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Mecha Anime Models

- to download the files, the link should be on the file type image (gif,pdf, jpeg, stuffit, zip, bitmap or rar), or on a hyperlinked text eg. sheet1, 2, 3 etc. NB: Use the right-click 'save target as' command. To download the files off the creator, use the link if supplied, which will either take you to the creators site or to the actually file on the website. If you need Acrobat Reader, Winzip, Winrar or Stuffit Expander, go to and get the stuff there.

Assembly Instructions
Gaogaigar Mecha

They might be a wee tricky in places, much like my Gaogaigar Perfect Fusion mecha...

(contains .pdo files which open in Pepakura)

Site Link

Destroid HWR-00-MK2 Monster

Unfortunately the link for this awsome model had to be removed.

Its a chunky 6.44mb zip file containing 25 large jpeg files. 4 of those 25 pages are basic building instructions.

zip file contains 25 jpegs



Pictures of the Destroid Monster

Site 1

Site 2

Zentradi Regult Battle pod

Looks like a moderate level build, being a polygon/pepakura type model, but I could be wrong. I probably won't build this, because I already have a much larger plastic Regult toy, I bought in early 90's.

Anyway its an RAR archive consisting of 4 jpegs. 2 being the plans, 1 somewhat informative instructions and the other an image of the finished product.


(all up about 692kb)

Site Link

For those who are not memeber, well you'll need to be a member of the 'pmcache03' group.

Gundam Zaku

updated 5/10/03

This is one of the huge models that I haven't built yet. I might consider building it when I get a new ink cartridge, but then again I don't have any more shelf space.

Zaku Assembly instructions jpeg



(all up about 12.5mb)


If those links don't work try this one:

Site Link

Zaku Head
Somewhat fiddly to build. If you managed to build the Astro boy model with no problems then this should be no challenge.

2 gif's

all up (121kb)

Site Link

Getter Robo
Another pretty simple build. You can find the instructions here, a page full of informative pictures. I wish it was a full bodied model though.

2 pdf's

Part 1 (357kb)

Part 2 (329kb)

Site Link

Atama? head from "Castle in the Sky Laputa"
Along with the huge pieces it comes with a large image of the instructions. Pretty straight forward.

lzh that contains 1 jpeg and 17 pdf

all up (113kb)

Site Link

Gundam RX78 Customs
These models are pretty much the same as the much bigger and more detailed RX78 model already available, except that its more simpler. Still pretty good though. At least the head isn't as blocky as the Patlabor model. Each version comes in a zip which contains 2 pdf's. One being the model and the other the instructions. The instructions seem the same for all of them. If you couldn't be bothered printing out the 50 odd sheets for the more detailed version, then give this a go instead.

each zip contains 2 pdf's

individual (303-309kb)

download all (1.19mb)

Site Link

Patlabor Ingram [Alphonse]
The zip file contains 3 different styles of the mech, plus the command car, transport truck and instructions. Like the other hako models done by the same guy they are pretty simple builds.

zip contains 6 pdf's

all up (399kb)

Site Link

Zero & Tiger Fighters

Pretty simple builds, that come with stands and instructions. I'd love to build the big Yamato ship instead though!


Tiger (431kb)

Zero (506kb)

Site Link

VF-1S Valkyrie

A more detailed model of the previous VF-1S veritech fighter. You could probably, in conjunction with the Gerwalk version, attempt a scratch build of the battloid version or even better a transformable version. Instructions included within plans. Stand is also included within plans, however I suggest using stronger card to build it with or reinforce the normal paper. Over time it will bend under the weight and be a problem.

(all up 385KB)

VA1 (219Kb)

VA2 (92.7Kb)

VA3 (73.0Kb)

Site Link

Votoms Brutish Dog

My Dad had his works digital camera and I used it to take a few pictures... because I can't find a picture of it elsewhere!

I recently finished building this one and its pretty cool. I tried leaving some of the joints loose so it can be somewhat poseable, but it didn't work very well. It will use all your red ink!

Brutish Dog Assembly Instructions pdf



Links may be dead




Getter Robo &

Getter 3

Assembly instructions included with plans.

The paper is coloured (seems to be scans) so there would be a lot of ink wasteage.

Getter 3 is also a scan. Getter 3 is like Getter 1, but is a tank. I don't know much about them.

Links may be dead






Gundam RX-78

My second huge model build. This one was much much easier to build than the previous two. Plus its an printer ink saver due to the fact that about 50% of it is white. The sheild will need to be secured to the shoulder for it to stay upright. The hand alone can't hold it. If I had to do it again I wouldn't build the sheild or gun.

Links may be dead

a single pdf (4.65mb)

requires password: f121889114


Backpack instructions:


Links may be dead

a single pdf


requires password: f121889114


EVA Unit01 Test

The third huge model I built after the above Gundam RX-78 Somewhat a bit harder to build due to the wings/blades on the shoulders. A bit fiddly, but I think this model is better than Unit00.

a single pdf



Links may be dead

a single pdf



SD Gundam RX-93
A rather easy build. If you built the Hunter model you can build this. Instructions included with plans.

zip contains jpegs


It has labelled pieces, but it is still a little confusing. Use the picture to the left as reference if you can, however I never completed building my copy. I didn't know what this model was supposed to look like, until I recently found a picture of it. Apparently its from the Robotech universe.


(all up 873Kb)

Sheet 1, 2, 3, 4

Robotech VF-S1 Veritech Fighter - Gerwalk mode



Very cool and easy to build model. The newer fighter mode version has wings which can rotate, which this model doesn't. The newer model also has more detail. Instructions included with plans.

(all up 167KB)

GA1 (45.3Kb)

GA2 (69.2Kb)

GA3 (52.8Kb)

Site Link

EVA Unit00 Prototype

The first huge model I made. I was a little daunting at first being about 50 odd pages to print and cut out, but it was worth it.

(all up 2.21mb)

assembly manual 1, 2, 3

Link may be dead:

Site Link

(all up 4.47mb)

arm_a, b

body_a, b, c

leg_a, b, c


knife, shield, socket

EVA Jetalone
No instructions, but you don't really need it. A pretty simple model to build... I wish the other eva models were this easy :)


*need to find link... sorry*

Super Veritech Fighter



I have removed the instructions from my site, but the model is still downloadable. I'd build the other one instead, much easier. But the other one doesn't have a gunpod or the booster engines.


*need to find link... sorry*

paperandglue© copyright Phillip Sabolta 2002

All models and images have the rights of their respective owners. I make no income or any sort of benefit from this site. ENJOY!!!