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hey guys it's andiamo, if your here that means your probably looking to buy a rapid fire mod. well your at the right place, this site is to help me cut down on the time I spend advertising on live, and to also give you a better look at what I do. My goal as a modder is to try and bring you a better experience when gaming and I don’t believe you should have to pay a large amount of money to do that. So far I have rapid fire modded about 10 controllers and all customers are very satisfied. Im not out to rip anyone off but to make an honest buck. so lets get into what makes my mods unique, I order my IC chips from Texas instruments, I use a TLC 555cp IC which oscillates at around 27 pulses per second (more than the game will allow) the chip is built to produce pulses of electricity that go into your controllers circuit board, you produce those pulses every time you pull the triggers. But you can only do them so fast and without consistency, raid fire enables you to hold down one trigger and will allow you fire automatically. notice how I don’t say rapid fire will make you play better... it wont, truly speaking I only find it useful for last stand or g3, but I am far better with a plain old M-16, but on the contrary it's really fun to have!!!!! Nothing is better than lighting up some shit talking 13 year old with and automatic pistol. So for 50$ it's a great buy. I challenge you to find a better deal on eBay. You might find 1 for less (but what’s wrong with it???) my RFC'S triggers are uniquely located in between the right trigger and the right bumper, a process which I believe I am the first to produce, most RFC's have a small hard to use push button on the bottom of the controller, (nobody shoots a gun with their middle finger in real life!!!!?) also you will not have to learn to use the rapid fire, it's just like pulling on the right trigger. ADJUSTMENT!!! almost all RFC'S on the market are made from a single picaxe programmed chip, which is programmed and soldered to A. a push button B. a transistor and C.your circuit board, guess how much they pay for that? 5$ max! and to turn around and sell it to you for how much? 100-150$ RIPP OFF!!! components of my rapid fire mod,/ 2n3904 transistor/ socket /tlc 555cp / 1kom resistor /2 220om resistors /1.5kom resistor /tantalum capacitor/ 100pf capacitor / 1 bread board / a 1k potentiometer / and a good 2 hours worth of work, now I mentioned adjustment--- a potentiometer allows you to adjust the speed of the rapid fire / fast/ slow/ even bursts. Something eBay modders don’t offer. All my work is based of off phlsphr's schematic, only with slight modification to improve it, everything on the controller will work just fine, THE ONLY DIFFERANCE!! YOU WILL LOSE THE RIGHT RUMBLER, but don’t think of this as a big deal, I cant even notice it's gone because the left rumble works just fine, so apart for an accidental ( if any) slight cosmetic mark you will never tell the difference. So now you know the bizz about my mods I ask that serious buyers contact me on live ANDIAMO sjc, and I will tell you how to ship to me. thx to all = )