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  Hello Everybody, My name is Mike Rivera, I am a Junior at Durand High School, My parents are Hector and Lisa Rivera. Hell, here is a list of Stuff About Me!!!!  ( I have a shitty camera, they were disposable ones)
Name: Mike Rivera (A.K.A.  Rivra)
Sports: Soccer, Football, Indoor Soccer, Lacrosse, Paintball (Yes it is a sport) and Track.
What I'm going do when I get older:  I'm going to SVSU,Then I will join the USAF and do pilots training. I've wanted to be a pilot since I was in 4th Grade
Favorite Restaurant: HOOTERS
Favorite Movie: The Fast and the Furious
Current Car: 1984 Mazda RX-7 (163 HP)  P.S.
Favorite Music: Anything really, I like Techno the most though
Favorite Music Artist: Me of course!!
Nationality: Puerto Rican!!! (Yes I am a US Citizen, Puerto Rico is a US Commonwealth) NOBODY CAN RESIST THE LATINO HEAT!
Favorite Girls: (Here we go)-=ERICA H. :-*=- Maegan, Stacey,Kailey, Hanna, Joanna, Olivia, Mallory, Kristin J., Megan, Kayla, Sarah, Rachelle, Lindsay G., Shivonne, Jennifer Shannon, Heather G., Alaena, Whitney S. (Don't be mad if I didn't put your name here, its not that I don't like you it's just I did not know you wanted to be up here, just tell me if you wanna be up here, and I will more than likely put you up here.)
And of Course the Guys: KWest, Hoochie, Beer Run Bobby, Lance, Fred, Fortress, Ross, Dainais, T Money, Vitamin J, Jroot, Bobby, Joe Perri, Anthony, Joe, Johnny V, Wilson, Simons, Demo, Little Atkinson, RP, Gulick, Kyle, Arnie, Andy Jones, Smitty, Carlson, Chappy, Eli, and whoever else I forgot.