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Hello, welcome to hell.
Er...I mean my website.
*Home Page*
Dan mocks Yuri Dan's Daily Bicep workout! W. T. F. Dan's tellin you to kiss this!

December 19, 2004
Game Maker examples & stuff.
Megaman X Example V2
This Megaman X example was my attempt at replicating the gameplay in the Megaman X series...

Zero Example V4
I managed to make a system of Zero's 3-slash combo.

Zero Wing Intro Cutscene Example
The Intro Cutscene from Zero Wing, I made it and added vocals in it to make it resemble the infamous "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" flash. Pretty fun since I actually had to take screenshots of the whole scene.

Space Shooter Example
Cool example detailing the aspects of a Top-Down Space Shooter, and it uses WAVs for music. Kinda outdated compared to the rebuilt-from scratch version.

Space Shooter Example -Revised-
THE !NEW! version of the Space Shooter example. I completely revamped the A.I.'s pattern. Although now the craft fly in a predictable pattern, they're enough of a challenge to dodge. I also added a better boss that doesn't just appear from out of nowhere.

And a hosted Creation by RPGIcarus of the Game Maker forum: RPG Elements - RPGIcarus
-Fusion Armor X-

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All your base are belong to us - CATS