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Original Works of Art

Please remember that all pics on this page are copyrighted to me. 

Do not try to take credit for work that is not yours.

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Some pictures are above average size.  Be forewarned that they may take some time to load.

Pictures will soon have a description for each.

beach3.jpg (290414 bytes) bryce3.jpg (62354 bytes) bryce5.jpg (51668 bytes) bryce6.jpg (126552 bytes) cafe1.jpg (360454 bytes) --castle_sky.jpg (205066 bytes)
--cityscape1.jpg (429279 bytes) display1_a.jpg (1050602 bytes) --dune1.jpg (11558 bytes) --hell.jpg (315125 bytes) holly_island.jpg (12141 bytes) river.jpg (39245 bytes)
ship1.jpg (37977 bytes) tech_walp.jpg (36341 bytes)     --weaving.jpg (351997 bytes) waterfall1.jpg (100166 bytes)

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