Chemtrails are true!
Have you ever looked up at a plane flying overhead and seen the white, cloudlike trails extending in its wake? Notice how the trail starts out nice and compact, but then slowly begins to expand to cover a wide area? That is because these are not contrails, despite what family scholars might try to tell you. They are chemtrails!
For years students have been taught that the white wakes left behind from airplanes were merely harmless water vapor. One only needs to ask two simple questions to realize that is a complete lie. First, why do the vapor trails only appear sometimes? If all fuel contained water, shouldn't there always be vapor? Second, isn't there always water vapor in the air? Why does the air not turn white and vaporize like the trails do? The missing ingredient is particulate matter. To condense, water molecules need a particulate nuclei to form around, or else they will remain in a gaseous form. At high altitudes, there is no particulate matter for water to condense on, because it is very far from the ground, and dirt can't fly that high. No, the secret to chemtrails is the fact that GE engines actually have a pressure sensitive switch that begins dispensing dihyrdromethaltrioxide, a lethal poison.
Where do most scientists get their funding from? The government! That is why they have told you for years that chemtrails are merely water vapor. While an excellent lethal poison, and very light which helps it float farther, dihydromethaltrioxide binds very readily with water when it is released. This is why you can spot chemtrails. Scientists for years have know that if they blow the whistle on this secret, they would never receive another dime of funding. You might wonder why you have never seen a chemtrail dispenser on an airplane. The secret is with GE. Why do you think the government bailed out GE first? They have been working together since the 1950's on this project. Engines are built with enough dihydromethaltrioxide, a lethal poison, to dispense it for the life of the engine cycle. When the engine is due up for inspection or overhaul, engineers at GE refill the supply.
God told Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Look up and count the stars though. You probably can see 35 starts maximum behind the orange glow of the city. There are too many people in the cities, that is why the government is putting out chemtrails.
Chemtrails are true!
All of this is really bs