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Wanted Papercraft Book/Compilations

- This section is dedicated to papercraft books, which can be artwork books or a DVD bundle that contains a papercraft model.

Pictures of Wanted Papercraft books/boxsets/compliations.

Not quite sure I should have poeted this find here, as I don't have much indication of where or what DVD's you can find them on... Oh well. Click on each model for a direct link. Heres the site for yall that can read japanese.

Overman King Gainer Exodus Guide... don't know much about it but yeah... interesting...

The much loved Yamato Battleship and another [which I think looks cooler] - Captain Harlock Arcadia?

FUCHIKOMA IS COMING! Well maybe not...

With all these papermodel books, I might dedicate a section to it.... Anyway I don't think this book has any of the people characters though.

The poseable Gundam RX-78-2, The book/box that has the Rex model, Sayla Mass and Char Aznable from Gundam.

A revisit of this model, as I found its some more pics of it [well pics of the boxes].

This is just as cool, if not cooler than the Yamato Battleship model. It's not quite as detailed, but I shouldn't complain! Its about as tall as a door! Don't know if it transforms... I didn't see any pictures of it in any other mode.

These are the images from the Macross Papercraft book. Sorry the images are small, but you can't get much from it anyway.

paperandglue© copyright Phillip Sabolta 2002

All models and images have the rights of their respective owners. I make no income or any sort of benefit from this site. ENJOY!!!