Ways To Make Out Of Ramadan
Ramadan is a month full of blessings for the Muslim ummah (nation). It is a
time when they can earn the most rewards and clean themselves of their past
sins. However, not every Muslim gets to make the most out of this month.
Therefore, here we shall discuss some great ways to make the most out of this
Earn great rewards
The month of Ramadan gives Muslims the advantage of multiplying the rewards for their good deeds by a great number. It is thus a great chance for Muslims to brighten their chances of entering Jannah (Heaven). Consequently, the chances of the hellfire laying harm on us are greatly reduced as well. We can refer to the following ahadith to back this:
“Whoever fasts one day in the path of Allah, Allah removes the hellfire 70 years farther away from his face” (Sahih Muslim)
“Whoever draws near to Allah during it (Ramadan) with a single characteristic from the characteristics of (voluntary) goodness, he is like whoever performs an obligatory act in other times. And whoever performs an obligatory act during it, he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah)
above hadith should be motivation enough for us to indulge in great religious
activities such as reciting Quran.
It is even more beneficial to understand the Quran. For that purpose you can
acquire its copy Quran With English Translation if the language of your choice is English. That way, you won’t
be reading it only as a duty but with more interest than before.
Have true intentions
intention for fasting in this month should not be to get slim or lose the extra
fat around your belly. If you do that, then the fast would be for yourself and
not for your creator Allah. Furthermore, Allah will not accept your fast if
your intention is not to please him. Your effort would be fruitless then.
Not only just to get our fast accepted, true intention is imperative also to get our past sins forgiven. As mentioned in the following hadith:
“.. whoever fasts during Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven." (Bukhari)
is always aware of what’s in our heart, we may portray something else to other
but we cannot fool the one who created us. Therefore for our own good, it is
necessary that we correct our intentions for every religious act.
As for the forgiveness of sins, it is imperative that we realize our mistakes and then ask for forgiveness immediately. Allah loves the act of asking for his forgiveness. However, it is a far greater sin to know our mistake but keep repeating them (even after realization) and never asking His forgiveness.
As a Muslim, you must feel lucky to be able to experience this month. Recite the Quran, be good to others and do all the great activities that will return you with great rewards. If you live through this month with devotion and sincere heart, you develop the habit of living the same way the rest of the year as well.