys with black hoods who salvage droids... yeah that thing. As its from shunpop the quality is high and I recommend it for starwars fans! You can find it in the other section.

- I finally managed to get a few pictures of that GoGo Yurabai [from Kill Bill] paper model. Its pretty cool... its made hako style. Unfortunately there isn't a download for this one yet, but keep your fingers crossed. You can check it out in my wanted section.

- A bit of an oddity this one is... I think its a teabag dispensing machine... kind of like a coke/candy machine, but full of tea... anyway I think its some kind of promotional thing for lipton tea in japan, but its a ROBOT called RTD! Don't know what else to say about it, but yeah its a weird robot thing... You can find it in my mecha section.

- ONCE AGAIN THAT JAPANESE GAMECUBE MAGAZINE HAS ANOTHER POKEMON MODEL! I wrote this in caps because I'm trying to stress the fact that if you have access to this magazine you can get a detailed pokemon character... can't quite rememeber the name of this character, but its the version before it evolves into a Clefairy... something to do with a star or something... anyway you can find the picture of it in my wanted section. Please if you have a copy of these models email me or drop a note in my group, because there will be a few people who wouldn't mind building them.



Gundam CRAZY & I finally obtain PAPYRUS! - February 20, 2004

- I continually tried to download the Papyrus model from the site that has all the paper guns, but I still got a 'file not found' message on my download manager... so I went looking elsewhere... and I discovered it happens to be on the pepakura site aswell [whether or not it originated from there I don't know]. So now i've downloaded myself a copy and have added it to my "to build" list [I'm out of colour ink :( ]. I forgot to save the link so, I'll post it up next time.

- With yet another visit to the big smoke [this time for a job interview... cross your fingers], I went wandering around the usual comic/hobby shops looking for something cool. I found a couple of things. One was the new Final Fantasy Unlimited DVD series, FLCL DVD series [the one about the robots that come out of some guys head or something], Gundam Wing DVD series and of course from hobbyco some more gundam model kits [I got the Forbidden Gundam kit... it was only $11AUS and it was probably worth half that... see more, as I review it in my toy section]. I was tempted by both Final Fantasy and FLCL, but instead I settled for the first Gundam Wing DVD. It has the first 5 episodes on it, plus madman propaganda [about 4-5 trailers] and some character/mecha profiles. I've never seen the Gundam series before [I used to pronounce it 'Gun DAM', but after watching the anime I have to correct myself and pronounce it 'Gun DEM'], only just a couple of clips I've downloaded from the net. What's my verdict? Well I must say its rather interesting. There's a whole new story and history to get to know. Anything bad about the DVD? Well I didn't like the intro music, Robotech and Neon Genesis have much better ones. I was expecting some more mecha/character profiles too. The first DVD only contained 3 profiles, that of Heero, Gundam Wing and Relena. I suppose the following DVDs will have the other profiles. Too be really picky, I hated watching the "previously on gundam wing" bit after the intro... it got repetitive and annoying... luckily you can skip the scene... don't you just love DVD technology? :) Anyway, now not only do I have the second Robotech boxset to get, I have to get the rest of the Gundam series! AKK!

- I ALSO DISCOVERED A NEW STORE!! I was on my way home, walking to Town Hall station and what does my eye see... MANY MANY MANY ASTROBOY TOYS!! Mini Astroboys, key-ring Astroboys, Astroboy statues... Astroboy everything. With further interest I discovered this shop had all the robot model kits I could ask for, including some Robotech/Macross ones! This shop knocks Hobbyco of its platform... It was unfortunate I discovered this shop at the end of the day when I have already spent most of my money!!! [sob sob]. I didn't look at the prices... however i did see a huge Zaku model in a black box with a $300+ price tag on it!!!!! :) I can't imagine the model kits being any more expensive than Hobbyco... they may even be cheaper! [fingers crossed] Whatever the price next time I'm in town I'm getting myself a VF-S1, VF-J1 or a VF-19 if they have one... The store also has a large range of japanese DVD's and anime music CD's, plus all the little trinkets. I forgot to look at the store name, and I just remember where the store is... I hope I can find it again!!!

- I found a few pictures of that Zeta Gundam model kit I talked about last week, you can find them in my toy section, along with pictures of that life size gundam model in some park in Japan... Also a year has passed and gone, since I've created this site and my archives have run out of space... soooo I've made a new Almight Archives page... NUMBER 3!! This page will store posts from Janurary to June 2004. You can find it along with last years posts here.

Boxhead, Papyrus, Zeta Gundam & Deathscythe?! - February 13, 2004

- I don't know about you, but I love these boxhead models... They're easy to build and give a use for the top of your monitor! My computer desk has like a row of these box head models sitting on the monitor and shelf. They add character to your workspace! Anyhoo, the Lexmark printer website has started in the paper model business, following the same path that the Canon website. They seem to be adding little models and games every month so it be wise to bookmark their website for this coming year. They have these two bears one called Lex and the other Mark [stupid isn't it :)] and they have a little aeroplane they can fly in! There is also these two cave men [bears] as well as a game or two to print out and play using the Lex & Mark characters as tokens. You can find them in my OtherBOX section.

- Continuing with the boxhead models, there is also this little monkey with a party hat! Something to end the Chinese New Year celebrations. There is also a little hamster... he's not Hamtoro, but yeah. As above you can find it my OtherBOX section.

- There is this mecha model called Papyrus which was made by that gun who makes all those paper guns. It looks kinda weird, well its head does anyway and I don't recognise it from any anime or manga that I know of. It does however look poseable! Which is good news. But more bad news as I can't seem to download it. I don't know why... I've still posted it in my mecha section anyway just in case it can be downloaded.

- Last week I mentioned that new Metal Gear Solid download, which was supposed to have that "???" tank model with it. Well I downloaded it and what do you know... the "???" tank model was WITH Rex all along!! God I'm stupid! Anyway, i'll stop now and cease my embarassment. I've updated the Rex model in my mecha section with the new link.

- I was in town again yesterday [had to go in to get tickets to see the band "Little Birdy"], and we went to HobbyCo. Last time I was here I couldn't decide whether or not to buy the Stikfa or the Gundam kit. Well problem solved because I bought the Gundam kit yesterday and I must say it kind of leaves the Stikfa for dead. The HG 1/144 scale "MSZ-006 'Zeta Gundam' A.E.U.G. Prototype Transformable Attack Mobile Suit" Bandai snap-together kit is like a Stikfa on steroids. Its like a Zoids kit and Stikfa reproduced and created this masterpiece. Well its not Master Grade and its all plastic but I've never had my hands on anything like this before. There was a whole stack of different Gundam mecha, but I like the look of this one. You can find pictures of some of the others that were there [and I'll probably buy in the future :)] in the toy section. You can also find my review of the kit there aswell.

- In my group, a member mentioned that he/she just downloaded the Deathscythe Hell Custom model?!!! This is all news to me and I've enquired to see if I can get a link

NEW Yuuku Robo & Metal Gear Solid Mystery Vehicle!- February 6, 2004

- YAY! another connected papecraft robot! There is a new set of parts for some weird looking tin man robot [think wizard of oz]. There are new hand pieces, a new body and new head. You use the legs and arms from the first robot. This could start a new trend... maybe I should make some custom parts... I'll finish my GaoGaiGar first :) You can find the new Yuuku in the mecha other section.

- I can't remember what got me back on the controversal Metal Gear Solid Rex model again, but I think it was the mentioning of another "???" model that came with Rex. The papercraft was given out at the E3 Expo in special envelopes. It contains: MGS The Twin Snakes special leaflet, Metal Gear REX & ??? papercraft sheet, TGS special clear file and TGS special sticker (MGS The Twin Snakes). Anyway I went looking round and I've found some good pictures of the mystery "???". It looks like some kind or artillery gun vehicle or something... bummer its not another mech. I found a link to download the model, I haven't downloaded it yet, but the site said that it had both models... I hope it does, but like another MGS zip file it only contained the Rex model... Anyway you can find the pictures in my wanted books section.

- I got an email from the site that has the Wanzer model and the MacGuyver theme music running in the background :) Anyway after that brief nostalgic momment, the site address has changed! So after finally supplying you guys with the link to the wanzer I have to change it again! Oh well... I also updated the wanzer link.

- This is that 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime toy that I mentioned... "This is a must-have item for all true Transformer fans! To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Transformers, the ultimate Optimus Prime is being released. Based on the original comic book and TV animation of Optimus Prime in 1984, this 20th Anniversary Figure has everything a collector could ever want. This deluxe version of the Autobot leader features die-cast parts, rubber tires, spring-loaded suspension, light-up Matrix Annex and superbly detailed articulation. Includes removable hands, interchangeable weapons and "transforms" into the classic semi-truck. Plus, this incredible collectible comes equipped with a Megatron Pistol that disassembles like G1 Megatron, Energon Axe that attaches to his arm, Iron Blaster (the original Optimus Prime weapon) and a removable Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Optimus measures approximately 12 inches tall in robot mode." Awsome huh... I couldn't find any decent pictures of it, but I'll keep my eye out.

- And finally here is some toys stuff. There is the "Kahen Senshi" series ZZ Gundam and this robot called a Snake Eye. They were posted on the toyboxDX site recently and I must say they are nice pieces of robot. You can also find images and a review of the the Beta Female Safari with Jungle Cat Stikfa!.


R-Type Final, Wanzer, Monkey & Optimus! - February 2, 2004

- OMG I FORGOT! The 5th of last month was my websites 1st birthday! So I'll celebrate it now instead. It wasn't a smooth birth as I did have trouble with my first website host and I had to relocate. has served me well over the past 10 or so months and I'll continue to use it. My free account has 20mb of space and I've used up about 10mb of it, so I can chug along happily for another 12 months before I have to start thinking about cutting back on the ammount of images I can upload. So I'll raise my class of apple juice and make a toast for a trouble free next 12 months. Thanks for all that have visited and especially to those that have contacted me and helped in some way. Anyway back to work...

- R-Type... I think its that side scrolling shootem up game... I can't quite remember... I'll need to do a bit of research... ANYWAY... There is a new game: R-Type Final. On the website, amoungst a few wallpapers you can find one of the mechs/spaceship things. Its called a 'TW-2 Kiwi Berry' I think. Its kinda weird looking and there are better looking r-type things than this dome tank thing. I wonder if there are other r-types being made into papermodels? You can find it in my mecha games section.

- I got a couple of emails from some visitors to my site saying that you can now download the Wanzer model! YAY! It looks a bit small, but who cares it still looks good. You can find it in my mecha games section.

- Also in one of the emails was the link for the Optimus Prime paper model from that Masamune guy. There 2 versions... The original Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus... which is the same model just different colour scheme. I'll build Optimus and also build his autobot insigna base [that you can find at the same website] to stand him on. Should look good. You can find it in my mecha section.

- This year its the Year of the Monkey for Chinese New Year, and what better than to post a monkey model :) I found this cube monkey, which I thought was just the one monkey... but no! Once I downloaded it and opened up the PDF I discovered that there is about 5 identical monkeys, but with different colours. So go ape this year and print them all out! You can find them in my otherBOX section.

- Also a little not about the pink legless robot in my wanted mecha section I called "Ma Legs". Scumbunny told me he is actually called "Dolores-i", the orbital frame from the Zone Of the Enders anime [I like my "Ma Legs" better though hehe]. He said that he's ran into the model a couple times, so maybe one day we might be able to build this oddity.

- I also divided my wanted section into two. The original wanted section and a papercraft book section. I thought there were enough papercraft books for them to be put into their own section. So all the wanted models that belong to a papercraft book, like the Macross one or belong to a boxset thing like the Fuchikoma one will be added there.

- I was in the city again yesterday... a bit tired though [partied till 3am on saturday, and stayed overnight in a hotel] and I went crusing around the 'cool' shops looking for something to make listening to that damn doosh doosh RnB shite all night worth while... [I'm a rock n roll man meself :)]. Anyway... I was on the look out for a robot toy or model kit... But for some reason there was a lack of robot stuff that caught me eye. Well the ones that didn't cost $100+ anyway. To cut this short this is what I found. I found the Evangelion Unit00 & Unit02 Kubrick sets on sale [$29AUS], The Big O manga comic volume 1 [$25AUS], MSN-00100 Hyakushiki Gundam Model Kit [$23AUS] and the Beta Female Safari with Jungle Cat Stikfa [$13AUS]. In the end it came down to the Gundam kit or the Stikfa. The other two were in separate shops about a 5-10 minutes walk away and I was tired and just wanted to sleep... So basically I then had to decide how much I wanted to spend. I've already spent about $150 in the past 2 weeks on stuff and my wallet was starting to bleed... So I bought the Stikfa. I have issues I know, but with all this cool stuff surrounding me its hard for me not to get giddy :) Look in my toy minifigs section to get a review of the Safari Stikfa Gal and her Kitty. Oooo next update there will be a cool Optimus Prime toy... I saw it in a magazine while I was out and about... so I'm gonna look for some pictures!


Yuuku Robo, Kid Goku & Hellboy Playmobil - Janurary 28, 2004

- The year has pretty much started up again... bummer its still summer though... I've kind of finished building the prototype of the head of my GaoGaiGar scratch build. I said "kind of" because for some reason one page [the jaw/mouth bits] printed out larger than the rest of them... I don't know why... but the rest of the head/ear-wing things/crest/samurai-wing things worked out pretty much perfect. Maybe a little tweaking in how I unfolded the 3D model might make some parts a little bit easier to fold back up again [Pepakura is a fiddly program]... So things are looking really good for the prototype, so full steam ahead in the few coming weeks. I'll print out more bits over the coming weeks and I'll report when something happens.

- Yuuku? I can't remember why I called it this... I think it was the name of the files... but anyway its a cool little robot where the parts are interchangeable to create different robots... Kind of like Lego... You print out all the parts and you can put together this little robot. Print out the same parts again and you can add on and modify the original robot and create your own unique robot design. Its a pretty clever idea and it makes me wish I had thought it up myself :) You can find it in my mecha other section.

- Kid Goku was released a little while ago and I should have put it in my last post but oh well... Its from the Kamiasobi site, where the Hamtoro and various other character models can be found. Like the other models it may be a little tricky to construct for newbies but yeah... what else can I say its Goku!! You can find it in my other section.

- Is it Triggun or Gungrave? I don't know much about this anime series, but what I do know is that they wield massive hand-guns... and guess what? Yep! You can build them! I prefer the character Vash's gun... it reminds me of this manga book with a spaghetti western theme and one of the characters has this massive colt revolver... hehe. Anyway I only downloaded Vash's gun and you can find it in my other game section, but supplied links for the Ceruberus Red and Silver, and couple of swords: Maya and Dragon Spirit sword.

- When I saw Underworld the otherday [awsome movie... ending was a bit dodgy though]... I saw the Hellboy trailer [looks pretty darn cool]... anyway... I found a site which does custom toy figurines. All the other figurines were like repaints, but there was a Hellboy Playmobil set. This looked pretty genuine, so I question the 'custom-ness'... but they my not be Kubrick figurines but they are small and cool so you can find pictures of them in the toy section.

- When I went and saw Underworld I also went looking for that Manga Spiderman figurine I mentioned not that long ago... I found it but one box was a bit tattered and the other 2 had some paint defects so I left them there... :( But instead I found something that is much much better... ROBOTECH!!! Yep... I finally bought the first DVD boxset [as seen below] and now I have immersed myself in 80's cartoon goodness :)

There are 3 discs. Disc 1 'First Contact' & Disc 2 'Transformation' contains the first 12 episodes ['Booby Trap' thru to 'The Big Escape']. The 3rd bonus disc "E1", contains 'Codename: Robotech' a feature-length [75min] compilation of scenes from episodes 1-13, plus footage unique to this feature. It was like a "pilot" episode given to television stations to broadcast prior to the series. If you have watched all the episodes before watching this feature, then I suggest you watch this with the audio commentary on [by series writer/producer, Carl Macek]. Its pretty much epidode 1-13 squished into 75mins so it may bore some but the audio commentary is pretty interesting. Also on the bonus disc are animation character model sheets [unfortunately none of them are mecha] and a selected scene in various languages [the Spanish & Italain versions are the best].

Wanzer, Artoo & Imperial Shuttle thing... - Janurary 23, 2004

- A long time in waiting... Its been almost a month since my last update and you may have thought I've dropped off the edge of a cliff and into oblivion... well I haven't... I've just been somewhat busy and lazy :) My parents went away for a couple of weeks and I was left with the majority of the things that my Mum usually does... Freedom is good, however it comes at a cost. So apart from the usual house chores I've been out with friends and seeing movies. I FINALLY saw LotR: Return of the King. I also rented out the Finding Nemo DVD... I've seen it at the cinemas, however I wanted to get a glimpse at the special bonus stuff. Most of it was a bit dodgy and they could have done witout it, but then again it was a kids movie so thats why some of the material didn't appeal to me. I hope the special edition version has more technical detail bonus stuff. Also after me and a mate had seen Monty Python's The Meaning of Life on TV we decided to have a Monty Python [MP] marathon, renting out all the MP DVD/videos we could find. Weird and funny shite... We saw "The Life of Brain" [so-so kinda movie, not as good as 'Holy Grail/Meaning of Life', but still good], "MP and the Holy Grail" [better than 'Brain' and on par with 'Meaning of life'] and "MP Live from the Hollywood Bowl" [VERY VERY entertaining... its full of skits so the humour is constant... Holy Grail is still pretty damn funny... NNII!].

I also was able to borrow my friends Nintendo 64... yes yes I know its a little dated, but I'm used to dated technology... Anyway I borrowed it so I can play Zelda. A PRETTY DAMN GOOD i'd say... I'm about half way through it now, so thats another reason why I've neglected my website for awhile. Anyway... I'm to see Underworld tommorow and I'm on the look out for the Robotech DVD boxset... I have money and I'm ready to burn some :) Anyway on with the website...

- I received an email from the guy who has the Destroid Monster uploaded on his site, stating that the original creator of the model wanted it removed as the Monster is only sold at some convention... Wonder Festival? Anyway... to make this short and somewhat less painfull for those who have not already had the chance to download the model, you can't download it from him anymore. You may find it uploaded elsewhere, but if the creator knows of this also, its is highly likely that any other site had to remove the model aswell. So if you know of place where you can download it email it to me and I'll keep the site in memory for those that still want it. So this means I'll have to update my links... If anyone wants the Destroid Monster, email me and I may be able to get it to you via my group. Anyway, I browsed the rest of that guys site and found a couple of pictures of a boxish Wanzer mech from the much loved Front Mission games. I couldn't find a download link, but I will email him and I'll let you know what happens next update. In the meantime you can see a couple of pics in the wanted section.

- I saw this model ages ago, yet I don't know why I did not post it... It is 'Artoo' or to be somewhat technical: R2D2. The creator says it has moving parts which should be cool, plus it'll increase the difficulty. You can find it in my other star wars section. Following the Starwars theme I also found a very detailed model of the Imperial Shuttle thing... I'm not sure if thats it name or not, but yeah this thing is pretty damn cool. It has a see-in cockpit with little seats and everything... You'll find it being escorted by tie-fighters in my other star section.

- A little note about the Front Mission Zenith Weapons. Last time I said that I couldn't download them... well amazingly the other day they downloaded, so yeah you can find them in my mecha game section.

- Following on from the PandaZ vinyl toy, comes one of the bad guys: Black Ham Gear. He's a bit shorter than PandaZ, but still awsome. You can see the pics of it in the toy other section.

Hander, FM4 Weapons & TA Online - Janurary 4, 2004

- To start off the new year, [HAPPY NEW YEAR by the way...] that guy that has made all those paper guns has created this oddity... its a hand, which is kinda robotic, like it was from a gundam mech or something... And way its fully poseable, so yeah you can move its fingers in almost everywhich way. I wonder if there is a giant robot mech behind this single hand? You can find it in the mecha other section.

- A revisist to that Front Mission 4 site paid off... well kinda... There are 3 weapons for you to "download", 2 guns and one hand-to-hand weapon [a chuncky knuckle buster]. I said "download" with the inverted commas because I couldn't download them... I don't know why... but I added the pictures of them along with the Zenith mech in my mecha game section.

- There was also another pokemon model released by that japanese gamecube magazine... this time it was that little chubby sumo boxing pokemon... Makuhita? That might be the evolved version... I can't remember. You can see a picture of it in my wanted other section, or go here or here to the gamecube magazine site.

- No there is not ANOTHER astroboy model, this is about the soon to be released Astroboy game on the Gameboy Advance. Its out in japanese, but being in japanese isn't much good to me... I've supplied a couple of screenshots and other pics in my game section... brace yourselves.

- This is kind of OT [off topic] for this site, but I think its pretty good and worth mentioning. It is Tactic Arena Online... no you don't pay $80+ for some graphics hungry MMORPG, nor do you need to register and get charged weekly/monthly for playing the game. Sounds good huh? Well it ain't a MMORPG, but it is medievalish, dealing with magic and monsters... Its a turn-based FREE online tactics game. You register for FREE and you get yourself the FREE 'starter kit' of units to play with. Of course you can pay to support the site/game and you'll be rewarded with new and better units, but thats up to you. I've played a couple of games and I am fairly impressed with it... in fact its the best free multiplayer online game [MOG] that I've played so far. There are a couple of downsides, but thats to be expected being for FREE and all... once your battle is over you get logged out of the game [but its not hard to retype your password and your back in again in seconds], like most online games most people don't like playing with newbies [especially the clans and hardcore players], so I'd practice with a friend first to learn the ropes [I did however play a game with someone who was willing to teach me a thing or two... he won of course :)], and finally this isn't really a major downside, but the game is totally loaded from the net [as in you don't have to download setup files or do any installations], which may take a while if its your first time there or you regularly clear your internet cache. The graphics are fairly decent and the characters each have character animations, not static units... so yeah if your game go here to read a heap more about it and to get stuck into playing!

- Oh and I've finished making the 3D model of that GaoGaiGar mech. I'm now busy exporting and editing in photoshop and pepakura, and printing will start soon to do the first prototype builds! See my projects section for more.

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paperandglue© copyright Phillip Sabolta 2002

All models and images have the rights of their respective owners. I make no income or any sort of benefit from this site. ENJOY!!!