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School Life
Thursday, 10 June 2010
School Life <3
Mood:  irritated

Well, my brother is doing my head in. Mum says, as she always does, "Don't eat anything. Dinner will be ready soon." But does Declan (my brother) listen? No, course he doesn't. So he goes and eats a packet of crisps, then a whole bloody carton of Hagen Daz cookie dough ice cream. Oh well, it's off anyway:D He deserves it if he pukes his stomach up.

School again today. Obviously. Can't believe it's only Thursday. It seems like time really really hates me:( Oh well. I had Maths first, which was alright, but I didn't do anything. Like normal. I mean, I am not, I repeat, NOT, one of them girls that usually dodges as much work as she can. But, I understand all of it, and today was algebra, and when the hell am I going to need that in life? So, yeah, I was bore shitless, and I couldn't even text anyone coz I left my phone at home. So, I decided to mess about on my Ipod. I kinda felt sorry for the teacher, as he kinda has no power of control over our class. But it is funny to watch him as he panics everytime he loses a protracter.

Then we had Drama. Worst subject in the world! I don't even know how it can be counted as a subject. I mean, I completely understand if you want to be a actor or actress, but I want to be a journalist, so I really don't see the point in it. I will never need to act or anything. It's almost as pointless as algebra. But, I guess it teaches you to lie well. Probably gonna need that in life, judging that I seem to get in enough trouble as it is.

Break. Talking. Pretty much covered.

Whoops, gtg. But update l8r

Serena xxx

Posted by annoyinglittlebrat at 4:31 PM BST
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Wednesday, 9 June 2010
First Blog
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Nothing :(


Seriously, about to kill someone! Right, here's the deal.

I go to a school which is completely and utterly shit.

My little brother( 5 years old) will not leave me alone and my little sister (1 and a half) will not stop climbing up the bloody blinds. And I have to have dinner soon, which I really do not want or need.

So there you have it. But the one thig that did help me get through the day was that one boy who I really really like... not saying his name though, coz if anybody at school ever found this, I would be dead meat.

So, today was so boring. First up was English. We had our reading assessment, but cause my name was quite close to last on the register, the teacher didn't get round to doing my reading assessment. So me and my friends just sat at the back chatting, and every time the teacher looked round, pretended to be reading the book we were supposed to be reading. I think it's called 'Follow Me Down' or something. If you know anything about it, please comment! I just really can't be arsed to read it. Typical me :D

Next was Life Skills. We had a assessment then, a debate about whether or not we should raise the criminal age to 13 (my age). I was against it, to keep it at 10 years old. Let's just say my debate team got very heated and started argueing with other members of our team. So, no, that was not exactly the best lesson either.

Break! Sat in science with everybody else, just chatting and eating. Quite fun, found out a load of gossip, but best not put that on here or else somone will kill me. Fell of the wall a couple of times, grazed my elbow:(

Maths third lesson. One of my friends had a student from Fermany to guide round the school, so she sat on our table and we chatted about whether German sounded like someone throwing up or a cat with diarrhoea. We settled on someone being sick XD

Forth lesson was food tech. We had a double lesson, making chicken and lemon risotto. It was horrible! I can't stand touching chicken, and my teacher would not let anyone help me, so I cooked it and stuck a couple of lemons on top as 'decoration'. It looked more like what my brother made at school. Let's face it, I can eat food, but not make it.

Lunch. Didn't have much to eat, a packet of crisps. But I'm not that keen on school dinners. I'll have to start making my own lunches, but it feels kinda babyish, so I think I might as well stick with school dinners.

Foodtech again! Finished quickly so I could chat. Teacher caught me doing an impression of her. She wasn't that pleased. I don't think she saw the funny side of it. Talked my way out of a detention by complimenting her on the way she washed up bowls. Suprisingly it actually worked. Remember that!

When I got home, I watched a tiny bit of tv, then came on here. And made this account. And this is my first post:D

Gotta go, Mum needs something.

Serena xxx

Posted by annoyinglittlebrat at 4:54 PM BST
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