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i would like to thank the following: $pider, crash, and jughead for being awesome friends, my mom for being so loving, chrystal for all the support, cindy(i'll come visit ya eventually), rachel (my homie), danielle, natalie, joanna, and marlene for always providing convo, paul for being a cool dude, kristy for being cool shit, musician's friend for gettin us the hookup with some decent equipment, benjamin beetle's for lettin us sell our demo their and selling me metal cheap, beer for guiding me through this turmoil, all my ex's for keepin shit in perspective, and of course the ppl out there that have and those that will drag their asses out to see us suck ass....thanx...catch ya'll on the flip side of the shitter... p.s. big fat fuck you beanhole goes out to: roy and all the rest of the sorry ass saps that walk this earth, i'm alive...i guess i win

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