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How to extend the life of your car

Everyone dreams of the car of their dreams and once you get it, after much effort tricks-car-to-last-more-time and money, you take care of it as if it were your baby. To keep it always perfect you always have it clean so that it looks nice and sleek, and to protect it from any damage accounts with the best affordable car insurance tips to make your car last longer You must take good care of all the parts that make up your vehicle if you want this to be your travel companion for many years.


The tires are an essential part of the car and therefore deserve a lot of attention. They have to be in a perfect state as they influence the stability of the car and its safety. If you have the tires in good condition this can make you save up to 10% on fuel. If the depth of the drawing is less than 3 millimeters it is necessary to change them. You have to be aware of the tire pressure because if you have a low pressure, the tire will get very hot and serious danger. Check the tires always before leaving the trip and also, normally, to have a control over them.


Check oil level often and watch for the maximum period of time between oil changes. It is very important that when the oil level gauge is lit, do not wait to refill it, do so immediately. Changing the oil is the best way to ensure your engine is lubricated, clean and free of hazards. The oils have a life time and it is necessary to change it when it has lost its properties if it has contact with the air also loses its properties. Lack of lubricant can cause severe engine damage. It is also necessary to know that the oil has an optimum mileage after which it has to be renewed. After many kilometers, the oil is not guaranteed to have 100% lubricating properties. Check it at least once a month.

Warm Up

Cars need to warm up before starting the journey. It is very important that you wait for the vehicle to get the right temperature, do not raise the rpm abruptly. The car does not reach a suitable temperature to operate without pressure until 10 minutes have passed. The oil has to have a minimum temperature so that it can lubricate all the points well. In the mornings, we advise you to start the engine at idle before starting. This ensures that the lubricant has the correct temperature. This is very important especially in winter and if your car sleeps on the street.

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