[RC] This Is Just To Say I have chopped the garlic that was in the Bullet and which you were probably saving for 2-second chili Forgive me it was like magic so fast and so good --- [BS] So much blends upon a red magic bullet blade with drinks virgin daiquiris and garlic. --- [RC] On a Cross Blade of the Bullet The apparition of these cheeses in the cup Cheddar on a cold, flat arm. --- [RC] Because I could not chop the Bullet- It kindly chopped for me- The Party Mug held but just some Ice- some Liquor and some Cream. We quickly ground - With all due haste- And I added berries Some sugar - then - I added too, For it's the Recipe- --- [BS] Is my bullet blending, That Barney used to pulse And hear the garlic chopping When Dino was hungry? Ay, the onions chop, The avocados too; Much change though it only took Five seconds to make good --- [RC] Berman, this is stupid stuff: You drink your daiquiris fast enough; There's scarcely liquor left, 'tis clear, To see the rate you blend your cheer ... --I blend the drinks I know of old, Mithridates's drink was cold. --- [BS] Blend quickly - Mimi Ice unused to thee- Berries - sip thy daiquiris As the drink may be - Crushing fast his dessert, Round the blade, it hums - Tastes his frozen- Drinks - and is now sober. --- [RC] To His Soy Mistress Had we but cheese enough, and thyme This omelette, lady, were no crime. We would grind down, and think which way To blend, and pass our hungry day; Thou by the Australian Hastie's side Shouldst onions find; I by the smoke Of Hazel would complain. I would Chop ham ten minutes before the Meal; And you should, if you please, refuse Till the smoothification of the Juice. My chopped vegetable love should grow Vaster than broccoli, and more slow. A hundred pulses should go to praise Thy corn, and thy love of creaméd maize; Two hundred to grind the coffee beans, Thirty thousand with soap to once more clean The blades which chop the food to parts And the last blade, so close to your heart. For, lady, you deserve this meal Eight-second omelette, no big deal. --- [BS] It Blends in Beauty It blends in beauty, like the knife With party mugs and frozen limes And all that's best of berries and ice Meet in its chamber and its blades. Thus blend'd to a smoothie fine Which Hazel in gaudy day drinks up. One pulse the more, one sec' the less, Had took the Magic Bullet's blest Hard crossblades to pulverize fruit To create drinks of icy bliss; Where strawberries and mangos blend How pure, how sweet the frozen drink. And in that mug, and how frosty So smooth, so tart, yet so easy, The rims that win, identify But tell of days in blending spent Appliance at peace with kitchen space, A bullet whose use is innocent! [RC] And on that blade, and o'er that mug So smooth, so quick, yet delicious The pulses that blend, the seconds go slow But tell of fruits it quickly blends A drink at peace with ice so cold, A smoothie whose flavor is innocent! --- [RC] Thirteen Ways of Blending with a Bullet IV A Mick and a Mimi Are one. A Mick and a Mimi and a Bullet Are one. VII O thin men of Haddam, Why don't you imagine countertop magicians? Do you not see how the Bullet Mixes up the batter Of the muffins about you? XII The omelette is cooking. The Bullet must be grinding.