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I was a-thinkin's to meself, "Self, you never draw beefy dudes." So I drew a beefy dude, and he turned out looking a lot like a pirate! Unlike some people (named Pallas) I don't draw shirtless guys very often. Most of the time I need a reference... And hey, look!! I was so close to drawing his entire foot, but ran outta paper... half an inch more, and I coulda... half an inch! My kingdom for half an inch! And I see that my style is turning more whimsical (points out the spirals and tassles on his costume), which is no doubt from the influence of King of Bandit Jing. I kinda like it. If I were to color this dude's costume red and blue, he'd look suspiciously similar to the Bloodsailors of Neverwinter Nights.