Getting your wisdom teeth out doesn't's just plain sucks. No solid food for 48 hours? Is that even humane?
I am allowed to eat mostly pudding and grapes. Not even the good pudding...nooo, its all that low fat, single serving bland vanilla stuff. Grr. It sucks even more when you are sitting there, trying to eat your runny pudding, and a member of your family sits down beside you with tacos. I wanted tacos too:( Ha ha ha.
Anyways my wisdom teeth surgery went well. I was out cold for 2 hours...and they wouldn't let me keep my teeth. I told them my elaborate plan to sell my teeth on Ebay...the nurse told me that was sick and that they could not let me take them home. I grew them, I have to eat nothin but pudding for 2 days because of them...I should be able to do what I want with them right? Nope. They are considered 'Biohazardous Waste'...whatever that means, it's not like they are covered in AIDS + Cancer. Ha ha.
When the nurse put in my IV, she explained to me that she had never put in an IV I ended up bleeding everywhere...and they made me change into another gown. Those gowns should be illegal, they aren't even a gown, more like an apron a butcher would wear. Ha ha ha. After the surgery when I started to come to, she asked me to wiggle my fingers, so i did, then i gave her the finger to be funny. Surprisingly she laughed and said that I must be feeling better. Ha ha.
There was a guy in the bed next to me as I was starting to really come out of it...and he was just getting his IV put in, so I decided to make a joke, so i said: "Be careful, this nurse likes to make a huge mess, then i lifted up my hand where my IV was and showed him my bloody hand". The nurse laughed again, and was like: don't worry, second time around is better! The guy didn't laugh, instead he got a worried look on his face. Ha ha, I love to freak ppl out.
About 10 minutes later, after they helped the guy into the OR, I was allowed to go get redressed and go home. But instead the nurse told my mom about my crazy ebay plan, which my mom gave me a lecture on how 'not right' it is to sell pieces of you on the internet. Ha ha. As soon as we got into the car, my mom annouced that we had to go shopping, and get groceries and, barely awake and already I was forced to do stuff that I didn't like. It wasn't bad though, I just walked with the cart, while my mom asked me if I wanted this and that, plus I got a whole bunch of good food that she would never let me buy in the first place. Only problem is that I can't eat it yet. As soon as we got home, not only did she make me put away the groceries, but she also made me vaccuum my room. What a great mom huh? Ha ha...anyways so here I am, sick of eating pudding and grapes and watching TV. That's my wonderful adventure for this week...Oh btw, I got my first tattoo a while back...I guess I never got around to writing about it...anyways, Yeah it's pretty cool, I got pics, but i need to get them developed...I will keep you posted on that...