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Friday, 6 December 2019
UK Charity Commission applauds Pastor Chris’s Christ Embassy for resolving financial issues

The Charity Commission in the United Kingdom recently completed its review of the popular evangelical Christ Embassy church led by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, concluding that the organization has significantly improved its financial governance and oversight.

The UK Charity Commission has released its final report detailing the six-year inquiry into the financial management of Christ Embassy, a religious organization founded and led by the charismatic Nigerian Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. In its report, the Commission stated that the religious charity had made significant progress and applauded the church for its commitment to improving its management through the appointment of a new board of trustees.


UK Charity Commission inquiry

Christ Embassy is a Nigerian-based international evangelical Christian organization that currently operates 90 churches and provides religious services to an excess of five thousand congregants in the United Kingdom.

The church was flagged by the UK Charity Commission for review after a number of concerns were voiced regarding the use of charity funds. The investigation focused on Christ Embassy’s accounts during the period of 2009 to 2011. In question were a series of grants that Christ Embassy provided to its partner organisations and the decision-making chris pastor processes of the charity’s board of trustees.

The Charity Commission launched a full inquiry into the church’s financial dealings with the goal of improving and strengthening Christ Embassy’s administration and management. Throughout the investigation, the Commission reported that Christ Embassy officials were forthcoming and cooperative with the members of the Commission.

Christ Embassy improves governance and administration

The Commission’s investigation instructed the charitable organization to improve its use of formal contracts, appropriate record-keeping and to better manage conflicts of interest within the organization.

To better assist Christ Embassy in resolving any financial issues that put the organization and its assets at risk, the Charity Commission appointed an interim manager to help the organization comply with its grant-making policy and institute adequate recording of decision making by the trustees. The interim manager completed a full governance and infrastructure review of the charity and its activities.

In response, Christ Embassy embarked on a serious of remedial actions to regularise its governance to ensure it was pastor chris oyakhilome messages fit for purpose. These actions included establishing a central and accurate record of properties and assets, introducing and implementing christ embassy church financial controls, regularizing management, conducting health and safety audits and fire risk assessments, and recruiting and training a new board of trustees to oversee the charitable administration and financial management.

The Charity Commission determined that Christ Embassy has made significant progress with its internal reforms and approved the discharge of the interim manager from his duties on 12 April 2016.

Commission commends Christ Embassy’s significant progress

Christ Embassy’s appointment of a new board of trustees and its new commitment to compliance was commended by the Commission. “I am pleased that these issues have been resolved and that the new board of trustees has shown a clear commitment to move the charity forward responsibly,” said Amy, the Head of Investigations Team at the Charity Commission.

“Those running a charity should always be guided by their charitable purpose. Trustees have an important responsibility to ensure that they act in the best interests of their charity at all times, and take care to safeguard their charity’s assets. Our guidance around governance arrangements is there to help trustees ensure they do just that.”

According to the report, satisfied that the new board of trustees had assumed control of the pastor chris teaching charity’s property, the Commission discharged the freezing order of accounts that had been under review. The interim manager also settled penalties related to late tax return submissions to HM Revenue and Customs.

Moving forward

Christ Embassy has demonstrated a commitment to addressing its governance issues and improving the oversight and control of the charity. Christ Embassy and its lead pastor, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, have expressed gratitude to the Commission and their congregation for the satisfactory resolution of this inquiry and the issues that spurned it.

Spiller reiterated in her announcement, “Charities are trusted in a way that is unique, and people often put a lot of faith in religious charities. It is therefore vital that trustees, particularly those with a large following, do all that they can to inspire public trust, so that they can help to uphold wider public confidence in charities.”

Christ Embassy and Pastor Christ Oyakhilome have committed to act only in the best interest of its congregation and in compliance with the regulations set forth by the UK’s Charity Commission. The church is pleased to have resolved its issues in a satisfactory and positive manner.

With the inquiry complete, Christ Embassy is expected to continue its growth in the UK. Recently, Christ Embassy hosted a sold-out World Evangelism Conference in London which brought hundreds of thousands of church members from all over the world to the United Kingdom for the event.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 10:20 AM EST
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Saturday, 30 November 2019
UK Charity Commission Inquiry: Christ Embassy has satisfactorily resolved past financial issues

Christ Embassy has taken commendable steps to address past financial management issues and has demonstrated a commitment to the responsible financial future of pastor chris oyakhilome 2016 the charity according to a report issued by the UK Charity Commission.

The UK Charity Commission has released its report detailing the six-year inquiry into the Christ Embassy religious charitable organization. The findings reveal that Christ Embassy has satisfactorily resolved identified issues related to the administration and governance of the charity.

The report concluded that Christ Embassy has made significant progress towards addressing management and oversight matters that potentially put the organization at risk. The appointment of a new board of trustees in 2016 demonstrates their commitment to the responsible administration of the charity going forward. The Commission currently lists Christ Embassy’s compliance status as up-to-date.

Christ Embassy is led by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, a popular Nigerian evangelical leader. There are currently 90 Christ Embassy churches operated by the charity across the United Kingdom with a congregation of over 5,000 members. The Christ Embassy religious community continues to grow in the United Kingdom. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and Christ Embassy hosted a sold-out World Evangelism Conference attended by thousands of religious leaders from around the world in London in August 2019.

According to the filings with the Charity Commission, the aims and activities of Christ Embassy within the UK and the rest of the world include: the advancement of Christianity & education in accordance with Christian principles; offering assistance to persons in conditions of need and hardship; the establishment and provision of places of worship for fellowship of evangelical Christians from which they can advance the Christian faith; the use of books, internet & television to spread the Christian faith.

Charity Commission inquiry into Christ Embassy

The UK Charity Commission opened an investigation into Christ Embassy on July 29, 2013, after questions were raised about the charity’s use of funds and the governing policies of its board of trustees. The inquiry aimed to resolve issues surrounding transactions between the charity and partner pastor chris miracles entities that included grants made to Christ Embassy’s related operations such as the Loveworld Television Ministry, the International School of Ministry and other branches of Christ Embassy worldwide.

The investigation also sought to determine whether or not the charity’s trustees had complied with and fulfilled their duties and responsibilities as trustees under charity law. The report notes that during the investigation, Christ Christ Embassy - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Embassy cooperated with all requests of the Commission and made a full commitment to improving on any failings that the inquiry uncovered.

Christ Embassy acknowledges and resolves financial matters

According to the report, the inquiry found a lack of formal contracts or appropriate record-keeping and a lack of evidence of proper decision-making or of conflicts of interest being appropriately managed. The Commission and Christ Embassy acknowledged these issues and set forth on a path to work together to resolve them as to not put the charity at further financial risk and to ensure that all financial matters adhered to relevant UK laws.


The Commission appointed an interim manager to improve financial decision-making Chris Oyakhilome Sermons policies and ensure that the charity was in full compliance with UK charity law. The interim manager appointed by the Charity Commission was employed at the expense of Christ Embassy. In total, the charity paid £1.5 million in fees to the interim manager. The interim manager was relieved of his duties once it was deemed that the organization’s issues were satisfactorily resolved. Christ Embassy’s new board of trustees has assumed the entire financial management of the organization.

Commission applauds Christ Embassy’s efforts

According to Amy Spiller, Head of Investigations Team at the Charity Commission, “This was a complex inquiry that unveiled numerous failings by those running Christ Embassy over a number of years, which exposed the charity to undue risk. I am pleased that these issues have been resolved and that the new board of trustees has shown a clear commitment to move the charity forward responsibly.”

“Those running a charity should always be guided by their charitable purpose,” she added. “Trustees have an important responsibility to ensure that they act in the best interests of their charity at all times, and take care to safeguard their charity’s assets. Our guidance around governance arrangements is there to help trustees ensure they do just that.”

Christ Embassy addresses matters related to its board of trustees In its response to the Charity Commissions report, Christ Embassy and Pastor Chris reiterated the fact that the Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Biography previous trustees were volunteers whose dedication was instrumental in helping to grow the charity since its inception and that no former trustees personally profited from their role within the charity. These individuals, who it must be noted are primarily clergymen and women and not fulltime business administrators, devoted an enormous amount of time and effort to further the good works of Christ Embassy. They had best interests at heart and repeatedly put the needs of Christ Embassy and its congregants before their own. While some clerical and administrative mistakes may have been made, Christ Embassy has committed to seeing that these errors, which were of form rather than substance, have been corrected and will not be made again.

Christ Embassy, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome and the UK Charity Commission are pleased that the inquiry has been closed and that all issues have been adequately resolved. The church will continue to pursue its mission to serve the needs of Christians across the UK and around the world.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 8:46 AM EST
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Monday, 5 August 2019
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Pastor Anita Schafer: 7 Pastors Using 21st Century Technology [biography]

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Anita Schafer, and others are using new ways to help people find and connect with the life-changing Word of God.

Social media and technology have changed the way we live and connect with each other. That is why many churches and pastors are using technology to meet the spiritual needs of their followers. Like televangelists who used tv to reach a new, larger audience, these pastors are using the internet and mobile phones to reach Christians in a modern and meaningful way.

Chris Oyakhilome

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, a popular Nigerian pastor, is the founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated. Pastor Chris uses new technology as the lead pastor of Christ Embassy, which has hundreds of locations worldwide. Pastor Chris’s LoveWorld runs an international LoveWorld television network and an online digital library. His sermons and writings – pastor chris teaching 2016 including his own daily devotional Bible that has been translated into over 140 languages, Rhapsody of Realities – are available to millions.

LoveWorld has built its own mobile app called KingsChat. KIngsChat has messaging, video chat, and social media features that let you connect with your family and friends and stay updated on all LoveWorld news and events. The Christian app bans all hate speech, gossip, and profanity. The free app has been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome runs a healing school with locations in South Africa and Canada and an International School of Ministry. The group also produces gospel music through LoveWorld Music and Arts Ministry. He also is the head of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International – a humanitarian aid organization.

Benny Hinn

Benny Hinn is an American pastor born in Israel. He converted at a young age and has continued to help others find their own path to God. He is a best-selling author, teacher and respected evangelist.

Hinn founded the World Healing Center Church and has become known for his ‘Miracle Healing Services,’ held in cities all over the world and broadcast live on Periscope.

Pastor Hinn became popular through his televised daily Christian talk show: This is Your Day. Through his tv program, website and mobile app, Hinn’s messages reach millions of people daily.

Today, Hinn operates on 11 different social media platforms and publishes eBooks. One of the newest additions to his website is a streaming radio service that has pastor chris oyakhilome house inspirational sermons and teachings.

Pastor Jella Wojacek (Pastor J)

Pastor J is the lead pastor of the fast-growing YOU Church in Switzerland. He found his path to Christ after studying Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s Rhapsody of Realities, which still plays an important role in his church.

YOU Church connects with followers pastor chris miracles on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and KingsChat. Church services and events are broadcast many times a week to millions of people around Europe and the world. YOU Church is a leader in gospel music performance and production, with its music available for purchase on Apple Music and other providers.

Judah Smith

Judah Smith and his wife Chelsea are the lead pastors of Churchome. The church was once led by his father and called The City Church. The church has branches in Seattle and Los Angeles.

Smith became a national name with his New York Times best-selling book – Jesus is _____.

Churchome is popular among young adults and to better reach the church’s audience, pastor chris healing prayer Smith created a mobile app called Churchome Global. The app is a digital worship campus for followers with daily videos, devotionals, prayers and social features such as chats and prayer request boards.

Smith’s style of worship has attracted many celebrity followers including pop star Justin Bieber and NFL football player Russell Wilson.

Anita Schafer

Pastor Anita is the former wife of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. She lives in pastor chris messages the United Kingdom and reaches her followers through her website. She writes a blog where she shares her teachings and offers spiritual guidance to thousands.

After her divorce from Pastor Chris, Anita began operating as an integrated life solution therapist. She offers coaching and therapy to those struggling.

Anita has also written several books and eBooks.

Carl Lentz

Joel Houston and Carl Lentz are the lead pastors of Hillsong NYC, a branch of the popular Australian Hillsong church founded by Joel’s parents, Brian and Bobbie Houston. Hillsong is famous for its music, with many songs written and performed by Joel and his worship band – Hillsong United.

The New York City branch of Hillsong is one of the fastest growing branches. They have worship services in many locations across the city and plan to build new churches in Boston and Connecticut.

One of the interesting ways that Hillsong NYC has built a community for its followers is through Connect Groups. These meet-ups help to create a sense of family and build meaningful relationships between like-minded Christians. Connect Groups include dinner parties, social events, study groups and shorter one-hour meetups for those with busy schedules. Connect Groups are a social way for those looking to devote time to their own spiritual growth.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 7:04 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 30 July 2019
The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International Is Preparing Africa’s Next Generation For Success [biography]

The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) is a Christian based non-governmental organization that has dedicated itself to improving the lives of children across Nigeria, the continent of Africa and beyond. The organization was established to help the most vulnerable people by providing them with unique opportunities and educational, physical and spiritual support to achieve their God-given potential. COFI was founded and is led by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the passionate and charismatic leader of Christ Embassy. His generous leadership has allowed the foundation to flourish in its efforts to aid those most in need – underprivileged youth.

Children hold the Future

The foundation has identified four key areas to dedicate its efforts as to promote the greatest good for those most in need: healthcare, early childhood education and development, youth leadership development and engagement, and family strengthening and livelihood. Each of these focal points aims at creating stronger communities and nurturing individuals to affect positive change in the world.

COFI believes that the solution to society’s problems can be found in the Word of God and that the next generation has the potential to create a better world for all of us. COFI is dedicated to providing children with the tools and sustenance they need to be great leaders and motivators of change. Through its initiatives and partner agencies, the foundation also believes it is vital to identify, support and celebrate young individuals who are making a difference.

COFI sponsors the InnerCity Mission

The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International sponsors the work of the InnerCity Mission for Children, a non-profit organization operating around the world through diverse programs that aim Pastor Chris at ending child poverty and providing children with quality healthcare, nutrition and education. The organization focuses its efforts on breaking the cycle of poverty by helping provide for indignant children living within inner cities. The goal of the InnerCity Mission is to give every life meaning and hope for a better future.

The InnerCity Mission operates health and nutrition programs that seek to improve the quality of life, as well as life expectancy for those children who live in impoverished conditions. Poor nutrition and starvation can affect a child’s physical, mental and social well-being. Children who do not get proper nutrition struggle to concentrate on their studies and are unable to thrive website in school. The organization provides school health programs and maintains food banks to collect food for those most in need.

Providing quality educational opportunities is a pillar of the Chris Chris Oyakhilome Oyakhilome Foundation International. The early years of a child’s life have an enormous impact on who they will become as adults. Early educational and developmental support is vital in fostering successful individuals who can positively impact their communities. The InnerCity Mission operates nursery and primary schools, child mentoring programs and extra-curricular initiatives to promote well-rounded child development.


COFI believes that a strong family forms the foundation of a strong community. For this reason, the organization works to provide support and development programs to help strengthen families so that they can better fulfilthe needs of their children. COFI supports the InnerCity Mission’s efforts to provide welfare assistance, mentoring support and programs designed to empower families living in less than desirable conditions.

Celebrating Young Leaders

The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International is dedicated to delivering sustainable interventions that not only satisfy the basic needs of children but empowers them to become a force for positive change in their communities, their countries and in the world. COFI sponsors the Future Africa Leaders Foundation (FALF) to celebrate and encourage those who have demonstrated exemplary leadership skills and have found inventive and innovative ways to help others.

FALF seeks to impact the next generation of Africa’s leaders through education, youth empowerment and mentoring projects. The organization nurtures and strengthens young men and women so that they can lead their communities into the future. The organization identifies and celebrates youth making a difference Chris Oyakhilome (Anita) with the Future Africa Leaders Awards (FALA) which are held annually.

Talented youth are nominated from nations across the African continent for these globally recognized awards. Each nominee is awarded $10,000 and one outstanding nominee is chosen as a Star Award Winner and receives a prize of $25,000. The prize money serves as a token of encouragement for the young nominees to continue their extraordinary endeavours. All prize funds are provided by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the creator and top motivator of the awards program.

The 2018 FALA Star Award Winner was Isaiah Deng of South Sudan. Deng took impressive action to empower youth within his country, torn apart by civil war and suffering an unimaginable humanitarian crisis. He organized and led several youth development conferences, training programs, leadership forums and training sessions aimed at creating engaged and socially active young people. Deng also motivated young people to be charitable by giving to those in need and then coordinated the donation of food and personal hygiene products delivered to internally displaced people and poor families across South Sudan. He also spearheaded efforts to improve the lives of displaced people living within refugee camps.

Children are a Heritage from the Lord

COFI takes great pride in knowing that its altruistic efforts produce a positive and enduring impact on their lives of children, their families and the communities in which they reside. The foundation invests in youth through programs that provide a child’s essential needs, support academic achievement and create a foundation for lifelong learning and success. Children who are given access to early educational opportunities and are encouraged for their accomplishments become happy, fulfilled adults. It is the ultimate goal of the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International to help vulnerable and indignant children achieve their full potential by supporting their educational, spiritual and social needs.

To learn more about the Chris Oyakhilome chris oyakhilome sermons Foundation International and to support their current and future initiatives to nurture and empower youth please click here to visit their website.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 7:14 PM EDT
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Friday, 26 July 2019
All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets


Tell your friends

Many people are fascinated by the impressive life of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome – his background, a widely successful ministry, family and former wife Anita. This is the comprehensive guide to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, LoveWorld Incorporated, and Christ Embassy.

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the influential founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated and the lead pastor of Christ Embassy. Known by many as the Man of God, his Christian ministry is based in Lagos, Nigeria. Christ Embassy has branches worldwide, making it truly an international church. Pastor Chris has become one of the most popular Nigerian pastors, leading one of the largest congregations in all of Africa.

LoveWorld and Christ Embassy have thrived under the anointed leadership of the highly regarded Pastor. The spirit-filled, healing minister is also a best-selling author, television host, and pastor chris oyakhilome sermons 2016 teacher. He has helped millions to enrich their lives in the service of God.


Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was born on December 7, 1961 in Edo State, Nigeria. His is the first son born to his parents. His younger brother, Pastor Ken Oyakhilome is a prominent member of LoveWorld Incorporated. His sister, Katty Worghiren (formerly Oyakhilome) is also involved in the ministry as the director of the LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry.

Pastor Chris studied architecture at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He also has an honorary degree in divinity from Benson Idahosa University. He created a youth ministry group will at university.

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets



Pastor Chris founded LoveWorld International (formerly known as Believers Love World) and Christ Embassy in 1987. From its humble beginnings as a prayer group led by Pastor Chris, the ministry now is a global network of churches. Pastor Chris has millions pastor chris 2016 of followers in hundreds of countries.

LoveWorld runs an inspirational television network that broadcasts worldwide. The network has stations in Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and more. They also have a vast digital library available online that includes videos, books, and audio recordings.

LoveWorld hosts major spiritual events around the world including conferences, music concerts, art festivals, and worship services. The annual Higher Life Conference is one of the most important LoveWorld events.

International School of Ministry – The Christ Embassy International School of Ministry (ISM) trains ministers and empowers them with the Word of Christ. These courses give them the opportunity to help them share God’s message of eternal life. Pastor Chris teaches at ISM, where he offers his divine wisdom to the students.

The Healing School – Pastor Chris has two international Healing Schools located in South Africa and in Canada. The schools hold seasonal sessions that offer divine healing experiences to Helpful site thousands. Through the Holy Spirit, the Man of God Pastor Chris has transformed many lives and miraculously restored their health.

Rhapsody of Realities – Pastor Chris wrote a daily devotional Bible called Rhapsody of Realities. It has been translated into hundreds of languages and has made the life-changing gospel of Christ easily available to billions.

KingsChat – LoveWorld has a Christian mobile app to help believers connect and follow LoveWorld news and events. The free app includes messaging, video chat and social media features making the LoveWorld community even stronger.

Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International – The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) is a humanitarian NGO devoted to helping those in need. Through their partners, COFI focuses on improving healthcare and early childhood education. They seek to help strengthen families and award youth leadership. Their missions have helped victims of disaster and those in poverty live more fulfilling lives in the name of Christ.

LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry – LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry spreads God’s message and gospel through music and creative arts. LMAM creates gospel music, hosts festivals and concerts, and awards top gospel singers at their annual music awards.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome awarding his daughter Carissa Sharon with the Worship Song of the Year

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome awarding his daughter Carissa Sharon with the Worship Song of the Year

Pastor Chris’s Wife and Children

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome married Reverend Anita Ebhodaghe in 1991. They met as students at Ambrose Alli University.

She became an important partner in his ministry and the community he created. The couple has two beautiful daughters, Carissa Sharon, and Charlyn Oyakhilome. Carissa Sharon is a fast-rising Christian gospel singer also known as CSO who has transformed her father’s teachings into award-winning music.

Pastor Chris and his wife Anita chose to end their marriage and finalized their divorce in 2016. Today, they share custody of their two daughters who they love and support.

Pastor Chris’s Lifestyle

LoveWorld International has had dramatic success in spreading the love of God. The charismatic Pastor Chris lives a luxurious, yet practical lifestyle for an international Man of God. Pastor Chris has two private jets to help shuttle him to the many locations across the Pastor Chris Miracles LoveWorld community. The pastor also has a fleet of cars for similar purposes. The pastor hosts many important spiritual and international leaders at his large private residence in Nigeria.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 1:12 AM EDT
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Thursday, 11 July 2019
Watch: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's interview with David Friedman

MainAll NewsJewish WorldWatch: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's interview with David Friedman

Watch: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's interview with David Friedman

International evangelical pastor Chris Oyakhilome discusses US policy in the Middle East with Ambassador David Friedman

sponsored content, 26/06/19 13:47



International evangelical pastor, Chris Oyakhilome, sat down with US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman for an exclusive interview to discuss US policy, the miracle of Israel, and America’s vision of Chris Oyakhilome democracies living in peace in the Middle East.

The internationally acclaimed Pastor Chris Oyakhilome recently sat down with the United States Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman. The ensuing discussion focused on the relationship between the United States and Israel, America’s vision for the region and the ability of Israel to thrive in the face of adversity. The exclusive interview was originally aired on “Your Loveworld,” a television talk show hosted by the influential evangelical Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the lead pastor of Christ Embassy and the founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated, a successful international Christian organization headquartered in Nigeria that operates a global television satellite network, among other endeavors.

Pastor Chris’s interview with Ambassador Friedman comes during a time when Donald Trump’s administration has gone to great lengths to strengthen the bonds between the United States and Israel.

In 2017, President Trump announced that the United States would formally recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the American embassy to the city. Earlier this year, Trump signed an official proclamation recognizing Israel’s territorial sovereignty over the Golan Heights region, which Israel annexed from Syria after the Six-Day War in 1967.

International response to the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem

President Trump’s actions represent a shift in the United States’ diplomatic relations with Israel. Ambassador Friedman has been the US diplomatic representative on the ground and has overseen the implementation of Trump’s policies firsthand. Pastor Chris opens the interview by asking Ambassador Friedman about his feelings and observations since the relocation of the US Embassy one year ago. Friedman replies that the year has proven to be exceptionally successful and tranquil, with no backlash in response to America’s declaration in regard to Jerusalem.

Pastor Chris, who was personally invited by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the celebration of the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem, continues the discussion questioning Friedman about the international response to the US diplomatic move. Ambassador Friedman concedes that they have not seen other countries following the US lead at the fast pace that they had hoped for, however, he says he is still optimistic that there will be more movement.

While the US has heard vocal opposition from countries like France and Germany, other nations appear to be more receptive to the official recognition of Jerusalem, with Guatemala opening an embassy there and other nations, such as the Czech Republic, establishing diplomatic facilities in the city.

Friedman declares that the United States moving its diplomatic mission to Jerusalem is both diplomatically and historically correct and in no way does it denigrate from the desire to see peace in Pastor Chris the region or to see the Palestinians live in dignity with autonomy.

Israel is a Miraculous Country

When asked by Pastor Chris about his thoughts on Israel after serving in the position for over a year and seeing the situation evolve, Ambassador Friedman calls Israel a ‘miraculous’ country. He praised the Israeli people, saying he was very impressed by their resiliency and ingenuity. Friedman cited the many challenges faced by the small country - surrounded by enemies, under constant threat by terrorist groups – and commended Israel for its ability to not just survive, but to maintain pastor chris oyakhilome teaching on the holy spirit its strength and security, develop a world-class economy and become a leader in high technology.

Ambassador Friedman, a long-time supporter of Israel, attributed the strong bond between the United States and Israel to the shared values and accomplishments achieved by the two nations, admitting that Israel does it with a much greater risk to its security than the US. He admired Israel’s ability to excel against the odds.

‘The Golan Heights needs to be part of Israel forever’

Turning the conversation to more recent developments, Pastor Chris asked Ambassador Friedman about the US declaration recognizing the Golan Heights as part of Israel. In response, he affirmed President Trump’s desire to support Israel and defend its position within the region.

Friedman noted that the Golan Heights is a strategically important territory for Israel. Saying that there is simply no conceptualization of Israel’s northern border that does not include the Golan Heights. He called it inconceivable that the Golan Heights would be returned to Syrian President Bashar Assad, who he called a ruthless despot responsible for killing or displacing more than a million people. He lauded President Trump’s move, saying that not only was it the right decision but that it is something that should have been done the administration’s predecessors.

Israel Provides a Model for others to Aspire to

As the US diplomatic representative to Israel, Pastor Chris asked Ambassador Friedman to articulate America’s vision is for the Middle East region. Friedman replied, “We’d like to see much of the region join the 21st century, develop better practices with regard to human rights, [foster] more open, transparent econom[ies], [and] nonaggression from one country to the next.”

Friedman called Israel the ‘lynchpin’ to America’s diplomatic vision for the region. As the only democracy in the Middle East, he called Israel the model the US would like to see others aspire to. Ultimately, he said the jesus christ US wants to see democratic nations living in peace in the Middle East.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 2:56 PM EDT
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Sunday, 7 July 2019
Watch: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's interview with David Friedman

MainAll NewsJewish WorldWatch: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's interview with David Friedman

Watch: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's interview with David Friedman

International evangelical pastor Chris Oyakhilome discusses US policy in the Middle East with Ambassador David Friedman

sponsored content, 26/06/19 13:47


International evangelical pastor, Chris Oyakhilome, sat down with US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman for an exclusive interview to discuss US policy, the miracle of Israel, and America’s vision of democracies living in peace in the Middle East.

The internationally acclaimed Pastor Chris Oyakhilome recently sat down with the United States Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman. The ensuing discussion focused on the relationship between the United States and Israel, America’s vision for the region and the ability of Israel to thrive in the face of adversity. The exclusive interview was originally aired on “Your Loveworld,” a television talk show hosted by the influential evangelical Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the lead pastor of Christ Embassy and the founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated, a successful international Christian organization headquartered in Nigeria that operates a global television satellite network, among other endeavors.


Pastor Chris’s interview with Ambassador Friedman comes during a time when Donald Trump’s administration has gone to great lengths to strengthen the bonds between the United States and Israel.

In 2017, President Trump announced that the United States would formally recognize the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the American embassy to the city. Earlier this year, Trump signed an official proclamation recognizing Israel’s territorial sovereignty over the Golan Heights region, which Israel annexed from Syria after the Six-Day War in 1967.

International response to the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem

President Trump’s actions represent a shift in the United States’ diplomatic relations with Israel. Ambassador Friedman has been the US diplomatic representative on the ground and has overseen the implementation of Trump’s policies firsthand. Pastor Chris opens the interview by asking Ambassador Friedman about his feelings and observations since the relocation of the US Embassy one year ago. Friedman replies that the year has proven to be exceptionally successful and tranquil, with no backlash in response to America’s declaration in regard to Jerusalem.

Pastor Chris, who was personally invited by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the celebration of the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem, continues the discussion questioning Friedman about the international response to the US diplomatic move. Ambassador Friedman concedes that they have not seen other countries following the US lead at the fast pace that they had hoped for, however, he says he is still optimistic that there will Chris Oyakhilome (Anita) be more movement.

While the US has heard vocal opposition from countries like France and Germany, other nations appear to be more receptive to the official recognition of Jerusalem, with Guatemala opening an embassy there and other nations, such as the Czech Republic, establishing diplomatic facilities chris oyakhilome sermons in the city.

Friedman declares that the United States moving its diplomatic mission to Jerusalem is both diplomatically and historically correct and in no way does it denigrate from the desire to see peace in the region or to see the Palestinians live in dignity with autonomy.

Israel is a Miraculous Country

When asked by Pastor Chris about his thoughts christian websites on Israel after serving in the position for over a year and seeing the situation evolve, Ambassador Friedman calls Israel a ‘miraculous’ country. He praised the Israeli people, saying he was very impressed by their resiliency and ingenuity. Friedman cited the many challenges faced by the small country - surrounded by enemies, under constant threat by terrorist groups – and commended Israel for its ability to not just survive, but to maintain its strength and security, develop a world-class economy and become a leader in high technology.

Ambassador Friedman, a long-time supporter of Israel, attributed the strong bond between the United States and Israel to the shared values and accomplishments achieved by the two nations, admitting that Israel does it with a much greater risk to its security than the US. He admired Israel’s ability to excel against the odds.

‘The Golan Heights needs to be part of Israel forever’

Turning the conversation to more recent developments, Pastor Chris asked Ambassador Friedman about the US declaration recognizing the Golan Heights as part of Israel. In response, he affirmed President Trump’s desire to support Israel and defend its position within the region.

Friedman noted that the Golan Heights is a strategically important territory for Israel. Saying that there is simply no conceptualization of Israel’s northern border that does not include the Golan Heights. He called it inconceivable that the Golan Heights would be returned to Syrian President Bashar Assad, who he called a ruthless despot responsible for killing or displacing more than a million people. He lauded President Trump’s move, saying that not only was it the right decision but that it Pastor Chris is something that should have been done the administration’s predecessors.

Israel Provides a Model for others to Aspire to

As the US diplomatic representative to Israel, Pastor Chris asked Ambassador Friedman to articulate America’s vision is for the Middle East region. Friedman replied, “We’d like to see much of the region join the 21st century, develop better practices with regard to human rights, [foster] more open, transparent econom[ies], [and] nonaggression from one country to the next.”

Friedman called Israel the ‘lynchpin’ to America’s diplomatic vision for the region. As the only democracy in the Middle East, he called Israel the model the US would like to see others aspire to. Ultimately, he said the US wants to see democratic nations living in peace in the Middle East.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 3:03 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 3 July 2019
All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

Many people are fascinated by the impressive life of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome – his background, a widely successful ministry, family and former wife Anita. This is the comprehensive guide to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, LoveWorld Incorporated, and Christ Embassy.

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the influential founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated and the lead pastor of Christ Embassy. Known by many as the Man of God, his Christian ministry is based in Lagos, Nigeria. Christ Embassy has branches worldwide, making it truly an international church. Pastor Chris has become one of the most popular Nigerian pastors, leading one of the largest congregations in all of Africa.


LoveWorld and Christ Embassy have thrived under the anointed leadership of the highly regarded Pastor. The spirit-filled, healing minister is also a best-selling author, television host, and teacher. He has helped millions to enrich Chris Oyakhilome (Anita) their lives in the service of God.


Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was born on December 7, 1961 in Edo State, Nigeria. His is the first son born to his parents. His younger brother, Pastor Ken Oyakhilome is a prominent member of LoveWorld Incorporated. His sister, Katty Worghiren (formerly Oyakhilome) is also involved in the ministry as the director of the LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry.


Pastor Chris studied architecture at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He also has an honorary degree in divinity from Benson Idahosa University. He created a youth ministry group will at university.

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets


Pastor Chris founded LoveWorld International (formerly known as Believers Love World) and Christ Embassy in 1987. From its humble beginnings as a prayer group led by Pastor Chris, the ministry now is a global network of churches. Pastor Chris has millions of followers in hundreds of countries.

LoveWorld runs an inspirational television network that broadcasts worldwide. The network has stations in Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and more. They also have a vast digital library available online that includes videos, books, and audio recordings.

LoveWorld hosts major spiritual events around the world including conferences, music concerts, art festivals, and worship services. The annual Higher Life Conference is one of the most important LoveWorld events.

International School of Ministry – The Christ Embassy International School of Ministry (ISM) trains ministers and empowers them with the Word of Christ. These courses give them the opportunity to help them share God’s message of eternal life. Pastor Chris teaches at ISM, pastor chris sermons where he offers his divine wisdom to the students.

The Healing School – Pastor Chris has two international Healing Schools located in South Africa and in Canada. The schools hold seasonal sessions that offer divine healing experiences to thousands. Through the Holy Spirit, the Man of God Pastor Chris has transformed many lives and miraculously restored their health.

Rhapsody of Realities – Pastor Chris wrote a daily devotional Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Bible called Rhapsody of Realities. It has been translated into hundreds of languages and has made the life-changing gospel of Christ easily available to billions.

KingsChat – LoveWorld has a Christian mobile app to help believers connect and follow LoveWorld news and events. The free app includes messaging, video chat and social media features making the LoveWorld community even stronger.

Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International – The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) is a humanitarian NGO devoted to helping those in need. Through their partners, COFI focuses on improving healthcare and early childhood education. They seek to help strengthen families and award youth leadership. Their missions have helped victims of disaster and those in poverty live more fulfilling lives in the name of Christ.

LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry – LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry spreads God’s message and gospel through music and creative arts. LMAM creates gospel music, hosts festivals and concerts, and awards top gospel singers at their annual music awards.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome awarding his daughter Carissa Sharon with the Worship Song of the Year

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome awarding his daughter Carissa Sharon with the Worship Song of the Year

Pastor Chris’s Wife and Children

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome married Reverend Anita Ebhodaghe in 1991. They met as students at Ambrose Alli University.

She became an important partner in his ministry and the community he created. The couple has two beautiful daughters, Carissa Sharon, and Charlyn Oyakhilome. Carissa Sharon Chris Oyakhilome is a fast-rising Christian gospel singer also known as CSO who has transformed her father’s teachings into award-winning music.

Pastor Chris and his wife Anita chose to end their marriage and finalized their divorce in 2016. Today, they share custody of their two daughters who they love and support.

Pastor Chris’s Lifestyle

LoveWorld International has had dramatic success in spreading the love of God. The charismatic Pastor Chris lives a luxurious, yet practical lifestyle for an international Man of God. Pastor Chris has two private jets to help shuttle him to the many locations across the LoveWorld community. The pastor also has a fleet of cars for similar purposes. The pastor hosts many important spiritual and international leaders at his large private residence in Nigeria.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 2:32 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 25 June 2019
All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

Many people are fascinated by the impressive life of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome – his background, a widely successful ministry, family and former wife Anita. This is the comprehensive guide to Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, LoveWorld Incorporated, and Christ Embassy.

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is the influential founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated and the lead pastor of Christ Embassy. Known by many as the Man of God, his Christian ministry is based in Lagos, Nigeria. Christ Embassy has branches worldwide, making it truly an international church. Pastor Chris has become one of the most popular Nigerian pastors, leading one of the largest congregations in all of Africa.

LoveWorld and Christ Embassy have thrived under the anointed leadership of the highly regarded Pastor. The spirit-filled, healing minister is also a best-selling author, television host, and teacher. He has helped millions to enrich their lives in the service of God.


Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was born on December 7, 1961 in Edo State, Nigeria. His is the first son born to his parents. His younger brother, Pastor Ken Oyakhilome is a prominent member of LoveWorld Incorporated. His sister, Katty Worghiren (formerly Oyakhilome) is also involved in the ministry as the director of the LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry.


Pastor Chris studied architecture at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. He also has an honorary degree Click here for info in divinity from Benson Idahosa University. He created a youth ministry group will at university.

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets

All about Pastor Chris Oyakhilome: LoveWorld, Christ Embassy Ministry, family, wife Anita, and private jets


Pastor Chris founded LoveWorld International (formerly known as Believers Love World) and Christ Embassy in 1987. From its humble beginnings as a prayer group led by Pastor Chris, the ministry now is a global network of churches. Pastor Chris has millions of followers in hundreds of countries.

LoveWorld runs an inspirational television network that broadcasts worldwide. The network has stations in Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States and more. They also have a vast digital library available online that includes videos, books, and audio recordings.

LoveWorld pastor chris messages pastor chris oyakhilome biography hosts major spiritual events around the world including conferences, music concerts, art festivals, and worship services. The annual Higher Life Conference is one of the most important LoveWorld events.

International School of Ministry – The Christ Embassy International School of Ministry (ISM) trains ministers and empowers them with the Word of Christ. These courses give them the opportunity to help them share God’s message of eternal life. Pastor Chris teaches at ISM, where he offers his divine wisdom to the students.

The Healing School – Pastor Chris has two international Healing Schools located in South Africa and in Canada. The schools hold seasonal sessions that offer divine healing experiences to thousands. Through the Holy Spirit, the Man of God Pastor Chris has transformed many lives and miraculously restored their health.

Rhapsody of Realities – Pastor Chris wrote a daily devotional Bible called Rhapsody of Realities. It has been translated into hundreds of languages and has made the life-changing gospel of Christ easily available to billions.

KingsChat – LoveWorld has a Christian mobile app to help believers connect and follow LoveWorld news and events. The free app includes messaging, video chat and social media features making the LoveWorld community even stronger.

Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International – The Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International (COFI) is a humanitarian NGO devoted to helping those in need. Through their partners, COFI focuses on improving healthcare and early childhood education. They seek to help strengthen families and award youth leadership. Their missions have helped victims of disaster and those in poverty live more fulfilling lives in the name of Christ.

LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry – LoveWorld Music & Arts Ministry spreads God’s message and gospel through music and creative arts. LMAM creates gospel music, hosts festivals and concerts, and awards top gospel singers at their annual music awards.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome awarding his daughter Carissa Sharon with the Worship Song of the Year

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome awarding his daughter Carissa Sharon with the Worship Song of the Year

Pastor Chris’s Pastor Chris Wife and Children

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome married Reverend Anita Ebhodaghe in 1991. They met as students at Ambrose Alli University.

She became an important partner in his ministry and the community he created. The couple has two beautiful daughters, Carissa Sharon, and Charlyn Oyakhilome. Carissa Sharon is a fast-rising Christian gospel singer also known as CSO who has transformed her father’s teachings into award-winning music.


Pastor Chris and his wife Anita chose to end their marriage and finalized their divorce in 2016. Today, they share custody of their two daughters who they love and support.

Pastor Chris’s Lifestyle

LoveWorld International has had dramatic success in spreading the love of God. The charismatic Pastor Chris lives a luxurious, yet practical lifestyle for an international Man of God. Pastor Chris has two private jets to help shuttle him to the many locations across the LoveWorld community. The pastor also has a fleet of cars for similar purposes. The pastor hosts many important spiritual and international leaders at his large private residence in Nigeria.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 3:59 PM EDT
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Sunday, 23 June 2019
From Pastor Chris Oyakhilome to Benny Hinn and Pastor Anita Schafer- These are 10 of the fastest rising evangelical ministers in the world

These are the 10 fastest rising evangelical Christian ministers in the world. While some of these pastors have been around for a while and already have a devote following, all 10 have found new and interesting ways to connect people with God’s message making them pastors to watch in the coming year.

From Pastor Chris Oyakhilome to Benny Hinn and Pastor Anita Schafer- These are 10 of the Fastest Rising Evangelical Ministers in the World [LoveWorld USA]

1. Nigeria: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Chris Oyakhilome is a Nigerian pastor who is the founder and president of LoveWorld Incorporated and lead pastor of Christ Embassy. Christ Embassy has locations in several countries around the world. The ministry maintains an online prayer network and operates a LoveWorld television network and digital library allowing it to reach millions of followers around Chris Oyakhilome href="">Pastor Chris the world.

LoveWorld Incorporated operates an International School of Ministry, LoveWorld Music and Arts Ministry and the Chris Oyakhilome Foundation International- a humanitarian NGO. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s ministry also includes an international healing school with locations in South Africa and Canada, which host seasonal sessions.

Oyakhilome authored his own daily devotional bible, Rhapsody of Realities, which has been translated into over 140 languages.

Pastor Chris Oyakhilome hosts an annual Future African Leaders Awards to recognize, celebrate and support young men and women who have demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities and have made a difference in their communities.

Benny Hinn [Benny Hinn Ministries]

2. United States: Benny Hinn

Pastor Benny Hinn was originally born in Israel and raised under the Eastern Orthodox tradition before converting to Pentecostalism in his teen years.

Hinn is most well-known for his ‘Miracle Crusades,’ large faith healing revival gatherings he conducts in the United States and across the Oyakhilome world. Following the popularity of these crusades, his ministry began to expand rapidly. Hinn is currently the host of what has become one of the most prominent and widely viewed daily Christian talk shows around the world: This is Your Day.

In addition to his pastoral work, Hinn has authored several books on Christianity. Benny Hinn’s ministries operate outreach missions for children across the world providing housing, medical care, food, clothing and educational materials to help the next generation fulfill their potential as God’s children.

Nick Vujicic [Wikimedia Commons]

3. Australia: Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic is an Australian evangelical Christian and motivational speaker. Vujicic, who was born without arms and legs due to a rare disorder, started an evangelic ministry called Life Without Limbs in 2005. He continues to serve as president and CEO of the non-profit ministry which hosts live events and operates as a digital church.

He writes and speaks about how God has helped him to overcome the struggles and obstacles he has encountered in his life. Vujicic shares messages of hope and love with his followers through his books, online presence and at speaking engagements all around the world.

Pastor Jella Wojacek [YOU Church]

4. Switzerland: Pastor Jella Wojacek (Pastor J)

Pastor J is the senior pastor of YOU Church in Kloten, Switzerland. He became a born-again Christian in 2016 after studying Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s devotional Bible, Rhapsody of Realities, which continues to play a prominent role in his church. Since that time, he has built a large following in the religious community in Switzerland, Europe and around the world.

The YOU Church reaches an even wider audience by broadcasting their services multiple times weekly on international television outlets. The church has also become known for its gospel and worship music, even performing concerts in such famous stadiums as the O2 Arena in London.

Judah Smith [Premier Productions]

5. United States: Judah Smith

Judah Smith is a pastor and author who wrote the New York Times best-selling book Jesus is _____.

He and his wife, Chelsea, are the lead pastors of Churchome, formerly known as Christ Embassy - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome The City Church, which has branches in Seattle and Los Angeles.

He has created a mobile application called Churchome Global to help make the church and God’s word more accessible to people, especially young people. The digital worship campus features daily videos, devotionals, prayers, and social aspects like chat functions and prayer request boards.

Smith is known as the pastor for several high-profile celebrity followers including Justin Bieber and football player Russell Wilson.

Robert Kayanja [Wikimedia Commons]

6. Uganda: Robert Kayanja

Robert Kayanja is a pastor and author who founded Miracle Centre Churches in Kampala, Uganda. The pastor came from humble beginnings, born into an impoverished family living in a small village.

Pastor Kayanja also founded and operates Channel 44 Television, a Christian television network.

He also acts as the overseer of his church’s Miracle Bible College, the Never Again Children’s project and the Kapeeka orphanage.

Kayanja is a prolific author who has written many books and e-books on Christianity and devotional practice for all ages.

Joel Houston [Hillsong Church]

7. Australia/United States: Joel Houston

Joel pastor chris sermons Houston is the oldest son of the Sydney-based Hillsong Church founders Brian and Bobbie Houston. Joel is a musician, songwriter and charismatic speaker. He is the lead singer, songwriter and guitar player of the Christian worship band Hillsong United. Many of the songs written by Houston have been featured on Hillsong’s albums and are now popularly sung in churches throughout the world.

Houston currently acts as the creative director for Hillsong, which is one of the fastest growing evangelical church networks, operating branches around the globe. Houston currently resides in New York City where he has been working to establish and build the church’s NYC branch where he serves as co-pastor.


Pastor Anita Schafer [Pastor Anita’s Blog]

8. United Kingdom: Pastor Anita Schafer

Pastor Anita is originally from Nigerian but currently resides in the United Kingdom. She is a dual citizen, as her mother is Swiss, providing her with a diverse cultural heritage.

She used to operate the successful UK branch of Christ Embassy. She is a born again Christian and former Vice President of Believer’s LoveWorld Inc and former member of the ministry’s governing body, the Central Executive Council.

She is an author, writing several devotionals and books on Christian living and chronicles of her own life. Anita currently maintains a blog and Facebook page which she uses to share her ideas about faith.

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Posted by anitaoyakhilomejxjy874 at 7:54 PM EDT
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