¤¤. Lyn's Personal Reading/Contacting a Deceased Loved One.¤¤
Hello Lyn,
Please add this web page to your favorites so you can look back on it another time.
In this spread I will take 3 cards from my shuffled deck. With-in these cards will be certain messages from the Angels and your deceased loved one.
I cannot always understand these messages as I just pass them onto you.
The first card tells me about who is with you. It is either someone that is involved in the Arts and Communication or someone that shared a passion or interest in that with you.
They are saying not to allow insecurities to hold you back and that they are there to help and guide you when ever they are needed.
You have a natural talent in the Arts even though you may not see this yet.
Lyn they are telling me to let you know that you need to be honest and co-operate completely.
Let your fears, hopes, confusion, insecurities and dreams be known, right them down, talk them out or just meditate and release them. They will hold you back if you allow them to.
Sometimes you may feel pushed towards doing something. This is your loved one just giving you a little boost to help you along the way.
The second card has some important messages for you.
It is coming back to this pushing feeling you may often get. A push to achieve at work or within the family but one that you are not to comfortable with either way.
This again is just a boost and they cannot seem to get this through to me strong enough. It is being repeated over and over for some reason.
At times you have felt isolated from others like you didn’t quite belong this is because you are a light worker and have been for a very long time.
Please don’t feel that your life has no meaning. The confusion will one day lift and you will know why you are here.
Your loved one is working with the Angels to help you on this one. Just co-operate and go with it.
Ask and you shall receive.
The third card tells me that a move is coming up in the future for you. Either to a new home or place of employment.
You feel sometimes that you want this but it will require so much energy and effort.
It will require some just like any other change but it will be well worth it and it will bring you great joy.
Other family members will adjust to this move very well.
This change is exactly what you need and it will give you a whole new outlook on life.
Your loved one watches over you from above and will help you make the right decisions.
In ending this Lyn, I feel there are trust issues that you need to resolve.
Being hurt is a horrible feeling and one that we can carry into the future even without knowing.
Please try to let go of the anger and hurt as it will hold you back. Allow yourself the peace and security you deserve.
In my thoughts…
Love & Light
Kristy “CrankyVirgo” xxx