q.d. (on remedy): Seen on a solution, q.d. (on the other hand qd) implies one a day (from the Latin quaque die). The shortened form is now and then composed without a period in capital letters as "QD". Notwithstanding it is composed, it is one of various consecrated condensing of Latin terms that have been generally utilized as a part of solutions to indicate the recurrence with which pharmaceuticals ought to be taken.

Different illustrations include: see more medical abbreviations:
b.i.d. (offered or BID) is twice every day; b.i.d.. remains for "bis in pass on" (which implies, in Latin, twice per day).
t.i.d. (then again tid or TID) is three times each day ; t.i.d. remains for "ter in pass on" (in Latin, 3 times each day).
q.i.d. (then again qid or QID) is four times each day; q.i.d. remains for "quater in pass on" (in Latin, 4 times each day).
q_h: If a solution is to be taken each such a large number of hours, it is composed "q_h"; the "q" remaining for "quaque" and the "h" demonstrating the quantity of hours. In this way, for instance, "2 tops q4h" signifies "Take 2 containers like clockwork."