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All Other Mecha Models

- to download the files, the link should be on the file type image (gif,pdf, jpeg, stuffit, zip, bitmap or rar), or on a hyperlinked text eg. sheet1, 2, 3 etc. NB: Use the right-click 'save target as' command. To download the files off the creator, use the link if supplied, which will either take you to the creators site or to the actually file on the website. If you need Acrobat Reader, Winzip, Winrar or Stuffit Expander, go to and get the stuff there.

Name + URL
Assembly Instructions
Red & Black thing.
This model also doesn't have any glue tabs, so construction is a bit of a puzzle, but because of its simplicity not impossible.

pdf (120kb)

Site Link

Snowman SAFS
By looking at the files, it doesn't have any glue tabs... which is a bit of a worry, and even more of a challenge to build it as there are no instructions or guides in which to follow to build it.

2 pdfs (352kb)

Site Link

Gock & Magock

The pdf contains both robots, but only instructions for one. They are however pretty similar and therefore there should not be any problem building the other one.

pdf (1.98mb)

Site Link

It can be found in the free section, under the icon of a squirrels head.

Rens Head Prototype

Its pretty much the same as the Rens Head, so If you could build that then there shouldn't be a problem building this.


5 Files in total (all up 1.5mb)


Site Link

Death Box

A weird looking robot from that Kamikazu guy... it transforms though!

sit contains 13 gifs & 5 pdo's

[3 gifs being the instructions]


Site Link


Lipton RTD
The best thing about downloading this model is that before you even start to download you must successfully complete a 'memory' type game, where you have to correctly select the right robot parts that belong to the RTD guy... It may be a little hard to find if you can't read japanese, but click around and you'll find it. I wonder what RTD stands for anyway? Robotic Tea Dispenser?

pdf (272kb)

Site Link


If I was to build this robot, i'd probably leave out the antenna things he has on his head...


sit contains 11 gifs & 6 pdo's

[3 gifs being the instructions]


Site Link

Yuuku Robo UPDATE

No instuctions, might be a little fiddly but it looks pretty straight forward.

3 gif's

all up (48kb)

Site Link

2 gif's

all up (28kb)

Site Link

Optimus Prime & Ultra Magnus
An awsome model and its in my 'to build' pile. There are 2 versions of this transformer. Optimus Prime and Ultra Magnus. They are basically the same just different colour scheme, and you can download both! There is also an optional instructions file which has step by step instructions. All we need now is Megatron! There is also an Autobot insignia base in which you can stand him on.

zip file contains 1 pdf (and .txt)

Optimus Prime (84kb)

Option Instructions (192kb)

Ultra Magnus (84kb)

Site Link


sit contains 6 gifs 3 pdo's

[one gif being the instructions]


Site Link

Rens Head


Its a funny looking thing, kinda looks like Johnny 5 and one of those pod racer droids mixed together... There is a gun arm? to get aswell, which he wants for ¥500, but I haven't seen a picture of it yet... He has either a new or revamp site here.

There is a page which has the instructions on it too, so don't forget to look at that.


6 Files in total (all up 1.98mb)

Site Link


Gort comes with his flying saucer, so if you want to just build Gort on his own, then you'll need to extract him using photoshop or something. The plans are fairly small too, so an enlargement wouldn't hurt.

There are instructions with the plans, but there are still some on the site.

pdf (1.09mb)

Site Link


Building this model may be a bit of a puzzle as there are no instructions or picture to follow. The parts are however numbered so maybe that helps. Its a bit of an oddity to be building Lego out of paper, but its pretty cool. [NB: the picture to the left is not the paper version]

If you want to know all about MedamaOyaji, then go here.

jpeg (64kb)

Site Link

Wacky Feet robot!

Fairly simple, but the joints may be a little fiddly. More models should be poseable like this one.

The site:

Site Link


about (440kb)

Direct Link

Titan 08

A polygonal type model, which may be a bit fiddly. As it is from the pepakura site, its only available in .pdo format so you'll need to have yourself a copy of pepakura viewer. But don't worry cause its free!! You'll find the link to download it on the site.

You'll find that chibi style jet on the same page as titan.


about (500kb)

Site Link

Robbie the Robot
The plans have very limited colour, so I don't know if the image of it has been coloured or there is a shadow cast upon it. It was found amoungst a heap of space models, including that Kill Bill chic and the Nautilus. Go here.


about (168kb)

Direct Link

Nerfect Robot
Inspired by the 'Old School' robots.

2 sit that contains 1 pdf each

(all up 728kb)

sheet A (541kb)

sheet B (181kb)

Site Link

Old School "Robots"



(various sizes, no larger than 2mb)

Site Link


Very complicated to build as its still in pepakura format. You can get this Metaposer program from the site.

Site Link

You'll need Pepakura, Tenkai & Metaposer to view the files.

Site Link

Cam08 Custom
Want more Cam08! Well here's a custom version! Its the same as the original, just different colour. The site is in japanese, so I don't know the reason behind the custom design. You can download it as either jpeg's or pdf [pdf's have the smaller filesize].

4 pdf's

part 1 (76kb)

part 2 (52kb)

part 3 (96kb)

part 4 (72kb)

Site Link

When I posted the new custom Cam08 model I realised I didn't have the original Cam-08 model posted. Oh well, I've posted it now.

4 pdf's

all up about (724kb)

Site Link


A pretty easy build, it looks like it could be somewhat posable... dunno.

At the same site are a couple of variations of the robot. One with the legs of the robot combined with a crane type machine and another with the body part of the robot attached to a thing with wheels... I didn't bother linking these, as I think the robot is much better. You'll find them under the sample section.


Colour version [password:ki06761] (3.61mb)

B&W version (1.04mb)

Direct Link

Site Link

Omega Supreme
May want to reduce the size of the plans so it is not so big. I'd print him about 50% of his original size. Because he is a little blocky I thought that having him really big makes them look crap, and plus its a waste of ink. There is a transformable version coming soon. So if you can I'd wait for the transformable one. Should be good. There are also a few different versions of Omega Supreme on the site.


plans (102kb)

instructions (82.1kb)

Site Link


Is this what happens when you mix a Patlabor Ingram with Asimo?

Instructions included with plans.


all (1.16mb)


The larger more accurate version of Asimo [ which i only just found out stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility].

Instructions included with plans.


asimo (1.01mb)

*need to find link... sorry*
Autobot Prowl & Decepticon Bluestreak?
More Transformer Hako models to build YAY! Basically these are identical, just a few colour changes and a little extra detail on Bluestreak. One problem I did find though, is that Bluestreak, the supposed Decepticon has a Autobot badge!!? I'm guessing the guy forgot to change the badges when recreating Prowl into Bluestreak! :)


Prowl (56.5kb)

Bluestreak (67.1kb)

Hako Asimo
Like the other transformers hako models, you might want to reduce the image size to about 25% or something, to make them about the same size as the Kubrick figurines or Lego men. Might be a bit fiddly, but they look better that way.



Hako Asimo

Small weird robot


robot (19.2kb)

Direct Link

Autobot Dinobots

All dinobots in one pdf file.

Unless you are going to extract the images from the pdf in photoshop you are stuck with them being a big size. I may extract them myself and get them as gifs like the others.


Dinobots (375kb)

Site Link

Decepticon Soundwave & Devastator

Megatron and Optimus Prime

Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker

Autobot Blaster & Hound

Devastator assembly instructions

devinstr gif (26.4kb)

May want to reduce the size of the plans so it is not so big. I print my jpegs and gifs from Word and I fit 4 hako models on the one page, which made them about 25% of their original size I think. It makes them about the same size of a kubrick figure. Nice and small. I thought that having them really big makes them look crap, because they are pretty simple and blocky. If your gonna build a big-ish model make sure it has detail people!


Blaster (59.0kb)

Hound (60.3kb)

Starscream (68.6kb)

Skywarp (67.4kb)

Thundercracker (67.7kb)

Megatron (62.1kb)


Soundwave (55.8kb)

Devastator (65.9kb)

Site Link

Decepticon Devastator
Assembly instructions pdf (142kb)


Devastator (773kb)

Site Link



(all up 323kb)

arm, body, leg

I tried building this, and I ended up with a heap of pieces of paper that I have no idea where they go... I managed to complete the chest/shoulder amour piece. Definately for experienced modellers only.


(all up 714kb)

sheet a, b, c, d

Site Link

paperandglue© copyright Phillip Sabolta 2002

All models and images have the rights of their respective owners. I make no income or any sort of benefit from this site. ENJOY!!!